Christian Dietrich
[ eclipse/xtext-eclipse#1547 ] enhance ecore2xtext generator & xtext2ecore transformer for reserved keywords in enums
Signed-off-by: Christian Dietrich <>
2020-09-28 11:35:33 +02:00
Christian Dietrich
[ eclipse/xtext-core#1418 ] removed redundant superinterface from generated ca parsers
Signed-off-by: Christian Dietrich <>
2020-03-16 12:09:33 +01:00
Christian Dietrich
regenerated xtext
Signed-off-by: Christian Dietrich <>
2019-09-23 10:54:50 +02:00
Jan Koehnlein
[ls] further rename fix and test
- restored the old APIs and deprecated them
- built a new API next to the old one
- use ILanguageServerAccess to read files
- extended ILSA to provide new resource sets and the initialization params
- extended the Xtext generator to use the new API
- made sure customizations of the old API don't get lost
- revised the find element at position strategy
- revised error handling
- added a test language and tests
2019-03-20 15:51:19 +01:00
Sebastian Zarnekow
Bootstrap Xtext
2019-02-05 14:21:50 +01:00
Holger Schill
Make multiple annotations on enum rule possible
Add validations to see if Annotation works on the rule in the grammar
Add configurable issue for @Deprecate Annotation
2018-03-28 18:03:29 +02:00
Holger Schill
Allow multiple annotations on Terminal but restrict it to a well defined set.
2018-03-26 16:15:53 +02:00
Holger Schill
Allow multiple Annotations on ParserRules
2018-03-22 11:12:08 +01:00
Sebastian Zarnekow
Regenerate Xtext.xtext
2017-12-08 15:44:17 +01:00
Julian Dax
Regenerated xtext language
I ran ./gradlew generateXtextLanguage and these changes happend
Signed-off-by: Julian Dax <>
2017-11-15 11:53:50 +01:00
Christian Schneider
[xtext lang] remaining generated ide artifacts
Signed-off-by: Christian Schneider <>
2016-12-14 13:16:02 +01:00
Christian Schneider
[xtext lang] ca antlr grammar and generated lexer+parser impls
Signed-off-by: Christian Schneider <>
2016-12-14 13:16:01 +01:00