Christian Dietrich dfc8861cd7 readjusted pipelines
Signed-off-by: Christian Dietrich <christian.dietrich@itemis.de>
2018-04-20 09:56:53 +02:00

32 lines
1.4 KiB

* The build uses either public snapshots or branch-specific repositories on the Jenkins
* build server as upstream repositories. Use the argument '-PuseJenkinsSnapshots=true'
* to enable the Jenkins repositories. In this case you can select an upstream branch
* with the argument '-PupstreamBranch=<branch name>'. Without that argument, the
* upstream branch is selected automatically based on the version string.
if (!hasProperty('upstreamBranch')) {
def versionSplit = version.split('\\.')
if (versionSplit.length == 4)
ext.upstreamBranch = 'milestone_' + version
else if (versionSplit[2] == '0-SNAPSHOT')
ext.upstreamBranch = 'master'
else if (versionSplit[2].endsWith('-SNAPSHOT'))
ext.upstreamBranch = 'maintenance_' + version.substring(0, version.lastIndexOf('.'))
ext.upstreamBranch = 'release_' + version
def jenkinsPipelineRepo = { jobName -> "http://services.typefox.io/open-source/jenkins/job/$jobName/job/$upstreamBranch/lastStableBuild/artifact/build/maven-repository/" }
repositories {
if (findProperty('useJenkinsSnapshots') == 'true') {
maven { url "http://services.typefox.io/open-source/jenkins/job/lsp4j/job/master/lastStableBuild/artifact/build/maven-repository/" }
maven { url jenkinsPipelineRepo('xtext-lib') }
} else {
maven { url 'https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots' }