our algorithm can't deal with recursive prefixes. that's not a huge
problem though since ANTLR uses LL(*) which can't deal with these
constructs either.
solution for the moment: if the minimal path difference analysis errors
out check if more than 2 path are recursive. if so, throw an exception
possible improvement for later: just consider predicates and not tokens
- similar to ANTLR which falls back to LL(1)
renamed NestedPrefixAlternativesException
cleanup of guard classes
redo of parentheses avoidance
removed general start and end parentheses (antlr should be able to deal
with that)
use path in grammar as key for caching elements; using the elements
itself doesn't work because the reference will be different for the
content assist grammar run.
this does not work for generated elements; the only place that generated
elements are necessary is when dealing with nested identical paths, in
this case caching is disabled.
the benchmark test case does not validate the result since we are only
interested in the runtime.
removed special case for non-trivial cardinality - use regular
findGuardForElement instead
adjusted test cases to follow antlr semantic - ignore following
made HoistingProcessor Singleton
preparation for better caching
tests predicate rendering in alternatives, in non-trivial cardinalities,
and setup block rendering. in both the production grammar and content
assist grammar.
added debug grammar generators for production grammar and content assist
grammar which use DebugGrammarNaming to avoid null-ptr because of
missing adapters in ecore objects. (existing AntlrDebugGrammarGenerator
can't be used because setup blocks are handled by AntlrGrammarGenerator
and AntlrContentAssistGrammarGenerator respectively, not
fixed small details in rendered output (removed guard of rule comment
and trimmed setup block).
- added test case of recursive rules (with start rule) and optional
- disable cardinalities (and repetitions in unordered groups) in context
analysis if the current element was already seen and there was no
progress this recursion - the element itself will not be returned by
- changed isStartRule() and findAllRuleCalls() in GrammarUtils to only
compare the name of the rule. otherwise constructed paths cause problems
(since the rule object is not the same and the alternatives-attribute
might (very probably) not be equal in the constructed rule object).
- changed findGuardForOptionalCardinalityWithoutContext() in
HoistingProcessor to avoid the construction of virtual elements and
instead provide the virtual cardinality to the token analysis via a new
- fixed testCardinalityQuestionmarkWithExternalContext_expectContextCheck()
test case (context analysis is not possible if the context equals the
remainder of the prefixed alternative; changed context to be different)
empty paths are keep the state of the prefix including the empty flag
which causes empty paths in alternatives to be lost.
fix: create new token state with prefix (reset empty flag)
recursive (only tail recursion) causes problems because context of rule
call causes endless recursion in getNextElementsInContext()
S: {S} $$ p0 $$?=> 's'
| $$ p1 $$?=> 's' s=S
solution: added set of visited rule calls to parameter list, skip rule
call if it was already handled by another recursion
added test cases
guard for nested alternatives might not be optimal if the positions that
discriminate in the first alternatives is different from the positions
needed on the next one
collapsed paths loose the containing token guard
=> fixed problem
+ added positional condition in token sequence guard constructor to not
check positions twice (order matters: give local token guard first in
case it is sufficient)
removed testNestedAlternativesWithSingleTokenDifference, because it is
wrong: 'a' 'b' 'd' with p1 satisfies semantic predicates but not the
generated guard condition
nested prefix alternatives analysis
now flattenPaths() considers following repetitions
new problem: unordered groups and non-trivial cardinalities without
non-optional elements causes explosion of generated alternatives, which
in turn cause the identity analysis to go out of control
example: S: ('a'? | 'b'?)+
with a token limit of 10 the nested prefix alternatives analysis would
generate over 1300 alternatives
current quick fix: limit of alternatives
cardinality * is only possible if all element in the unordered group are
optional. This case doesn't matter for hoisting or rather is already
dealt with in the containing group (the guard of the resulting
alternatives won't have a terminal).