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synced 2025-03-16 16:58:56 +00:00
Improved PortableURIs
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 91 additions and 62 deletions
@ -11,7 +11,9 @@ import com.google.common.base.Predicates
import com.google.common.base.Splitter
import com.google.inject.Inject
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EcoreFactory
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EcorePackage
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.InternalEObject
@ -19,9 +21,8 @@ import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil
import org.eclipse.xtend.lib.annotations.Data
import org.eclipse.xtext.naming.QualifiedName
import org.eclipse.xtext.resource.IEObjectDescription
import org.eclipse.xtext.resource.XtextResource
import org.eclipse.xtext.resource.IResourceServiceProvider
import org.eclipse.xtext.scoping.IGlobalScopeProvider
import org.eclipse.xtext.linking.lazy.LazyURIEncoder
* Portable URIs are based on names and therefore are independent of the concrete file pathes and fuile names the
@ -44,20 +45,31 @@ class PortableURIs {
public static val PORTABLE_SCHEME = "portable"
@Inject IGlobalScopeProvider globalScopeProvider
@Inject LazyURIEncoder lazyURIencoder
// @Inject LazyURIEncoder lazyURIencoder
@Inject EPackage.Registry packageRegistry
@Inject IResourceServiceProvider.Registry resourceServiceProviderRegistry
* @return whether the given string is a portable URI fragment
def boolean isPortableURIFragment(String uriFragment) {
* Resolves a given portable URI fragment against the given resource.
* @param resource the resource from which global scope to look up the EObject
* @param portableFragment the portable fragment pointing to the to be resolved EObject
* @return the EObject for the given portableURIFragment
def EObject resolve(StorageAwareResource resource, String portableFragment) {
val desc = fromFragmentString(portableFragment)
val mock = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEReference
mock.EType = EcorePackage.Literals.EOBJECT
mock.EType = desc.descriptionEClass
val scope = globalScopeProvider.getScope(resource, mock, Predicates.alwaysTrue)
val description = scope.getElements(desc.descriptionQualifiedName).findFirst[
EClass.name == desc.descriptionEClassName
val description = scope.getElements(desc.descriptionQualifiedName).head
if (description == null) {
return null
@ -65,64 +77,78 @@ class PortableURIs {
return getEObject(container, desc.descriptionRelativeFragment)
def URI toPortableURI(StorageAwareResource res, URI uri, String fragment) {
if (res.URI == uri && lazyURIencoder.isCrossLinkFragment(res, fragment)) {
// try resolve
val result = res.getEObject(fragment)
if (result==null || result.eIsProxy) {
//this means it is an unresolvable lazy link, we won't be able to resolve it later
return uri.appendFragment(StorageAwareResource.UNRESOLVABLE_FRAGMENT)
} else {
val portableFragment = getPortableURIFragment(result)
if (portableFragment != null) {
return res.URI.appendFragment(portableFragment)
val resource = res.resourceSet.getResource(uri, false)
if (resource != null) {
val obj = resource.getEObject(fragment)
if (obj != null) {
val portableFragment = getPortableURIFragment(obj)
if (portableFragment != null) {
return res.URI.appendFragment(portableFragment)
return uri.appendFragment(fragment)
protected def String getPortableURIFragment(EObject obj) {
switch res : obj.eResource {
XtextResource : {
val desc = res.resourceServiceProvider.resourceDescriptionManager.getResourceDescription(obj.eResource)
val containerDesc = desc.exportedObjects.findFirst [
val possibleContainer = EcoreUtil.resolve(EObjectOrProxy, res)
obj==possibleContainer || EcoreUtil.isAncestor(obj, possibleContainer)
if (containerDesc != null) {
val fragment = createPortableURIFragment(containerDesc, obj)
return fragment
* Creates and returns a portable URI from the given resource to the targetURI.
* Returns <code>null</code> is no portable URI can be constructed, which is the case if the
* targetObject is not itself exported or is a child of an exported EObject.
* @param sourceResource the resource from which the EObject should later be resolved
* @param targetURI the target URI that should be resolvable by the created portable URI
* @return a portable URI or <code>null</code>
def URI toPortableURI(StorageAwareResource sourceResource, URI targetURI) {
val to = sourceResource.resourceSet.getResource(targetURI.trimFragment, false)?.getEObject(targetURI.fragment)
val result = toPortableURI(sourceResource, to);
if (result != null) {
return result
return null
protected def String createPortableURIFragment(IEObjectDescription desc, EObject target) {
* Creates and returns a portable URI from the global scope.
* Returns <code>null</code> is no portable URI can be constructed, which is the case if the
* targetObject is not itself exported or is a child of an exported EObject.
* @param sourceResource the resource from which the EObject should later be resolved
* @param targetObject the target object that should be resolvable by the created portable URI
* @return a portable URI or <code>null</code>
def URI toPortableURI(StorageAwareResource sourceResource, EObject targetObject) {
if (targetObject == null || targetObject.eIsProxy) {
return sourceResource.URI.appendFragment(StorageAwareResource.UNRESOLVABLE_FRAGMENT)
val portableFragment = getPortableURIFragment(targetObject)
if (portableFragment != null) {
return sourceResource.URI.appendFragment(portableFragment)
return null
* @return a portable URI fragment, or <code>null</code> if the give EObject isn't itself or is not contained in an exported EObjectDescription
protected def String getPortableURIFragment(EObject obj) {
val serviceProvider = resourceServiceProviderRegistry.getResourceServiceProvider(EcoreUtil.getURI(obj))
val desc = serviceProvider?.resourceDescriptionManager?.getResourceDescription(obj.eResource)
if (desc == null) {
return null
val containerDesc = desc.exportedObjects.findFirst [
val possibleContainer = EcoreUtil.resolve(EObjectOrProxy, obj.eResource)
obj==possibleContainer || EcoreUtil.isAncestor(obj, possibleContainer)
if (containerDesc != null) {
val fragmentDescription = createPortableFragmentDescription(containerDesc, obj)
return toFragmentString(fragmentDescription)
return null
protected def PortableFragmentDescription createPortableFragmentDescription(IEObjectDescription desc, EObject target) {
val possibleContainer = EcoreUtil.resolve(desc.EObjectOrProxy, target)
val fragmentToTarget = getFragment(target, possibleContainer)
val portableDescription = new PortableFragmentDescription(desc.EClass.name, desc.qualifiedName, fragmentToTarget)
return toFragmentString(portableDescription)
return new PortableFragmentDescription(desc.EClass, desc.qualifiedName, fragmentToTarget)
protected def String toFragmentString(PortableFragmentDescription desc) {
val typeName = desc.descriptionEClassName
val eclassUriAsString = URI.encodeFragment(EcoreUtil.getURI(desc.descriptionEClass).toString, false)
val segments = desc.descriptionQualifiedName.segments
//TODO use safe delimiter algorithm (library)
var uriFragment = PORTABLE_SCHEME + '#' + typeName + '#'+ segments.join(':')
var uriFragment = PORTABLE_SCHEME + '#' + eclassUriAsString + '#'+ URI.encodeFragment(segments.join(':'), false)
if (desc.descriptionRelativeFragment != null) {
uriFragment += '#' + desc.descriptionRelativeFragment
uriFragment += '#' + URI.encodeFragment(desc.descriptionRelativeFragment, false)
return uriFragment
@ -130,12 +156,14 @@ class PortableURIs {
protected def PortableFragmentDescription fromFragmentString(String fragmentString) {
val segments = Splitter.on('#').split(fragmentString).iterator
segments.next // skip first
val eClassName = segments.next
val qname = QualifiedName.create(Splitter.on(':').split(segments.next).toList)
val eClassURI = URI.createURI(URI.decode(segments.next))
val ePackage = packageRegistry.getEPackage(eClassURI.trimFragment.toString)
val eClass = ePackage?.eResource?.getEObject(eClassURI.fragment) as EClass
val qname = QualifiedName.create(Splitter.on(':').split(URI.decode(segments.next)).toList)
val fragment = if (segments.hasNext) {
return new PortableFragmentDescription(eClassName, qname, fragment)
return new PortableFragmentDescription(eClass?:EcorePackage.Literals.EOBJECT, qname, fragment)
@ -183,7 +211,7 @@ class PortableURIs {
@Data static class PortableFragmentDescription {
String descriptionEClassName
EClass descriptionEClass
QualifiedName descriptionQualifiedName
String descriptionRelativeFragment
@ -53,8 +53,9 @@ import org.eclipse.xtend.lib.annotations.Data
zipOut.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("emf-contents"))
val out = new BinaryResourceImpl.EObjectOutputStream(zipOut, emptyMap) {
override writeURI(URI uri, String fragment) throws IOException {
val portableURI = storageAwareResource.portableURIs.toPortableURI(storageAwareResource, uri, fragment)
super.writeURI(portableURI.trimFragment, portableURI.fragment)
val fullURI = uri.appendFragment(fragment)
val uriToWrite = storageAwareResource.portableURIs.toPortableURI(storageAwareResource, fullURI) ?: fullURI
super.writeURI(uriToWrite.trimFragment, uriToWrite.fragment)
try {
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class PortableURIsTest extends AbstractXtextTests {
'''), null)
val extended = resourceA.contents.filter(Main).head.types.head.extends
val uri = EcoreUtil.getURI(extended)
val portableURI = resourceA.portableURIs.toPortableURI(resourceA, uri.trimFragment, uri.fragment)
val portableURI = resourceA.portableURIs.toPortableURI(resourceA, uri)
assertEquals(resourceA.URI, portableURI.trimFragment)
assertSame(extended, resourceA.getEObject(portableURI.fragment))
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