Gwynne Raskind 100cfa0929 - Import of new internals documentation
- Manual base modified to include new docs and remove old
- Links updated in many files
- New language and global entities as needed

git-svn-id: c90b9560-bf6c-de11-be94-00142212c4b1
2007-06-16 21:08:14 +00:00

57 lines
2.8 KiB

<!-- $Revision$ -->
<!-- Part titles used mostly in manual.xml itself -->
<!ENTITY PHPManual "PHP Manual">
<!ENTITY Date "Date:">
<!ENTITY GettingStarted "Getting Started">
<!ENTITY InstallAndConfigure "Installation and Configuration">
<!ENTITY Installation "Installation">
<!ENTITY LanguageReference "Language Reference">
<!ENTITY Features "Features">
<!ENTITY Security "Security">
<!ENTITY FunctionReference "Function Reference">
<!ENTITY PECLReference "PECL Function Reference">
<!ENTITY AddOnReference "Addon Extension Function Reference">
<!ENTITY Appendices "Appendices">
<!ENTITY PEAR "PEAR: the PHP Extension and Application Repository">
<!ENTITY FAQ "FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions">
<!ENTITY FAQabbrev "FAQ">
<!ENTITY Internals "PHP and Zend Engine Internals">
<!ENTITY Internals2 "PHP at the Core: A Hacker's Guide to the Zend Engine">
<!ENTITY ZendAPI "Zend API: Hacking the Core of PHP">
<!ENTITY FunctionIndex "Function Index">
<!ENTITY CHMEdition "HTML Help Edition">
<!ENTITY ReservedConstants "Predefined Constants">
<!ENTITY MissingStuff "Missing Stuff">
<!ENTITY AndSeveralOthers "And several others">
<!ENTITY Version "Version">
<!ENTITY Description "Description">
<!ENTITY Changeable "Changeable">
<!ENTITY ConfigureOptions "Configure Options">
<!ENTITY Default "Default">
<!ENTITY Definition "Definition">
<!ENTITY Functions "Functions">
<!ENTITY Name "Name">
<!ENTITY Alias "Alias of">
<!-- These are used in reference/$extname/reference.xml and other
supplemental files to mark section titles -->
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<!ENTITY reftitle.constants '<title>Predefined Constants</title>'>
<!ENTITY reftitle.constructor '<title>Constructor</title>'>
<!ENTITY reftitle.description '<title>Description</title>'>
<!ENTITY reftitle.examples '<title>Examples</title>'>
<!ENTITY reftitle.exceptions '<title>Exceptions</title>'>
<!ENTITY reftitle.errors '<title>Errors/Exceptions</title>'>
<!ENTITY reftitle.install '<title>Installation</title>'>
<!ENTITY reftitle.intro '<title>Introduction</title>'>
<!ENTITY reftitle.methods '<title>Methods</title>'>
<!ENTITY reftitle.parameters '<title>Parameters</title>'>
<!ENTITY '<title>Properties</title>'>
<!ENTITY reftitle.required '<title>Requirements</title>'>
<!ENTITY reftitle.resources '<title>Resource Types</title>'>
<!ENTITY reftitle.runtime '<title>Runtime Configuration</title>'>
<!ENTITY reftitle.returnvalues '<title>Return Values</title>'>
<!ENTITY reftitle.seealso '<title>See Also</title>'>
<!ENTITY reftitle.notes '<title>Notes</title>'>