ProgramManager.programs.push({ command: "sh", code: Shell }) var Shell = function() { } Shell.prototype = new Program(); Shell.prototype.prompt = "\033[36m\\t\033[0m \033[35m\\h\033[0m\033[1m:\033[0m\\w \\$ "; Shell.prototype.username = ""; Shell.prototype.uid = -1; Shell.prototype.hostname = ""; Shell.prototype.home = ""; = "/"; Shell.prototype.input = ""; Shell.prototype.inputPosition = 0; Shell.prototype.history = []; Shell.prototype.historyPosition = 0; Shell.prototype.centeredOutput = function(text) { // does not work for ansi.sequences var line = ""; for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { line += text[i]; if (text[i] == "\n") { var offset = parseInt((terminal.xSize - line.length - 1) / 2); var tmp = new Array(offset).join(" "); line = tmp + line; this.output(line); line = ""; } } var offset = parseInt((terminal.xSize - line.length - 1) / 2); var tmp = new Array(offset).join(" "); line = tmp + line; this.output(line); } Shell.prototype.main = function(args) { var init = new Request("backend/init.php"); var result = init.send(true, ret); result = JSON.parse(result); this.uid = result.uid; this.username = result.username; this.hostname = result.hostname; this.home = result.home; = result.home; var text = "\ \033[31m ( ( \n\ ( ( ( ( \033[33m)\\\033[31m ) )\\ ) \n\ )\\)\033[33m)(\033[31m ' ( ( )\\ )\\ (()/( (()/( \n\ \033[33m((_)\033[31m()\\ ) )\\ )((_) (((_) /(_)) /(_)) \n\ _(())\\_)()((_)((_)_ )\\___ \033[33m(_)\033[31m) (_)) \n\ \033[34m\\ \\(\033[31m(_)\033[34m/ /| __|| _ )\033[31m((\033[34m/ __|| | |_ _| \n\ \\ \\/\\/ / | _| | _ \\ | (__ | |__ | | \n\ \\_/\\_/ |___||___/ \\___||____||___| \n\ "; var tmp = text.split("\n"); for (var i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) { var tmp2 = new Array(parseInt((terminal.xSize - 40 - 1) / 2)).join(" "); tmp[i] = tmp2 + tmp[i]; } text = tmp.join("\n") + "\n"; this.output(text); this.output("\033[36m"); this.centeredOutput("\ Welcome to Webcli\n\ ================="); this.output("\n\n\033[0mYou are logged in as \"" + this.username + "\". Use `su` to change your user."); this.displayPrompt(); } Shell.prototype.displayPrompt = function() { var text = this.prompt; while (text.indexOf("\\u") != -1) text = text.replace("\\u", this.username); while (text.indexOf("\\h") != -1) text = text.replace("\\h", this.hostname); while (text.indexOf("\\w") != -1) text = text.replace("\\w",; while (text.indexOf("\\t") != -1) text = text.replace("\\t", new Date().getHours() + ":" + new Date().getMinutes()); while (text.indexOf("\\$") != -1) text = text.replace("\\$", (this.uid == 1 ? "#" : "$")); this.output("\033[2K\033[1G" + text + this.input + "\033[" + (this.input.length - this.inputPosition) + "D"); } Shell.prototype.handleKey = function(keyEvent) { if (keyEvent.isSpecialKey) { var ke = KeyEvent.SpecialKeys; switch(keyEvent.key) { case ke.enter: this.output("\n"); this.history.push(this.input); this.historyPosition = this.history.length; this.input = ""; this.inputPosition = 0; this.exec(); break; case ke.backspace: if (this.inputPosition == 0) break; var tmp = this.input.split(""); tmp.splice(--this.inputPosition, 1); this.input = tmp.join(""); this.displayPrompt(); break; case ke.left: if (this.inputPosition == 0) break; this.inputPosition--; this.displayPrompt(); break; case ke.right: if (this.inputPosition == this.input.length) break; this.inputPosition++; this.displayPrompt(); break; case ke.up: if (this.historyPosition == 0) break; this.input = this.history[--this.historyPosition]; this.inputPosition = this.input.length; this.displayPrompt(); break; case ke.down: if (this.historyPosition == this.history.length) break; if (this.historyPosition == this.history.length - 1) { this.input = ""; this.inputPosition = 0; this.historyPosition = this.history.length; this.displayPrompt(); break; } this.input = this.history[++this.historyPosition]; this.inputPosition = this.input.length; this.displayPrompt(); break; } } else { var tmp = this.input.split(""); tmp.splice(this.inputPosition++, 0, keyEvent.key); this.input = tmp.join(""); this.displayPrompt(); } }