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<chapter xml:id="language.references" xmlns="">
<title>References Explained</title>
<sect1 xml:id="language.references.whatare">
<title>What References Are</title>
References in PHP are a means to access the same variable content
by different names. They are not like C pointers; instead, they are
symbol table aliases. Note that in PHP, variable name and variable
content are different, so the same content can have different names.
The closest analogy is with Unix filenames and files -
variable names are directory entries, while variable content is
the file itself. References can be likened to hardlinking in
Unix filesystem.
<sect1 xml:id="language.references.whatdo">
<title>What References Do</title>
PHP references allow you to make two variables to refer to the
same content. Meaning, when you do:
<programlisting role="php">
$a =& $b;
it means that <varname>$a</varname> and <varname>$b</varname>
point to the same content.
<varname>$a</varname> and <varname>$b</varname> are completely
equal here. <varname>$a</varname> is not pointing to
<varname>$b</varname> or vice versa.
<varname>$a</varname> and <varname>$b</varname> are pointing to the
same place.
If arrays with references are copied, their values are not dereferenced.
This is valid also for arrays passed by value to functions.
If you assign, pass, or return an undefined variable by reference,
it will get created.
<title>Using references with undefined variables</title>
<programlisting role="php">
function foo(&$var) { }
foo($a); // $a is "created" and assigned to null
$b = array();
var_dump(array_key_exists('b', $b)); // bool(true)
$c = new StdClass;
var_dump(property_exists($c, 'd')); // bool(true)
The same syntax can be used with functions that return references,
and with the <literal>new</literal> operator (in PHP 4.0.4 and later):
<programlisting role="php">
$bar =& new fooclass();
$foo =& find_var($bar);
Since PHP 5, <link linkend="">new</link> returns
a reference automatically, so using <literal>=&amp;</literal> in this
context is deprecated and produces an E_STRICT message.
Not using the <literal>&amp;</literal> operator causes a copy of the
object to be made. If you use <literal>$this</literal> in the class it
will operate on the current instance of the class. The assignment without
<literal>&amp;</literal> will copy the instance (i.e. the object) and
<literal>$this</literal> will operate on the copy, which is not always
what is desired. Usually you want to have a single instance to work with,
due to performance and memory consumption issues.
While you can use the <literal>@</literal> operator to
<emphasis>mute</emphasis> any errors in the constructor when using it as
<literal>@new</literal>, this does not work when using the
<literal>&amp;new</literal> statement. This is a limitation of the Zend
Engine and will therefore result in a parse error.
If you assign a reference to a variable declared <literal>global</literal>
inside a function, the reference will be visible only inside the function.
You can avoid this by using the <varname>$GLOBALS</varname> array.
<title>Referencing global variables inside functions</title>
<programlisting role="php">
$var1 = "Example variable";
$var2 = "";
function global_references($use_globals)
global $var1, $var2;
if (!$use_globals) {
$var2 =& $var1; // visible only inside the function
} else {
$GLOBALS["var2"] =& $var1; // visible also in global context
echo "var2 is set to '$var2'\n"; // var2 is set to ''
echo "var2 is set to '$var2'\n"; // var2 is set to 'Example variable'
Think about <literal>global $var;</literal> as a shortcut to <literal>$var
=&amp; $GLOBALS['var'];</literal>. Thus assigning another reference
to <literal>$var</literal> only changes the local variable's reference.
If you assign a value to a variable with references in a
&foreach; statement, the references are modified too.
<title>References and foreach statement</title>
<programlisting role="php">
$ref = 0;
$row =& $ref;
foreach (array(1, 2, 3) as $row) {
// do something
echo $ref; // 3 - last element of the iterated array
The second thing references do is to pass variables
by reference. This is done by making a local variable in a function and
a variable in the calling scope referencing the same content. Example:
<programlisting role="php">
function foo(&$var)
will make <varname>$a</varname> to be 6. This happens because in
the function <varname>foo</varname> the variable
<varname>$var</varname> refers to the same content as
<varname>$a</varname>. For more information on this, read the <link
linkend="language.references.pass">passing by reference</link> section.
The third thing references can do is <link
linkend="language.references.return">return by reference</link>.
<sect1 xml:id="language.references.arent">
<title>What References Are Not</title>
As said before, references are not pointers. That means, the
following construct won't do what you expect:
<programlisting role="php">
function foo(&$var)
$var =& $GLOBALS["baz"];
What happens is that <varname>$var</varname> in
<varname>foo</varname> will be bound with
<varname>$bar</varname> in the caller, but then
re-bound with <varname>$GLOBALS["baz"]</varname>. There's no way
to bind <varname>$bar</varname> in the calling scope to something else
using the reference mechanism, since <varname>$bar</varname> is not
available in the function <varname>foo</varname> (it is represented by
<varname>$var</varname>, but <varname>$var</varname> has only
variable contents and not name-to-value binding in the calling
symbol table).
You can use <link linkend="language.references.return">returning
references</link> to reference variables selected by the function.
<sect1 xml:id="language.references.pass">
<title>Passing by Reference</title>
You can pass a variable by reference to a function so the function
can modify the variable. The syntax is as follows:
<programlisting role="php">
function foo(&$var)
// $a is 6 here
Note that there's no reference sign on a function call - only on
function definitions. Function definitions alone are enough to
correctly pass the argument by reference. In recent versions of PHP
you will get a warning saying that "call-time pass-by-reference" is
deprecated when you use &amp; in <literal>foo(&amp;$a);</literal>.
The following things can be passed by reference:
Variables, i.e. <literal>foo($a)</literal>
New statements, i.e. <literal>foo(new foobar())</literal>
References returned from functions, i.e.:
<programlisting role="php">
function &bar()
$a = 5;
return $a;
See more about <link
linkend="language.references.return">returning by reference</link>.
No other expressions should be passed by reference, as the
result is undefined. For example, the following examples of passing
by reference are invalid:
<programlisting role="php">
function bar() // Note the missing &
$a = 5;
return $a;
foo(bar()); // Produces fatal error since PHP 5.0.5
foo($a = 5); // Expression, not variable
foo(5); // Produces fatal error
These requirements are for PHP 4.0.4 and later.
<sect1 xml:id="language.references.return">
<title>Returning References</title>
Returning by reference is useful when you want to use a function
to find to which variable a reference should be bound. Do
<emphasis>not</emphasis> use return-by-reference to increase performance.
The engine will automatically optimize this on its own. Only return
references when you have a valid technical reason to do so. To
return references, use this syntax:
<programlisting role="php">
class foo {
public $value = 42;
public function &getValue() {
return $this->value;
$obj = new foo;
$myValue = &$obj->getValue(); // $myValue is a reference to $obj->value, which is 42.
$obj->value = 2;
echo $myValue; // prints the new value of $obj->value, i.e. 2.
In this example, the property of the object returned by the
<varname>getValue</varname> function would be set, not the
copy, as it would be without using reference syntax.
Unlike parameter passing, here you have to use
<literal>&amp;</literal> in both places - to indicate that you
want to return by reference, not a copy, and to indicate that
reference binding, rather than usual assignment, should be done
for <varname>$myValue</varname>.
If you try to return a reference from a function with the syntax:
<literal>return ($this->value);</literal> this will <emphasis>not</emphasis>
work as you are attempting to return the result of an
<emphasis>expression</emphasis>, and not a variable, by reference. You can
only return variables by reference from a function - nothing else.
Since PHP 4.4.0 in the PHP4 branch, and PHP 5.1.0 in the PHP5 branch, an
<constant>E_NOTICE</constant> error is issued if the code tries to return
a dynamic expression or a result of the <literal>new</literal> operator.
<sect1 xml:id="language.references.unset">
<title>Unsetting References</title>
When you unset the reference, you just break the binding between
variable name and variable content. This does not mean that
variable content will be destroyed. For example:
<programlisting role="php">
$a = 1;
$b =& $a;
won't unset <varname>$b</varname>, just <varname>$a</varname>.
Again, it might be useful to think about this as analogous to the Unix
<command>unlink</command> call.
<sect1 xml:id="">
<title>Spotting References</title>
Many syntax constructs in PHP are implemented via referencing
mechanisms, so everything mentioned herein about reference binding also
applies to these constructs. Some constructs, like passing and
returning by reference, are mentioned above. Other constructs that
use references are:
<sect2 xml:id="">
<title><literal>global</literal> References</title>
When you declare a variable as <command>global $var</command> you
are in fact creating reference to a global variable. That means,
this is the same as:
<programlisting role="php">
$var =& $GLOBALS["var"];
This also means that unsetting <varname>$var</varname>
won't unset the global variable.
<sect2 xml:id="references.this">
In an object method, <varname>$this</varname> is always a reference
to the caller object.
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Local variables:
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