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synced 2025-03-15 08:18:55 +00:00
#1120 Fix merger in case of line breaks inside identifiers.
Remove superflues cancelation of creation process in case of missing version. Signed-off-by: Arne Deutsch <Arne.Deutsch@itemis.de>
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 100 additions and 18 deletions
@ -389,11 +389,6 @@ public class MergeableManifest2Test {
assertEquals("Signature-Version: 1.0" + NL, write("Signature-Version: 1.0" + NL));
public void write_oneMainEntry_missingVersion() throws Exception {
assertEquals("", write("test: 0\n"));
public void write_oneMainEntry_afterVersion() throws Exception {
assertEquals("Manifest-Version: 1.0" + NL + "test: 0" + NL,
@ -1396,7 +1391,7 @@ public class MergeableManifest2Test {
// @formatter:on
MergeableManifest2 manifest = newManifest(content);
assertEquals(expected, write(manifest));
@ -1424,7 +1419,7 @@ public class MergeableManifest2Test {
// @formatter:on
MergeableManifest2 manifest = newManifest(content);
assertEquals(expected, write(manifest));
@ -1452,7 +1447,94 @@ public class MergeableManifest2Test {
// @formatter:on
MergeableManifest2 manifest = newManifest(content);
assertEquals(expected, write(manifest));
public void readWrite_BundleManifestVersion() throws Exception {
// @formatter:off
String content =
"Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2" + NL +
"Bundle-Name: org.mealy.ui" + NL +
"Bundle-Vendor: My Company" + NL +
"Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.qualifier" + NL +
"Bundle-SymbolicName: org.mealy.ui; singleton:=true" + NL +
"Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy" + NL +
"Require-Bundle: org.mealy,org.mealy.ide,org.eclipse.xtext.ui,org.eclipse" + NL +
" .xtext.ui.shared,org.eclipse.xtext.ui.codetemplates.ui,org.eclipse.ui.e" + NL +
" ditors;bundle-version=\"3.5.0\",org.eclipse.ui.ide;bundle-version=\"3.5.0\"" + NL +
" ,org.eclipse.ui,org.eclipse.compare,org.eclipse.xtext.builder,org.eclip" + NL +
" se.xtext.xbase.lib;bundle-version=\"2.14.0\",org.eclipse.xtend.lib;bundle" + NL +
" -version=\"2.14.0\";resolution:=optional,org.eclipse.ui.console;bundle-ve" + NL +
" rsion=\"3.8.100\"" + NL +
"Import-Package: org.apache.log4j" + NL +
"Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-11" + NL +
"Automatic-Module-Name: org.mealy.ui" + NL +
"Export-Package: org.mealy.ui.internal,org.mealy.ui.quickfix,org.mealy.ui" + NL +
" .contentassist" + NL +
"Bundle-Activator: org.mealy.ui.internal.MealyActivator" + NL +
"Bundle-ClassPath: lib/mealyMachine-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar," + NL +
" ." + NL;
// @formatter:on
MergeableManifest2 manifest = newManifest(content);
assertEquals(content, write(manifest));
public void replicate_issue_1120_linebreaks_inside_bundle_version_or_name() throws Exception {
// @formatter:off
String content =
"Manifest-Version: 1.0" + NL +
"Automatic-Module-Name: org.hello.ui" + NL +
"Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2" + NL +
"Bundle-Name: org.hello.ui" + NL +
"Bundle-Vendor: My Company" + NL +
"Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.qualifier" + NL +
"Bundle-SymbolicName: org.hello.ui; singleton:=true" + NL +
"Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy" + NL +
"Require-Bundle: org.hello,org.hello.ide,org.eclipse.xtext.ui,org.eclipse" + NL +
" .xtext.ui.shared,org.eclipse.xtext.ui.codetemplates.ui,org.eclipse.ui.e" + NL +
" ditors;bundle-version=\"3.5.0\",org.eclipse.ui.ide;bundle-version=\"3.5.0\"" + NL +
" ,org.eclipse.ui,org.eclipse.compare,org.eclipse.xtext.builder,org.eclip" + NL +
" se.xtext.xbase.lib;bundle-version=\"2.14.0\",org.eclipse.xtend.lib;bundle" + NL +
" -version=\"2.14.0\";resolution:=optional,org.eclipse.ui.console;bundle-ve" + NL +
" rsion=\"3.8.100\"" + NL +
"Import-Package: org.apache.log4j" + NL +
"Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.8" + NL +
"Export-Package: org.hello.ui.internal,org.hello.ui.contentassist,org.hel" + NL +
" lo.ui.quickfix" + NL +
"Bundle-Activator: org.hello.ui.internal.HelloActivator"+ NL;
String expected =
"Manifest-Version: 1.0" + NL +
"Automatic-Module-Name: org.hello.ui" + NL +
"Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2" + NL +
"Bundle-Name: org.hello.ui" + NL +
"Bundle-Vendor: My Company" + NL +
"Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.qualifier" + NL +
"Bundle-SymbolicName: org.hello.ui; singleton:=true" + NL +
"Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy" + NL +
"Require-Bundle: org.hello,org.hello.ide,org.eclipse.xtext.ui,org.eclipse" + NL +
" .xtext.ui.shared,org.eclipse.xtext.ui.codetemplates.ui,org.eclipse.ui.e" + NL +
" ditors;bundle-version=\"3.5.0\",org.eclipse.ui.ide;bundle-version=\"3.5.0\"" + NL +
" ,org.eclipse.ui,org.eclipse.compare,org.eclipse.xtext.builder,org.eclip" + NL +
" se.xtext.xbase.lib;bundle-version=\"2.14.0\",org.eclipse.xtend.lib;bundle" + NL +
" -version=\"2.14.0\";resolution:=optional,org.eclipse.ui.console;bundle-ve" + NL +
" rsion=\"3.8.100\"" + NL +
"Import-Package: org.apache.log4j" + NL +
"Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.8" + NL +
"Export-Package: org.hello.ui.internal,org.hello.ui.contentassist,org.hel" + NL +
" lo.ui.quickfix" + NL +
"Bundle-Activator: org.hello.ui.internal.HelloActivator" + NL;
// @formatter:on
MergeableManifest2 manifest = newManifest(content);
manifest.addExportedPackages(manifest.getMainAttributes().get(MergeableManifest2.EXPORT_PACKAGE).replaceAll("\r\n ", "").split(","));
manifest.addImportedPackages(manifest.getMainAttributes().get(MergeableManifest2.IMPORT_PACKAGE).replaceAll("\r\n ", "").split(","));
manifest.addRequiredBundles(manifest.getMainAttributes().get(MergeableManifest2.REQUIRE_BUNDLE).replaceAll("\r\n ", "").split(","));
manifest.addRequiredBundles("org.eclipse.ui.editors", "org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib;bundle-version=\"2.14.0\"",
assertEquals(expected, write(manifest));
@ -420,8 +420,6 @@ public class MergeableManifest2 implements Cloneable {
private void writeHeader(BufferedWriter writer) throws IOException {
if (version == null)
String manifestVersion = mainAttributes.get(MANIFEST_VERSION);
if (manifestVersion != null)
writer.append(MANIFEST_VERSION).append(": ").append(manifestVersion).append(newline);
@ -762,19 +760,20 @@ public class MergeableManifest2 implements Cloneable {
public boolean hasSameName(Bundle other) {
// trim because prefix (such as newline) is encoded in the name
return Objects.equals(getName().trim(), other.getName().trim());
return Objects.equals(getName(), other.getName());
public String getName() {
// trim because prefix (such as newline) is encoded in the name
return split.get(0).trim();
// trim because prefix (such as newline) is encoded in the name,
// also remove all newlines to ensure linebreaks in name does not
// cause issues
return split.get(0).trim().replaceAll("\r?\n ", "");
public String getNameIncludingWhitespacePrefix() {
return split.get(0);
public String getSuffix() {
return split.size() > 1 ? split.subList(1, split.size()).stream().reduce((a, b) -> a + ";" + b).get()
: null;
@ -782,13 +781,14 @@ public class MergeableManifest2 implements Cloneable {
public String getVersion() {
for (int n = 1; n < split.size(); n++) {
String part = split.get(n);
String part = split.get(n).trim().replaceAll("\r?\n ", "");
if (part.contains("bundle-version=")) {
int startIndex = part.indexOf("bundle-version=") + "bundle-version=".length();
if (part.charAt(startIndex) == '"') {
return part.substring(startIndex + 1, part.indexOf("\"", startIndex + 1));
return part.substring(startIndex + 1, part.indexOf("\"", startIndex + 1)).trim()
.replaceAll("\r?\n ", "");
} else {
return part.substring(startIndex);
return part.substring(startIndex).trim().replaceAll("\r?\n ", "");
Reference in a new issue