James Gingerich 0f064f1a07 More cleanups.
git-svn-id: c90b9560-bf6c-de11-be94-00142212c4b1
1999-06-19 22:12:06 +00:00

1266 lines
45 KiB

<reference id="ref.ifx">
<title>Informix Functions</title>
The Informix driver for Online (ODS) 7.x, SE 7.x and Universal
Server (IUS) 9.x is implemented in "functions/" and
"functions/php3_ifx.h". ODS 7.x support is fairly complete,
with full support for BYTE and TEXT columns. IUS 9.x support is
partly finished: the new data types are there, but SLOB and CLOB support
is still under construction.
<title>Configuration notes</title>
Before you run the "configure" script, make sure that the
"INFORMIXDIR" variable has been set.
The configure script will autodetect the libraries and include
directories, if you run "configure --with_informix=yes". You can
overide this detection by specifying "IFX_LIBDIR", "IFX_LIBS" and
"IFX_INCDIR" in the environment. The configure script will also
try to detect your Informix server version. It will set the
"HAVE_IFX_IUS" conditional compilation variable if your Informix
version >= 9.00.
<title>Some notes on the use of BLOBs (TEXT and BYTE columns)</title>
BLOBs are normally addressed by integer BLOB identifiers.
Select queries return a "blob id" for every BYTE and TEXT column.
You can get at the contents with "string_var = ifx_get_blob($blob_id);" if
you choose to get the BLOBs in memory (with : "ifx_blobinfile(0);").
If you prefer to receive the content of BLOB columns in a file, use
"ifx_blobinfile(1);", and "ifx_get_blob($blob_id);" will get
you the filename. Use normal file I/O to get at the blob contents.
For insert/update queries you must create these "blob id's" yourself
with "ifx_create_blob(..);". You then plug the blob id's into an array,
and replace the blob columns with a question mark (?) in the query string.
For updates/inserts, you are responsible for setting the blob contents with
The behaviour of BLOB columns can be altered by configuration variables
that also can be set at runtime :
configuration variable : ifx.textasvarchar
configuration variable : ifx.byteasvarchar
runtime functions :
ifx_textasvarchar(0) : use blob id's for select queries with TEXT columns
ifx_byteasvarchar(0) : use blob id's for select queries with BYTE columns
ifx_textasvarchar(1) : return TEXT columns as if they were
VARCHAR columns, without the use of blob id's
for select queries.
ifx_byteasvarchar(1) : return BYTE columns as if they were VARCHAR
columns, without the use of blob id's for
select queries.
configuration variable : ifx.blobinfile
runtime function :
ifx_blobinfile_mode(0) : return BYTE columns in memory, the blob id
lets you get at the contents.
ifx_blobinfile_mode(1) : return BYTE columns in a file, the blob id
lets you get at the file name.
If you set ifx_text/byteasvarchar to 1, you can use TEXT and BYTE columns
in select queries just like normal (but rather long) VARCHAR fields.
Since all strings are "counted" in PHP, this remains "binary safe".
It is up to you to handle this correctly. The returned data can contain
anything, you are responsible for the contents.
If you set ifx_blobinfile to 1, use the file name returned by
ifx_get_blob(..) to get at the blob contents.
FILES CREATED BY INFORMIX when fetching the row.
Every new row fetched will create new temporary files for every
BYTE column.
The location of the temporary files can be influenced by the environment
variable "blobdir", default is "." (the current directory).
Something like : putenv(blobdir=tmpblob"); will ease the cleaning up of
temp files accidentally left behind (their names all start with "blb").
<title>Automatically trimming "char" (SQLCHAR and SQLNCHAR) data</title>
This can be set with the configuration variable
ifx.charasvarchar : if set to 1 trailing spaces will be automatically
<title>NULL values</title>
The configuration variable ifx.nullformat (and the runtime function
<function>ifx_nullformat</function>) when set to true will return NULL
columns as the string "NULL", when set to false they return the empty
string. This allows you to discriminate between NULL columns and
empty columns.
<refentry id="function.ifx-connect">
<refpurpose>Open Informix server connection</refpurpose>
<funcdef>int <function>ifx_connect</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter><optional>database</optional>
<paramdef>string <parameter><optional>userid</optional>
<paramdef>string <parameter><optional>password</optional>
Returns an connection identifier on success, or FALSE on
<function>ifx_connect</function> establishes a connection to an
Informix server. All of the arguments are optional, and if they're
missing, defaults are taken from values supplied in php3.ini
(ifx.default_host for the host (Informix libraries will use
$INFORMIXSERVER environment value if not defined), ifx.default_user
for user, ifx.default_password for the password (none if not defined).
In case a second call is made to
<function>ifx_connect</function> with the same arguments, no
new link will be established, but instead, the link identifier of
the already opened link will be returned.
The link to the server will be closed as soon as the execution of
the script ends, unless it's closed earlier by explicitly calling
See also <function>ifx_pconnect</function>, and
<title>Connect to a Informix database</title>
<programlisting role="php3">
$conn_id = ifx_pconnect (mydb@ol_srv1, "imyself", "mypassword");
<refentry id="function.ifx-pconnect">
<refpurpose>Open persistent Informix connection</refpurpose>
<funcdef>int <function>ifx_pconnect</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter><optional>database</optional>
<paramdef>string <parameter><optional>userid</optional>
<paramdef>string <parameter><optional>password</optional>
Returns: A positive Informix persistent link identifier on success,
or false on error
<function>ifx_pconnect</function> acts very much like
<function>ifx_connect</function> with two major differences.
This function behaves exactly like <function>ifx_connect</function>
when PHP is not running as an Apache module.
First, when connecting, the function would first try to find a
(persistent) link that's already open with the same host,
username and password. If one is found, an identifier for it
will be returned instead of opening a new connection.
Second, the connection to the SQL server will not be closed when
the execution of the script ends. Instead, the link will remain
open for future use (<function>ifx_close</function> will not
close links established by <function>ifx_pconnect</function>).
This type of links is therefore called 'persistent'.
See also:
<refentry id="function.ifx-close">
<refpurpose>Close Informix connection</refpurpose>
<funcdef>int <function>ifx_close</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter><optional>link_identifier</optional>
Returns: always true.
<function>ifx_close</function> closes the link to an Informix
database that's associated with the specified link identifier.
If the link identifier isn't specified, the last opened link is
Note that this isn't usually necessary, as non-persistent open
links are automatically closed at the end of the script's
<function>ifx_close</function> will not close persistent links
generated by <function>ifx_pconnect</function>.
See also: <function>ifx_connect</function>, and
<title>Closing a Informix connection</title>
<programlisting role="php3">
$conn_id = ifx_connect (mydb@ol_srv, "itsme", "mypassword");
... some queries and stuff ...
<refentry id="function.ifx-query">
<refpurpose>Send Informix query</refpurpose>
<funcdef>int <function>ifx_query</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter>query</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter><optional>link_identifier</optional>
<paramdef>int <parameter><optional>cursor_type</optional>
<paramdef>mixed <parameter><optional>blobidarray</optional>
Returns: A positive Informix result identifier on success, or
false on error.
An integer "result_id" used by other functions to retrieve the
query results. Sets "affected_rows" for retrieval by the
<function>ifx_affected_rows</function> function.
<function>ifx_query</function> sends a query to the currently
active database on the server that's associated with the
specified link identifier. If the link identifier isn't
specified, the last opened link is assumed. If no link is open,
the function tries to establish a link as if
<function>ifx_connect</function> was called, and use it.
Executes <parameter>query</parameter> on connection
<parameter>conn_id</parameter>. For "select-type" queries a cursor
is declared and opened. The optional <parameter>cursor_type</parameter>
parameter allows you to make this a "scroll" and/or "hold"
cursor. It's a mask and can be either IFX_SCROLL, IFX_HOLD, or both
or'ed together. Non-select queries are "execute immediate".
For either query type the number of (estimated or real) affected
rows is saved for retrieval by <function>ifx_affected_rows</function>.
If you have BLOB (BYTE or TEXT) columns in an update query, you
can add a <parameter>blobidarray</parameter> parameter containing
the corresponding "blob ids", and you should replace those
columns with a "?" in the query text.
If the contents of the TEXT (or BYTE) column allow it, you can
also use "ifx_textasvarchar(1)" and "ifx_byteasvarchar(1)". This
allows you to treat TEXT (or BYTE) columns just as if they were
ordinary (but long) VARCHAR columns for select queries, and you
don't need to bother with blob id's.
With ifx_textasvarchar(0) or ifx_byteasvarchar(0) (the default
situation), select queries will return BLOB columns as blob id's
(integer value). You can get the value of the blob as a string
or file with the blob functions (see below).
See also:
<title>Show all rows of the "orders" table as a html table</title>
<programlisting role="php3">
ifx_textasvarchar(1); // use "text mode" for blobs
$res_id = ifx_query("select * from orders", $conn_id);
if (! $res_id) {
printf("Can't select orders : %s\n&lt;br>%s&lt;br>\n", ifx_error());
ifx_htmltbl_result($res_id, "border=\"1\"");
<title>Insert some values into the "catalog" table</title>
<programlisting role=php3>
// create blob id's for a byte and text column
$textid = ifx_create_blob(0, 0, "Text column in memory");
$byteid = ifx_create_blob(1, 0, "Byte column in memory");
// store blob id's in a blobid array
$blobidarray[] = $textid;
$blobidarray[] = $byteid;
// launch query
$query = "insert into catalog (stock_num, manu_code, " .
"cat_descr,cat_picture) values(1,'HRO',?,?)";
$res_id = ifx_query($query, $conn_id, $blobidarray);
if (! $res_id) {
... error ...
// free result id
<refentry id="function.ifx-prepare">
<refpurpose>Prepare an SQL-statement for execution</refpurpose>
<funcdef>int <function>ifx_prepare</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter>query</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>conn_id</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter><optional>cursor_def</optional></parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>mixed <parameter>blobidarray</parameter></paramdef>
Returns a integer <parameter>result_id</parameter> for use by
<function>ifx_do</function>. Sets
<parameter>affected_rows</parameter> for retrieval by the
<function>ifx_affected_rows</function> function.
Prepares <parameter>query</parameter> on connection
<parameter>conn_id</parameter>. For "select-type" queries a
cursor is declared and opened. The optional <parameter>cursor_type</parameter>
parameter allows you to make this a "scroll" and/or "hold"
cursor. It's a mask and can be either IFX_SCROLL, IFX_HOLD, or both
or'ed together.
For either query type the estimated number of affected rows is
saved for retrieval by <function>ifx_affected_rows</function>.
If you have BLOB (BYTE or TEXT) columns in the query, you can add
a <parameter>blobidarray</parameter> parameter containing the
corresponding "blob ids", and you should replace those columns
with a "?" in the query text.
If the contents of the TEXT (or BYTE) column allow it, you can
also use "ifx_textasvarchar(1)" and "ifx_byteasvarchar(1)". This
allows you to treat TEXT (or BYTE) columns just as if they were
ordinary (but long) VARCHAR columns for select queries, and you
don't need to bother with blob id's.
With ifx_textasvarchar(0) or ifx_byteasvarchar(0) (the default
situation), select queries will return BLOB columns as blob id's
(integer value). You can get the value of the blob as a string
or file with the blob functions (see below).
See also: <function>ifx_do</function>.
<refentry id="function.ifx-do">
<refpurpose>Execute a previously prepared SQL-statement</refpurpose>
<funcdef>int <function>ifx_do</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>result_id</parameter></paramdef>
Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on error.
Executes a previously prepared query or opens a cursor for it.
Does NOT free <parameter>result_id</parameter> on error.
Also sets the real number of
<function>ifx_affected_rows</function> for non-select statements
for retrieval by <function>ifx_affected_rows</function>
See also: <function>ifx_prepare</function>. There is a example.
<refentry id="function.ifx-error">
<refpurpose>Returns error code of last Informix call</refpurpose>
<funcdef>string <function>ifx_error</function></funcdef>
The Informix error codes (SQLSTATE & SQLCODE) formatted as
follows :
x [SQLSTATE = aa bbb SQLCODE=cccc]
where x = space : no error
</para><para> E : error
</para><para> N : no more data
</para><para> W : warning
</para><para> ? : undefined
If the "x" character is anything other than space, SQLSTATE and
SQLCODE describe the error in more detail.
See the Informix manual for the description of SQLSTATE and
Returns in a string one character describing the general results
of a statement and both SQLSTATE and SQLCODE associated with the
most recent SQL statement executed. The format of the string is
"(char) [SQLSTATE=(two digits) (three digits) SQLCODE=(one
digit)]". The first character can be '<literal> </literal>'
(space) (success), '<literal>W</literal>' (the statement caused
some warning), '<literal>E</literal>' (an error happened when
executing the statement) or '<literal>N</literal>' (the statement
didn't return any data).
</para><para> See also:
<refentry id="function.ifx-errormsg">
<refpurpose>Returns error message of last Informix call</refpurpose>
<funcdef>string <function>ifx_errormsg</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter><optional>errorcode</optional></parameter></paramdef>
Returns the Informix error message associated with the most
recent Informix error, or, when the optional
"<parameter>errorcode</parameter>" param is present, the error
message corresponding to "<parameter>errorcode</parameter>".
See also: <function>ifx_error</function>
printf("%s\n&lt;br>", ifx_errormsg(-201));
<refentry id="function.ifx-affected-rows">
<refpurpose>Get number of rows affected by a query</refpurpose>
<funcdef>int <function>ifx_affected_rows</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>result_id</parameter></paramdef>
<parameter>result_id</parameter> is a valid result id returned by
<function>ifx_query</function> or
Returns the number of rows affected by a query associated with
For inserts, updates and deletes the number is the real number
(sqlerrd[2]) of affected rows. For selects it is an estimate
(sqlerrd[0]). Don't rely on it.
Useful after <function>ifx_prepare</function> to limit queries to
reasonable result sets.
See also: <function>ifx_num_rows</function>
<title>Informix affected rows</title>
<programlisting role="php3">
$rid = ifx_prepare ("select * from emp where name like " . $name, $connid);
if (! $rid) {
... error ...
$rowcount = ifx_affected_rows ($rid);
if ($rowcount > 1000) {
printf ("Too many rows in result set (%d)\n&lt;br>", $rowcount);
die ("Please restrict your query&lt;br>\n");
<refentry id="function.ifx-getsqlca">
<refpurpose>Get the contents of sqlca.sqlerrd[0..5] after a query</refpurpose>
<funcdef>array <function>ifx_getsqlca</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>result_id</parameter></paramdef>
<parameter>result_id</parameter> is a valid result id returned by
<function>ifx_query</function> or
Returns a pseudo-row (assiociative arry) with sqlca.sqlerrd[0] to sqlca.sqlerrd[5]
after the query associated with <parameter>result_id</parameter>.
For inserts, updates and deletes the values returned are those as set by the server
after executing the query. This gives access to the number of affected
rows and the serial insert value. For selects the values are those saved after
the prepare statement. This gives access to the estimated number of
affected rows. The use of this function saves the overhead of executing
a "select dbinfo('sqlca.sqlerrdx')" query, as it retrieves the values
that were saved by the ifx driver at the appropriate moment.
<title>Retrieve Informix sqlca.sqlerrd[x] values</title>
<programlisting role="php3">
/* assume the first column of 'sometable' is a serial */
$qid = ifx_query("insert into sometable values(0, '2nd column', 'another column' ", $connid);
if (! $qid) {
... error ...
$sqlca = ifx_getsqlca ($qid);
$serial_value = $sqlca["sqlerrd1"];
echo "The serial value of the inserted row is : " . $serial_value&lt;br>\n";
<refentry id="function.ifx-fetch-row">
<refpurpose>Get row as enumerated array</refpurpose>
<funcdef>array <function>ifx_fetch_row</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>result_id</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>mixed <parameter><optional>position</optional>
Returns an associative array that corresponds to the fetched row,
or false if there are no more rows.
Blob columns are returned as integer blob id values for use in
<function>ifx_get_blob</function> unless you have used
ifx_textasvarchar(1) or ifx_byteasvarchar(1), in which case blobs
are returned as string values. Returns FALSE on error
<parameter>result_id</parameter> is a valid resultid returned by
<function>ifx_query</function> or
<function>ifx_prepare</function> (select type queries only!).
<parameter><optional>position</optional></parameter> is an
optional parameter for a "fetch" operation on "scroll" cursors:
"NEXT", "PREVIOUS", "CURRENT", "FIRST", "LAST" or a number. If
you specify a number, an "absolute" row fetch is executed. This
parameter is optional, and only valid for scrollcursors.
<function>ifx_fetch_row</function> fetches one row of data from
the result associated with the specified result identifier. The
row is returned as an array. Each result column is stored in an
array offset, starting at offset 0.
Subsequent call to <function>ifx_fetch_row</function> would
return the next row in the result set, or false if there are no
more rows.
<title>Informix fetch rows</title>
<programlisting role="php3">
$rid = ifx_prepare ("select * from emp where name like " . $name,
$connid, IFX_SCROLL);
if (! $rid) {
... error ...
$rowcount = ifx_affected_rows($rid);
if ($rowcount > 1000) {
printf ("Too many rows in result set (%d)\n&lt;br>", $rowcount);
die ("Please restrict your query&lt;br>\n");
if (! ifx_do ($rid)) {
... error ...
$row = ifx_fetch_row ($rid, "NEXT");
while (is_array($row)) {
for(reset($row); $fieldname=key($row); next($row)) {
$fieldvalue = $row[$fieldname];
printf ("%s = %s,", $fieldname, $fieldvalue);
$row = ifx_fetch_row ($rid, "NEXT");
ifx_free_result ($rid);
<refentry id="function.ifx-htmltbl-result">
<refpurpose>Formats all rows of a query into a HTML table</refpurpose>
<funcdef>int <function>ifx_htmltbl_result</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>result_id</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter><optional>html_table_options</optional></parameter></paramdef>
Returns the number of rows fetched or FALSE on error.
Formats all rows of the <parameter>result_id</parameter> query
into a html table. The optional second argument is a string of
&lt;table&gt; tag options
<title>Informix results as HTML table</title>
<programlisting role="php3">
$rid = ifx_prepare ("select * from emp where name like " . $name,
$connid, IFX_SCROLL);
if (! $rid) {
... error ...
$rowcount = ifx_affected_rows ($rid);
if ($rowcount > 1000) {
printf ("Too many rows in result set (%d)\n&lt;br>", $rowcount);
die ("Please restrict your query&lt;br>\n");
if (! ifx_do($rid) {
... error ...
ifx_htmltbl_result ($rid, "border=\"2\"");
<refentry id="function.ifx-fieldtypes">
<refpurpose>List of Informix SQL fields</refpurpose>
<funcdef>array <function>ifx_fieldtypes</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>result_id</parameter></paramdef>
Returns an associative array with fieldnames as key and the SQL
fieldtypes as data for query with
<parameter>result_id</parameter>. Returns FALSE on error.
<title>Fielnames and SQL fieldtypes</title>
<programlisting role="php3">
$types = ifx_fieldtypes ($resultid);
if (! isset ($types)) {
... error ...
for ($i = 0; $i < count($types); $i++) {
$fname = key($types);
printf("%s :\t type = %s\n", $fname, $types[$fname]);
<refentry id="function.ifx-fieldproperties">
<refpurpose>List of SQL fieldproperties</refpurpose>
<funcdef>array <function>ifx_fieldproperties</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>result_id</parameter></paramdef>
Returns an associative array with fieldnames as key and the SQL
fieldproperties as data for a query with
<parameter>result_id</parameter>. Returns FALSE on error.
Returns the Informix SQL fieldproperies of every field in the
query as an associative array. Properties are encoded as:
"SQLTYPE;length;precision;scale;ISNULLABLE" where SQLTYPE = the
Informix type like "SQLVCHAR" etc. and ISNULLABLE = "Y" or "N".
<title>Informix SQL fieldproperties</title>
<programlisting role="php3">
$properties = ifx_fieldtypes ($resultid);
if (! isset($properties)) {
... error ...
for ($i = 0; $i < count($properties); $i++) {
$fname = key ($properties);
printf ("%s:\t type = %s\n", $fname, $properties[$fname]);
next ($properties);
<refentry id="function.ifx-num-fields">
<refpurpose>Returns the number of columns in the query</refpurpose>
<funcdef>int <function>ifx_num_fields</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>result_id</parameter></paramdef>
Returns the number of columns in query for
<parameter>result_id</parameter> or FALSE on error
After preparing or executing a query, this call gives you the
number of columns in the query.
<refentry id="function.ifx-num-rows">
<refpurpose>Count the rows already fetched a query</refpurpose>
<funcdef>int <function>ifx_num_rows</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>result_id</parameter></paramdef>
Gives the number of rows fetched so far for a query with
<parameter>result_id</parameter> after a
<function>ifx_query</function> or <function>ifx_do</function>
<refentry id="function.ifx-free-result">
<refpurpose>Releases resources for the query</refpurpose>
<funcdef>int <function>ifx_free_result</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>result_id</parameter></paramdef>
Releases resources for the query associated with
<parameter>result_id</parameter>. Returns FALSE on error.
<refentry id="function.ifx-create-char">
<refpurpose>Creates an char object</refpurpose>
<funcdef>int <function>ifx_create_char</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter>param</parameter></paramdef>
Creates an char object. <parameter>param</parameter> should
be the char content.
<refentry id="function.ifx-free-char">
<refpurpose>Deletes the char object</refpurpose>
<funcdef>int <function>ifx_free_char</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>bid</parameter></paramdef>
Deletes the charobject for the given char object-id
<parameter>bid</parameter>. Returns FALSE on error otherwise
<refentry id="function.ifx-update-char">
<refpurpose>Updates the content of the char object</refpurpose>
<funcdef>int <function>ifx_update_char</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>bid</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter>content</parameter></paramdef>
Updates the content of the char object for the given char object
<parameter>bid</parameter>. <parameter>content</parameter> is a
string with new data. Returns FALSE on error otherwise TRUE.
<refentry id="function.ifx-get-char">
<refpurpose>Return the content of the char object</refpurpose>
<funcdef>int <function>ifx_get_char</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>bid</parameter></paramdef>
Returns the content of the char object for the given char
object-id <parameter>bid</parameter>.
<refentry id="function.ifx-create-blob">
<refpurpose>Creates an blob object</refpurpose>
<funcdef>int <function>ifx_create_blob</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>type</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>mode</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter>param</parameter></paramdef>
Creates an blob object.
type: 1 = TEXT, 0 = BYTE
mode: 0 = blob-object holds the content in memory,
1 = blob-object holds the content in file.
param: if mode = 0: pointer to the content,
if mode = 1: pointer to the filestring.
Return FALSE on error, otherwise the new blob object-id.
<refentry id="function.ifx-copy-blob">
<refpurpose>Duplicates the given blob object</refpurpose>
<funcdef>int <function>ifx_copy_blob</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>bid</parameter></paramdef>
Duplicates the given blob object. <parameter>bid</parameter> is
the ID of the blob object.
Returns FALSE on error otherwise the new blob object-id.
<refentry id="function.ifx-free-blob">
<refpurpose>Deletes the blob object</refpurpose>
<funcdef>int <function>ifx_free_blob</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>bid</parameter></paramdef>
Deletes the blobobject for the given blob object-id
<parameter>bid</parameter>. Returns FALSE on error otherwise
<refentry id="function.ifx-get-blob">
<refpurpose>Return the content of a blob object</refpurpose>
<funcdef>int <function>ifx_get_blob</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>bid</parameter></paramdef>
Returns the content of the blob object for the given blob
object-id <parameter>bid</parameter>.
<refentry id="function.ifx-update-blob">
<refpurpose>Updates the content of the blob object</refpurpose>
<paramdef>int <parameter>bid</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter>content</parameter></paramdef>
Updates the content of the blob object for the given blob object
<parameter>bid</parameter>. <parameter>content</parameter> is a
string with new data. Returns FALSE on error otherwise TRUE.
<refentry id="function.ifx-blobinfile-mode">
<refpurpose>Set the default blob mode for all select queries</refpurpose>
<funcdef>void <function>ifx_blobinfile_mode</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>mode</parameter></paramdef>
Set the default blob mode for all select queries. Mode "0" means
save Byte-Blobs in memory, and mode "1" means save Byte-Blobs in
a file.
<refentry id="function.ifx-textasvarchar">
<refpurpose>Set the default text mode</refpurpose>
<funcdef>void <function>ifx_textasvarchar</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>mode</parameter></paramdef>
Sets the default text mode for all select-queries. Mode "0" will
return a blob id, and mode "1" will return a varchar with text
<refentry id="function.ifx-byteasvarchar">
<refpurpose>Set the default byte mode</refpurpose>
<funcdef>void <function>ifx_byteasvarchar</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>mode</parameter></paramdef>
Sets the default byte mode for all select-queries. Mode "0" will
return a blob id, and mode "1" will return a varchar with text
<refentry id="function.ifx-nullformat">
<refpurpose>Sets the default return value on a fetch row</refpurpose>
<funcdef>void <function>ifx_nullformat</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>mode</parameter></paramdef>
Sets the default return value of a NULL-value on a fetch row.
Mode "0" returns "", and mode "1" returns "NULL".
<refentry id="function.ifxus-create-slob">
<refpurpose>Creates an slob object and opens it</refpurpose>
<funcdef>int <function>ifxus_create_slob</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>mode</parameter></paramdef>
Creates an slob object and opens it. Modes: 1 = LO_RDONLY, 2 =
LO_NOBUFFER -> or-mask. You can also use constants named
IFX_LO_RDONLY, IFX_LO_WRONLY etc. Return FALSE on error otherwise
the new slob object-id.
<refentry id="function.ifxus-free-slob">
<refpurpose>Deletes the slob object</refpurpose>
<funcdef>int <function>ifxus_free_slob</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>bid</parameter></paramdef>
Deletes the slob object. <parameter>bid</parameter> is the Id of
the slob object. Returns FALSE on error otherwise TRUE.
<refentry id="function.ifxus-close-slob">
<refpurpose>Deletes the slob object</refpurpose>
<funcdef>int <function>ifxus_close_slob</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>bid</parameter></paramdef>
Deletes the slob object on the given slob object-id
<parameter>bid</parameter>. Return FALSE on error otherwise
<refentry id="function.ifxus-open-slob">
<refpurpose>Opens an slob object</refpurpose>
<funcdef>int <function>ifxus_open_slob</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>long <parameter>bid</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>mode</parameter></paramdef>
Opens an slob object. <parameter>bid</parameter> should be an
existing slob id. Modes: 1 = LO_RDONLY, 2 = LO_WRONLY, 4 =
or-mask. Returns FALSE on error otherwise the new slob
<refentry id="function.ifxus-tell-slob">
<refpurpose>Returns the current file or seek position</refpurpose>
<funcdef>int <function>ifxus_tell_slob</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>long <parameter>bid</parameter></paramdef>
Returns the current file or seek position of an open slob object
<parameter>bid</parameter> should be an existing slob id. Return
FALSE on error otherwise the seek position.
<refentry id="function.ifxus-seek-slob">
<refpurpose>Sets the current file or seek position</refpurpose>
<funcdef>int <function>ifxus_seek_blob</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>long <parameter>bid</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>mode</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>long <parameter>offset</parameter></paramdef>
Sets the current file or seek position of an open slob object.
<parameter>bid</parameter> should be an existing slob id. Modes:
<parameter>offset</parameter> is an byte offset. Return FALSE on
error otherwise the seek position.
<refentry id="function.ifxus-read-slob">
<refpurpose>Reads nbytes of the slob object</refpurpose>
<funcdef>int <function>ifxus_read_slob</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>long <parameter>bid</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>long <parameter>nbytes</parameter></paramdef>
Reads nbytes of the slob object. <parameter>bid</parameter> is a
existing slob id and <parameter>nbytes</parameter> is the number
of bytes zu read. Return FALSE on error otherwise the string.
<refentry id="function.ifxus-write-slob">
<refpurpose>Writes a string into the slob object</refpurpose>
<funcdef>int <function>ifxus_write_slob</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>long <parameter>bid</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter>content</parameter></paramdef>
Writes a string into the slob object. <parameter>bid</parameter>
is a existing slob id and <parameter>content</parameter> the
content to write. Return FALSE on error otherwise bytes written.
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