2014-08-08 00:03:13 +00:00
class actionLogger {
static public function sessionInit($session) {
global $db, $_SERVER;
if ($db->query("INSERT INTO `logSessions` (`created`, `initialSessID`, `currentSessID`, `userAgent`) VALUES
(" . $session['created'] . ", \"" . $session['initSessID'] . "\", \"" . $session['initSessID'] . "\", \"" . $db->real_escape_string($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) . "\")") !== true)
errorManager::log("actionLogger", "unable to init db entry for current session", errorType::fatal, true, true);
static public function sessionUpdate($session) {
global $db, $_SERVER;
$db->query("UPDATE `logSessions` SET `currentSessID`='" . session_id() . "' WHERE `ID`=" . actionLogger::getSessionFK($session));
static public function connectUpdate($session) {
global $db, $_SERVER;
$tmp = actionLogger::getConnectFK($session);
if ($tmp == -1) {
$db->query("INSERT INTO `logConnect` (`sessionFK`, `IP`, `time`) VALUES (" . actionLogger::getSessionFK($session) . ", '" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "', " . time() . ")");
static public function getSessionFK($session) {
global $db;
$result = $db->query("SELECT `ID` FROM `logSessions` WHERE `created`=" . $session['created'] . " AND `initialSessID`='" . $session["initSessID"] . "'");
return $result->fetch_object()->ID;
static public function getConnectFK($session) {
global $db, $_SERVER;
$result = $db->query("SELECT `ID` FROM `logConnect` WHERE `sessionFK`=" . actionLogger::getSessionFK($session) . " AND `IP`='" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "'");
if (!$result->num_rows)
return -1;
return $result->fetch_object()->ID;
2014-08-16 18:58:39 +00:00
static public function login($uid, $session, $success) {
global $db;
$db->query("INSERT INTO `logLogins` (`currentUserFK`, `newUserFK`, `connectFK`, `time`, `success`) VALUES (" . $session['uid'] . ", " . $uid . ", " . actionLogger::getConnectFK($session) . ", " . time() . ", " . $success . ")");
static public function command($session, $command) {
global $db;
$db->query("INSERT INTO `logCommands`(`time`, `connectFK`, `userFK`, `command`) VALUES (" . time() . ", " . actionLogger::getConnectFK($session) . ", " . $session['uid'] . ", '" . $db->real_escape_string($command) . "')");
static public function init($session) {
global $db;
$db->query("INSERT INTO `logInits`(`userFK`, `connectFK`, `time`) VALUES (" . $session['uid'] . ", " . actionLogger::getConnectFK($session) . ", " . time() . ")");
2014-08-08 00:03:13 +00:00