Some improvements and normalization of debug information.

This commit is contained in:
Sven Efftinge 2012-02-27 14:16:06 +01:00
parent a2945fc474
commit 70c41e25ee
2 changed files with 225 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -7,13 +7,21 @@
package org.eclipse.xtext.generator.trace;
import static*;
import static*;
import static*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
import org.eclipse.xtext.LanguageInfo;
@ -30,55 +38,105 @@ import;
public class SmapSupport {
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SmapSupport.class);
@Inject private IResourceServiceProvider.Registry serviceProviderRegistry;
public String generateSmap(AbstractTraceRegion rootTraceRegion, String outputFileName) {
final Set<LineMapping> lineData = newLinkedHashSet();
createSmapInfo(rootTraceRegion, lineData, -1);
List<LineMapping> lineInfo = normalizeLineInfo(lineData);
return toSmap(outputFileName, lineInfo);
protected String toSmap(String outputFileName, List<LineMapping> lineInfo) {
SmapGenerator generator = new SmapGenerator();
Map<String,SmapStratum> strata = newHashMap();
createSmapInfo(rootTraceRegion, strata, -1);
for (SmapStratum stratum : strata.values()) {
generator.addStratum(stratum, true);
for (LineMapping lm : lineInfo) {
String stratumName = getStratumName(lm.source);
SmapStratum stratum = strata.get(stratumName);
if (stratum == null) {
stratum = new SmapStratum(stratumName);
strata.put(stratumName, stratum);
generator.addStratum(stratum, true);
final String path = getPath(lm.source);
final String fileName = lm.source.lastSegment();
stratum.addFile(fileName, path);
stratum.addLineData(lm.sourceStartLine, fileName, 1, lm.targetStartLine+1, lm.targetEndLine - lm.targetStartLine + 1);
return generator.getString();
public void createSmapInfo(AbstractTraceRegion targetRegion, Map<String,SmapStratum> strata, int mappedLine) {
public List<LineMapping> normalizeLineInfo(Set<LineMapping> lineData) {
ArrayList<LineMapping> list = newArrayList(lineData);
Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<LineMapping>() {
public int compare(LineMapping o1, LineMapping o2) {
int compareResult = o2.targetStartLine - o1.targetStartLine;
if (compareResult == 0) {
return o2.targetEndLine - o1.targetEndLine;
return compareResult;
List<LineMapping> result = newLinkedList();
LineMapping current = null;
for (LineMapping mapping : list) {
if (current != null
&& current.sourceStartLine == mapping.sourceStartLine
&& current.source.equals(mapping.source)) {
current.targetStartLine = mapping.targetStartLine;
} else {
int lastLine = mapping.targetEndLine;
if (current != null) {
lastLine = current.targetStartLine-1;
if (lastLine < mapping.targetStartLine) {
lastLine = mapping.targetStartLine;
current = new LineMapping(mapping.sourceStartLine, mapping.targetStartLine, lastLine, mapping.source);
result.add(0, current);
return result;
public void createSmapInfo(AbstractTraceRegion targetRegion, Set<LineMapping> lineMappings, int mappedLine) {
if (mappedLine == targetRegion.getMyLineNumber()) {
if (mappedLine == targetRegion.getMyEndLineNumber())
return; //SKIP
for (AbstractTraceRegion nested: targetRegion.getNestedRegions()) {
createSmapInfo(nested, strata, mappedLine);
createSmapInfo(nested, lineMappings, mappedLine);
ILocationData location = targetRegion.getMergedAssociatedLocation();
if (location != null) {
final URI path = targetRegion.getAssociatedPath();
if (path != null) {
final String fileName = path.trimFragment().lastSegment();
SmapStratum stratum = strata.get(fileName);
if (stratum == null) {
IResourceServiceProvider provider = serviceProviderRegistry.getResourceServiceProvider(path.trimFragment());
String name = provider.get(LanguageInfo.class).getShortName();
stratum = new SmapStratum(name);
strata.put(fileName, stratum);
stratum.addFile(fileName, getPath(path));
stratum.addLineData(location.getLineNumber()+1, fileName, 1, targetRegion.getMyLineNumber()+1, 1);
lineMappings.add(new LineMapping(location.getLineNumber()+1, targetRegion.getMyLineNumber(), targetRegion.getMyEndLineNumber(), path));
if (targetRegion.getMyLineNumber() != targetRegion.getMyEndLineNumber()) {
for (AbstractTraceRegion nested: targetRegion.getNestedRegions()) {
createSmapInfo(nested, strata, targetRegion.getMyLineNumber());
createSmapInfo(nested, lineMappings, targetRegion.getMyLineNumber());
protected String getStratumName(final URI path) {
IResourceServiceProvider provider = serviceProviderRegistry.getResourceServiceProvider(path.trimFragment());
String name = provider.get(LanguageInfo.class).getShortName();
return name;
protected String getPath(URI path) {
String fullPath = path.trimFragment().toPlatformString(true);
final String substring = fullPath.substring(fullPath.substring(1).indexOf('/')+1);
return substring;
@ -92,4 +150,59 @@ public class SmapSupport {
return newByteCode;
public static class LineMapping {
public int sourceStartLine,
public URI source;
public LineMapping(int sourceStartLine, int targetStartLine, int targetEndLine,
URI source) {
this.sourceStartLine = sourceStartLine;
this.targetStartLine = targetStartLine;
this.targetEndLine = targetEndLine;
this.source = source;
if (sourceStartLine < 0 || targetStartLine < 0 || targetEndLine <0 || targetStartLine>targetEndLine || source == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(toString());
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + ((source == null) ? 0 : source.hashCode());
result = prime * result + sourceStartLine;
result = prime * result + targetEndLine;
result = prime * result + targetStartLine;
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
LineMapping other = (LineMapping) obj;
if (source == null) {
if (other.source != null)
return false;
} else if (!source.equals(other.source))
return false;
if (sourceStartLine != other.sourceStartLine)
return false;
if (targetEndLine != other.targetEndLine)
return false;
if (targetStartLine != other.targetStartLine)
return false;
return true;
public String toString() {
return "LineMapping [sourceStartLine=" + sourceStartLine + ", targetStartLine=" + targetStartLine
+ ", targetEndLine=" + targetEndLine + ", source=" + source + "]";

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@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
* Copyright (c) 2012 itemis AG ( and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
package org.eclipse.xtext.generator.trace;
import static*;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.trace.SmapSupport.LineMapping;
import org.junit.Test;
* @author Sven Efftinge - Initial contribution and API
public class SmapSupportTest {
private URI source = URI.createURI("fake://source.dsl");
private SmapSupport support = new SmapSupport() {
protected String getStratumName(URI path) {
return "myLang";
protected String getPath(URI path) {
return "source.dsl";
public void testNomalization() {
Set<LineMapping> mappings = newHashSet(
new LineMapping(1,1,1,source),
new LineMapping(2,5,5,source),
new LineMapping(1,6,6,source),
new LineMapping(3,7,8,source),
new LineMapping(3,8,8,source));
List<LineMapping> info = support.normalizeLineInfo(mappings);
assertEquals(info.toString(), 4, info.size());
assertEquals(1, info.get(0).sourceStartLine);
assertEquals(1, info.get(0).targetStartLine);
assertEquals(4, info.get(0).targetEndLine);
assertEquals(2, info.get(1).sourceStartLine);
assertEquals(5, info.get(1).targetStartLine);
assertEquals(5, info.get(1).targetEndLine);
assertEquals(1, info.get(2).sourceStartLine);
assertEquals(6, info.get(2).targetStartLine);
assertEquals(6, info.get(2).targetEndLine);
assertEquals(3, info.get(3).sourceStartLine);
assertEquals(7, info.get(3).targetStartLine);
assertEquals(8, info.get(3).targetEndLine);
public void testNomalizeOverlaps() {
Set<LineMapping> mappings = newHashSet(
new LineMapping(1,1,8,source),
new LineMapping(2,5,8,source),
new LineMapping(1,6,6,source),
new LineMapping(3,7,8,source),
new LineMapping(3,8,8,source));
List<LineMapping> info = support.normalizeLineInfo(mappings);
assertEquals(info.toString(), 4, info.size());
assertEquals(1, info.get(0).sourceStartLine);
assertEquals(1, info.get(0).targetStartLine);
assertEquals(4, info.get(0).targetEndLine);
assertEquals(2, info.get(1).sourceStartLine);
assertEquals(5, info.get(1).targetStartLine);
assertEquals(5, info.get(1).targetEndLine);
assertEquals(1, info.get(2).sourceStartLine);
assertEquals(6, info.get(2).targetStartLine);
assertEquals(6, info.get(2).targetEndLine);
assertEquals(3, info.get(3).sourceStartLine);
assertEquals(7, info.get(3).targetStartLine);
assertEquals(8, info.get(3).targetEndLine);