fixed empty recursion paths in context analysis

- added test case of recursive rules (with start rule) and optional
- disable cardinalities (and repetitions in unordered groups) in context
analysis if the current element was already seen and there was no
progress this recursion - the element itself will not be returned by
- changed isStartRule() and findAllRuleCalls() in GrammarUtils to only
compare the name of the rule. otherwise constructed paths cause problems
(since the rule object is not the same and the alternatives-attribute
might (very probably) not be equal in the constructed rule object).
- changed findGuardForOptionalCardinalityWithoutContext() in
HoistingProcessor to avoid the construction of virtual elements and
instead provide the virtual cardinality to the token analysis via a new
- fixed testCardinalityQuestionmarkWithExternalContext_expectContextCheck()
test case (context analysis is not possible if the context equals the
remainder of the prefixed alternative; changed context to be different)
This commit is contained in:
overflowerror 2022-01-22 22:02:09 +01:00
parent cc8eb0a7da
commit 07845a3590
4 changed files with 144 additions and 46 deletions

View file

@ -8,8 +8,6 @@
package org.eclipse.xtext.xtext.generator.hoisting;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xml.type.XMLTypePackage;
import org.eclipse.xtext.AbstractRule;
@ -316,7 +314,8 @@ public class HoistingProcessorTest extends AbstractXtextTests {
// @formatter:off
String model =
"S: A 'a' 'b';\n" +
"hoistingDebug\n" +
"S: A 'b';\n" +
"A: ($$ p0 $$?=> 'a')?;";
// @formatter:off
XtextResource resource = getResourceFromString(model);
@ -370,6 +369,8 @@ public class HoistingProcessorTest extends AbstractXtextTests {
// @formatter:off
String model =
"tokenLimit 3\n" +
"hoistingDebug\n" +
"S: ($$ p0 $$?=> 'a')* ;";
// @formatter:off
XtextResource resource = getResourceFromString(model);
@ -968,6 +969,7 @@ public class HoistingProcessorTest extends AbstractXtextTests {
// @formatter:off
String model =
"hoistingDebug\n" +
"S: {S} $$ p0 $$?=> ('a')? \n" +
" | {S} $$ p1 $$?=> ('b')? ;\n";
// @formatter:off
@ -1163,4 +1165,28 @@ public class HoistingProcessorTest extends AbstractXtextTests {
assertEquals("(((" + getSyntaxForEofToken(2) + " && " + getSyntaxForKeywordToken("c", 2) + ") || (p0)) && (" + getSyntaxForKeywordToken("b", 2) + " || (p1)))", guard.render());
public void testStartRuleRecursiveRuleWithOptionalContext_bug_expectCorrectResult() throws Exception {
// @formatter:off
String model =
"tokenLimit 3\n" +
"hoistingDebug\n" +
"S: a=A c+=C+ ;\n" +
"A: $$ p0 $$?=> 'a' " +
" | $$ p1 $$?=> 'a' s=S ;\n" +
"C: $$ p2 $$?=> \n" +
" | $$ p3 $$?=> 'c' ;\n";
// @formatter:off
XtextResource resource = getResourceFromString(model);
Grammar grammar = ((Grammar) resource.getContents().get(0));
AbstractRule rule = getRule(grammar, "A");
HoistingGuard guard = hoistingProcessor.findHoistingGuard(rule.getAlternatives());
assertEquals("(((" + getSyntaxForEofToken(2) + " && " + getSyntaxForKeywordToken("c", 2) + ") || (p0)) && (" + getSyntaxForKeywordToken("a", 2) + " || (p1)))", guard.render());

View file

@ -88,13 +88,13 @@ public class HoistingProcessor {
return HoistingGuard.unguarded();
// set cardinality so the token analyse works
element = copy(element);
// prepare virtual cardinality
String cardinality;
if (isMultipleCardinality(element)) {
cardinality = "+";
} else {
// would be ? cardinality
cardinality = null;
// identity analysis can be skipped
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ public class HoistingProcessor {
return new AlternativesGuard(
new PathGuard(
new AlternativeTokenSequenceGuard(
analysis.findMinimalPathDifference(element, cardinality).stream()
.map(s ->
@ -317,7 +317,10 @@ public class HoistingProcessor {
throw new NestedPrefixAlternativesException("nested prefix alternatives can't be analysed because of too many paths");
//throw new RuntimeException();
/*if (hasSeen) {
throw new RuntimeException();
return findGuardForAlternatives(flattened, currentRule);
} catch(TokenAnalysisAbortedException e) {

View file

@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ import org.eclipse.xtext.RuleCall;
import org.eclipse.xtext.UnorderedGroup;
import org.eclipse.xtext.util.XtextSwitch;
import org.eclipse.xtext.xtext.generator.parser.antlr.hoisting.HoistingConfiguration;
import org.eclipse.xtext.xtext.generator.parser.antlr.hoisting.exceptions.EmptyRecursionPathInContextAnalysisException;
import org.eclipse.xtext.xtext.generator.parser.antlr.hoisting.exceptions.NestedPrefixAlternativesException;
import org.eclipse.xtext.xtext.generator.parser.antlr.hoisting.exceptions.SymbolicAnalysisFailedException;
import org.eclipse.xtext.xtext.generator.parser.antlr.hoisting.exceptions.TokenAnalysisAbortedException;
@ -61,11 +60,11 @@ public class TokenAnalysis {
this.grammar = grammar;
private List<AbstractElement> getNextElementsInContext(AbstractElement last) {
return getNextElementsInContext(last, new HashSet<>());
private List<AbstractElement> getNextElementsInContext(AbstractElement last, boolean considerCardinalities) {
return getNextElementsInContext(last, considerCardinalities, new HashSet<>());
private List<AbstractElement> getNextElementsInContext(AbstractElement last, Set<AbstractElement> visited) {
private List<AbstractElement> getNextElementsInContext(AbstractElement last, boolean considerCardinalities, Set<AbstractElement> visited) {
List<AbstractElement> result = new ArrayList<>();
AbstractElement _last = last;
@ -88,7 +87,7 @@ public class TokenAnalysis {
_last = container;
container = (AbstractElement) _container;
if (last != _last && isMultipleCardinality(_last)) {
if (considerCardinalities && last != _last && isMultipleCardinality(_last)) {
// last is + or * quantified
@ -98,14 +97,16 @@ public class TokenAnalysis {
CompoundElement compoundContainer = (CompoundElement) container;
if (compoundContainer == null) {"no container");
// no container element; this is last element in a rule definition
AbstractRule rule = containingRule(last);
List<RuleCall> calls = findAllRuleCalls(grammar, rule).stream()
if (calls.isEmpty()) {
// has to be start rule"current rule: " + (rule == null ? "null" : rule.getName()));
if (isStartRule(grammar, rule)) {
// context is EOF
@ -113,9 +114,12 @@ public class TokenAnalysis {
for (RuleCall call : calls) {
Set<AbstractElement> _visited = new HashSet<>(visited);
result.addAll(getNextElementsInContext(call, _visited));
result.addAll(getNextElementsInContext(call, considerCardinalities, _visited));
} else if (compoundContainer instanceof Group) {"group container");
List<AbstractElement> elements = compoundContainer.getElements();
int index = elements.indexOf(last);
if (index < 0) {
@ -144,17 +148,23 @@ public class TokenAnalysis {
} else {
// this is the last element
if (isMultipleCardinality(compoundContainer)) {
if (considerCardinalities && isMultipleCardinality(compoundContainer)) {
result.addAll(getNextElementsInContext(compoundContainer, visited));"last element; container: " + abstractElementToShortString(compoundContainer));
result.addAll(getNextElementsInContext(compoundContainer, considerCardinalities, visited));
} else if (compoundContainer instanceof UnorderedGroup) {"unordered group container");
if (considerCardinalities) {
result.addAll(getNextElementsInContext(compoundContainer, visited));
result.addAll(getNextElementsInContext(compoundContainer, considerCardinalities, visited));
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown compound element: " + container.eClass().getName());
@ -162,25 +172,21 @@ public class TokenAnalysis {
return result;
private TokenAnalysisPaths getTokenPathsContext(AbstractElement last, TokenAnalysisPaths prefix, boolean shortcutEndlessLoops) {
return getTokenPathsContext(last, prefix, shortcutEndlessLoops, new HashSet<>());
private TokenAnalysisPaths getTokenPathsContext(AbstractElement last, TokenAnalysisPaths prefix) {
return getTokenPathsContext(last, prefix, true, new HashSet<>());
private TokenAnalysisPaths getTokenPathsContext(AbstractElement last, TokenAnalysisPaths prefix, boolean shortcutEndlessLoops, Set<AbstractElement> callStack) {"get context for: " + abstractElementToShortString(last));
private TokenAnalysisPaths getTokenPathsContext(AbstractElement last, TokenAnalysisPaths prefix, boolean considerCardinalities, Set<AbstractElement> callStack) {"get context for: " + abstractElementToShortString(last) + (considerCardinalities ? " with" : " without") + " cardinalities");
List<AbstractElement> context = getNextElementsInContext(last);
List<AbstractElement> context = getNextElementsInContext(last, considerCardinalities);;;
TokenAnalysisPaths result = TokenAnalysisPaths.empty(prefix);
if (context.isEmpty()) {
// TODO: is this special case necessary?
throw new TokenAnalysisAbortedException("context analysis failed: no context");
int actualNumberOfElements = 0;
for (AbstractElement element : context) {"context element: " + abstractElementToShortString(element));
TokenAnalysisPaths path = new TokenAnalysisPaths(prefix);
@ -188,12 +194,20 @@ public class TokenAnalysis {
// shortcut endless loops instead of throwing exception
path = getTokenPaths(element, path, false, false, true);
if (!path.isDone() && element != null) {
boolean _considerCardinalities = considerCardinalities;
if (callStack.contains(element) && !path.hasProgress()) {
throw new EmptyRecursionPathInContextAnalysisException("no progress in recursion");
if (_considerCardinalities) {
_considerCardinalities = false;
} else {
// considerCardinalities is already false"failed to analyse cardinalities in context");
// ignore this branch
Set<AbstractElement> localCallStack = new HashSet<>(callStack);
path = getTokenPathsContext(element, path, shortcutEndlessLoops, localCallStack);
path = getTokenPathsContext(element, path, _considerCardinalities, localCallStack);
if (path.isDone()) {
result = result.merge(path);
@ -201,6 +215,12 @@ public class TokenAnalysis {"context analysis failed");
throw new TokenAnalysisAbortedException("context analysis failed");
if (actualNumberOfElements == 0) {
// TODO: is this special case n)ecessary?
throw new TokenAnalysisAbortedException("context analysis failed: no context");
@ -324,7 +344,14 @@ public class TokenAnalysis {
// analyseContext implies needsLength
boolean isVirtualOptionalCardinality(String cardinality) {
return "?".equals(cardinality) || "*".equals(cardinality);
boolean isVirtualMultipleCardinality(String cardinality) {
return "+".equals(cardinality) || "*".equals(cardinality);
private TokenAnalysisPaths getTokenPaths(
AbstractElement path, TokenAnalysisPaths prefix, boolean analyseContext, boolean needsLength, boolean shortcutEndlessLoops
) {
@ -332,6 +359,26 @@ public class TokenAnalysis {
return prefix;
if (path == null) {
// empty path means EOF
TokenAnalysisPaths result;
result = new TokenAnalysisPaths(prefix);
return result;
return getTokenPaths(path, path.getCardinality(), prefix, analyseContext, needsLength, shortcutEndlessLoops);
private TokenAnalysisPaths getTokenPaths(
AbstractElement path, String cardinality, TokenAnalysisPaths prefix, boolean analyseContext, boolean needsLength, boolean shortcutEndlessLoops
) {
// analyseContext implies needsLength
if (prefix.isDone()) {
return prefix;
TokenAnalysisPaths result;
if (path == null) {
@ -341,9 +388,9 @@ public class TokenAnalysis {
return result;
if (isOptionalCardinality(path)) {
if (isVirtualOptionalCardinality(cardinality)) {
if (analyseContext) {
result = getTokenPathsContext(path, prefix, shortcutEndlessLoops);
result = getTokenPathsContext(path, prefix);
} else if (needsLength) {
throw new TokenAnalysisAbortedException("token expected but path is optional");
} else {
@ -353,7 +400,7 @@ public class TokenAnalysis {
result = TokenAnalysisPaths.empty(prefix);
boolean loop = isMultipleCardinality(path);
boolean loop = isVirtualMultipleCardinality(cardinality);
int currentMinPosition = result.getMinPosition();
@ -365,7 +412,7 @@ public class TokenAnalysis {
result = result.merge(tokenPaths);
} else if (analyseContext) {
tokenPaths = getTokenPathsContext(path, tokenPaths, shortcutEndlessLoops);
tokenPaths = getTokenPathsContext(path, tokenPaths);
result = result.merge(tokenPaths);
} else if (needsLength) {
throw new TokenAnalysisAbortedException("requested length not satisfyable");
@ -402,8 +449,12 @@ public class TokenAnalysis {
return getTokenPaths(path, new TokenAnalysisPaths(indexes), analyseContext, true, false).getTokenPaths();
private List<List<Token>> getTokenPaths(AbstractElement path, String virtualCardinality, List<Integer> indexes, boolean analyseContext) throws TokenAnalysisAbortedException {
return getTokenPaths(path, virtualCardinality, new TokenAnalysisPaths(indexes), analyseContext, true, false).getTokenPaths();
private List<List<Token>> getTokenPathsContextOnly(AbstractElement path, List<Integer> indexes) {
return getTokenPathsContext(path, new TokenAnalysisPaths(indexes), false).getTokenPaths();
return getTokenPathsContext(path, new TokenAnalysisPaths(indexes)).getTokenPaths();
private boolean arePathsIdenticalSymbolic(AbstractElement path1, AbstractElement path2) throws SymbolicAnalysisFailedException {
@ -445,12 +496,14 @@ public class TokenAnalysis {"set2: " + tokenListSet2 + ", " + maxPosition2);
if (!tokenListSet1.equals(tokenListSet2)) {"not identical");
return false;
if (maxPosition1 < i + 1) {
// different max positions would have failed the equals-Operation
// if the max position is smaller than i + 1 the end of the path has been reached"identical");
return true;
@ -518,7 +571,7 @@ public class TokenAnalysis {
public List<List<Token>> findMinimalPathDifference(AbstractElement element) throws TokenAnalysisAbortedException {
public List<List<Token>> findMinimalPathDifference(AbstractElement element, String virtualCardinality) throws TokenAnalysisAbortedException {
// this method is for finding the path differences between the
// element (with optional cardinality) and the context
@ -527,11 +580,13 @@ public class TokenAnalysis {
MutablePrimitiveWrapper<List<List<Token>>> result = new MutablePrimitiveWrapper<List<List<Token>>>(null);"cardinality: " + virtualCardinality);
tokenCombinations(indexList -> {"current index list: " + indexList);
// no context analysis // TODO why?
List<List<Token>> tokenListsForPath = getTokenPaths(element, indexList, false);
List<List<Token>> tokenListsForPath = getTokenPaths(element, virtualCardinality, indexList, false);
List<List<Token>> tokenListForContext = getTokenPathsContextOnly(element, indexList);
if (!

View file

@ -725,7 +725,9 @@ public class GrammarUtil {
new XtextSwitch<Boolean>(){
public Boolean caseRuleCall(RuleCall object) {
if (object.getRule() == rule) {
// compare rule name instead of rule equality because of constructed paths
// see isStartRule()
if (object.getRule().getName().equals(rule.getName())) {
return true;
@ -755,4 +757,16 @@ public class GrammarUtil {
return calls;
public static boolean isStartRule(Grammar grammar, AbstractRule rule) {
if (grammar.getRules().isEmpty()) {
return false;
// comparing rule objects directly or
// comparing with EcoreUtil.equals()
// does not work because copy() changes the reference (it's a new ecore object)
// and changes to the copied path will be considered for .equals()
return grammar.getRules().get(0).getName().equals(rule.getName());