Marco Cucinato ba8fcb63ab Fixed typo
git-svn-id: c90b9560-bf6c-de11-be94-00142212c4b1
2003-02-22 09:26:55 +00:00
ocibindbyname.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocicancel.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocicollappend.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocicollassign.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocicollassignelem.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocicollgetelem.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocicollmax.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocicollsize.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocicolltrim.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocicolumnisnull.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocicolumnname.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocicolumnprecision.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocicolumnscale.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocicolumnsize.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocicolumntype.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocicolumntyperaw.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocicommit.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocidefinebyname.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocierror.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ociexecute.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocifetch.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocifetchinto.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocifetchstatement.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocifreecollection.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocifreecursor.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocifreedesc.xml Fixed typo 2003-02-22 09:26:55 +00:00
ocifreestatement.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ociinternaldebug.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ociloadlob.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocilogoff.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocilogon.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocinewcollection.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocinewcursor.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocinewdescriptor.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocinlogon.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocinumcols.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ociparse.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ociplogon.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ociresult.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocirollback.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocirowcount.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocisavelob.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocisavelobfile.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ociserverversion.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocisetprefetch.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ocistatementtype.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00
ociwritelobtofile.xml function names to lowercase plus some typos 2003-02-11 03:06:15 +00:00