[xtext.xtext][serializer] Updated several test expectations.

the new serializer...
- doesn't loose optional parenthesis anymore
- produces text replacements starting at node.getTotalOffset() 
  (the PTC produced them for node.getOffset()).

Signed-off-by: Moritz Eysholdt <moritz.eysholdt@itemis.de>
This commit is contained in:
Moritz Eysholdt 2015-08-06 13:25:07 +02:00
parent 88f88178f4
commit 1b6a71b2e6
2 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ terminal ID2:
'^'? ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_') ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_' | '0'..'9')*;
terminal INT2 returns ecore::EInt:
terminal STRING2:
'"' ('\\' ('b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '"' | "'" | '\\') | !('\\' | '"'))* '"' |

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@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public class XtextGrammarSerializationTest extends AbstractXtextTests {
final String model = "grammar foo with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals\n"
+ "generate mm \"http://bar\" as fooMM\n" + "StartRule returns fooMM::T: (name+=ID?)+;";
final String expectedModel = "grammar foo with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals\n\ngenerate "
+ "mm \"http://bar\" as fooMM\n\nStartRule returns fooMM::T:\n name+=ID*;";
+ "mm \"http://bar\" as fooMM\n\nStartRule returns fooMM::T:\n (name+=ID)*;";
doTestSerialization(model, expectedModel);
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ public class XtextGrammarSerializationTest extends AbstractXtextTests {
+ "MyRule returns xtext::ParserRule : name=ID;";
final String expectedModel = "grammar foo with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals\n\n"
+ "import \"http://www.eclipse.org/2008/Xtext\" as xtext\n" + "generate mm \"http://bar\" as fooMM\n\n"
+ "Foo returns fooMM::Foo:\n name=ID nameRefs+=NameRef*;\n\n"
+ "Foo returns fooMM::Foo:\n name=ID (nameRefs+=NameRef)*;\n\n"
+ "NameRef returns xtext::RuleCall:\n rule=[xtext::ParserRule];\n\n"
+ "MyRule returns xtext::ParserRule:\n name=ID;";
doTestSerialization(model, expectedModel);