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<chapter xml:id="mysqlnd-ms.concepts" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
This explains the architecture and related concepts for this plugin, and
describes the impact that MySQL replication and this plugin have on developmental
tasks while using a database cluster. Reading and understanding these concepts
is required, in order to use this plugin with success.
<section xml:id="mysqlnd-ms.architecture">
The mysqlnd replication and load balancing plugin is
implemented as a PHP extension.
It is written in C and operates under the hood of PHP. During the
startup of the PHP interpreter, in the module init phase of the
PHP engine, it gets registered as a
<link linkend="book.mysqlnd">mysqlnd</link> plugin to replace selected
mysqlnd C methods.
At PHP runtime, it inspects queries sent from
mysqlnd (PHP) to the MySQL server. If a query is recognized as read-only,
it will be sent to one of the configured slave servers. Statements are
considered read-only if they either start with <literal>SELECT</literal>,
the SQL hint <literal>/*ms=slave*/</literal> or a slave had been chosen for
running the previous query, and the query started with the SQL hint
<literal>/*ms=last_used*/</literal>. In all other cases, the query will
be sent to the MySQL replication master server.
For better portability, applications should use the
<constant>MYSQLND_MS_SLAVE_SWITCH</constant>, and
<link linkend="mysqlnd-ms.constants">predefined mysqlnd_ms constants</link>,
instead of their literal values, such as <literal>/*ms=slave*/</literal>.
The plugin handles the opening and closing of database connections
to both master and slave servers. From an application
point of view, there continues to be only one connection handle. However,
internally, this one public connection handle represents a pool of
network connections that are managed by the plugin. The plugin proxies queries
to the master server, and to the slaves using multiple connections.
Database connections have a state consisting of, for example, transaction
status, transaction settings, character set settings, and temporary tables.
The plugin will try to maintain the same state among all internal
connections, whenever this can be done in an automatic and transparent way.
In cases where it is not easily possible to maintain state among all
connections, such as when using <literal>BEGIN TRANSACTION</literal>, the
plugin leaves it to the user to handle.
<section xml:id="mysqlnd-ms.pooling">
<title>Connection pooling and switching</title>
The replication and load balancing plugin changes the semantics of a PHP
MySQL connection handle. The existing API of the PHP MySQL extensions
(<link linkend="ref.mysqli">mysqli</link>,
<link linkend="ref.mysql">mysql</link>, and
<link linkend="ref.pdo-mysql">PDO_MYSQL</link>) are not changed in
a way that functions are added or removed. But their behaviour
changes when using the plugin. Existing applications do not need to
be adapted to a new API, but they may need to be modified because of
the behaviour changes.
The plugin breaks the one-by-one relationship between a
<link linkend="ref.mysqli">mysqli</link>,
<link linkend="ref.mysql">mysql</link>, and
<link linkend="ref.pdo-mysql">PDO_MYSQL</link> connection
handle and a MySQL network connection. And a
<link linkend="ref.mysqli">mysqli</link>,
<link linkend="ref.mysql">mysql</link>, and
<link linkend="ref.pdo-mysql">PDO_MYSQL</link> connection
handle represents a local pool of connections to the configured
MySQL replication master and MySQL replication slave servers.
The plugin redirects queries to the master and slave servers.
At some point in time one and the same PHP connection handle
may point to the MySQL master server. Later on, it may point
to one of the slave servers or still the master. Manipulating
and replacing the network connection referenced by a PHP MySQL
connection handle is not a transparent operation.
Every MySQL connection has a state. The state of the connections in
the connection pool of the plugin can differ. Whenever the
plugin switches from one wire connection to another, the current state of
the user connection may change. The applications must be aware of this.
The following list shows what the connection state consists of. The list
may not be complete.
Transaction status
Temporary tables
Table locks
Session system variables and session user variables
The current database set using <literal>USE</literal> and other state chaining SQL commands
Prepared statements
<literal>HANDLER</literal> variables
Locks acquired with <literal>GET_LOCK()</literal>
Connection switches happen right before queries are executed. The plugin does
not switch the current connection until the next statement is executed.
<title>Replication issues</title>
See also the MySQL reference manual chapter about
<link xlink:href="&url.mysql.docs.replication;">replication features</link> and
related issues. Some restrictions may not be related to the PHP plugin, but
are properties of the MySQL replication system.
<para>Broadcasted messages</para>
The plugins philosophy is to align the state of connections in the
pool only if the state is under full control of the plugin, or if it is
necessary for security reasons. Just a few actions that change the
state of the connection fall into this category.
The following is a list of connection client library calls that change state,
and are broadcasted to all open connections in the connection pool.
If any of the listed calls below are to be executed, the plugin loops over all
open master and slave connections. The loop continues until all servers
have been contacted, and the loop does not break if a server indicates a failure.
If possible, the failure will propagate to the called user API function, which may
be detected depending on which underlying library function was triggered.
<tgroup cols="3">
<colspec colwidth="1*"/>
<colspec colwidth="7*"/>
<colspec colwidth="2*"/>
<entry>Library call</entry>
Called by the <function>mysqli_change_user</function> user API call.
Also triggered upon reuse of a persistent <literal>mysqli</literal>
<entry>Since 1.0.0.</entry>
Called by the following user API calls:
Note, that SQL <literal>USE</literal> is not monitored.
<entry>Since 1.0.0.</entry>
Called by the following user API calls:
Note, that SQL <literal>SET NAMES</literal> is not monitored.
<entry>Since 1.0.0.</entry>
Called by the following user API calls:
<entry>Since 1.0.0.</entry>
Called by the following user API calls:
<entry>Since 1.0.0.</entry>
Called by the following user API calls:
<entry>Since 1.0.0. PHP >= 5.4.0.</entry>
Called by the following user API calls:
<entry>Since 1.1.0.</entry>
<para>Broadcasting and lazy connections</para>
The plugin does not proxy or
<quote>remember</quote> all settings to apply them on connections
opened in the future. This is important to remember, if
<link linkend="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.lazy-connections">lazy connections</link>.
Lazy connections are connections which are not
opened before the client sends the first connection.
Use of lazy connections is the default plugin action.
The following connection library calls each changed state, and their execution is
recorded for later use when lazy connections are opened. This helps ensure that
the connection state of all connections in the connection pool are comparable.
<tgroup cols="3">
<colspec colwidth="1*"/>
<colspec colwidth="7*"/>
<colspec colwidth="2*"/>
<entry>Library call</entry>
User, password and database recorded for future use.
<entry>Since 1.1.0.</entry>
Database recorded for future use.
<entry>Since 1.1.0.</entry>
Calls <literal>set_client_option(MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_NAME, charset)</literal>
on lazy connection to ensure <literal>charset</literal> will be used
upon opening the lazy connection.
<entry>Since 1.1.0.</entry>
Adds <literal>SET AUTOCOMMIT=0|1</literal> to the list of init commands
of a lazy connection using
<literal>set_client_option(MYSQL_INIT_COMMAND, "SET AUTOCOMMIT=...%quot;)</literal>.
<entry>Since 1.1.0. PHP >= 5.4.0.</entry>
<title>Connection state</title>
The connection state is not only changed by API calls. Thus, even if
PECL mysqlnd_ms monitors all API calls, the application must still
be aware. Ultimately, it is the applications responsibility to maintain
the connection state, if needed.
<para>Charsets and string escaping</para>
Due to the use of lazy connections, which are a default, it can happen that
an application tries to escape a string for use within SQL statements before
a connection has been established. In this case string escaping is not possible.
The string escape function does not know what charset to use before a connection
has been established.
To overcome the problem a new configuration setting
<link linkend="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.server-charset"><literal>server_charset</literal></link>
has been introduced in version 1.4.0.
Attention has to be paid on escaping strings with a certain charset but using
the result on a connection that uses a different charset. Please note,
that PECL/mysqlnd_ms manipulates connections and one application level connection
represents a pool of multiple connections that all may have different default charsets.
It is recommended to configure the servers involved to use the same default charsets.
The configuration setting <literal>server_charset</literal> does help with this situation as well.
If using <literal>server_charset</literal>, the plugin will set the given
charset on all newly opened connections.
<section xml:id="mysqlnd-ms.transaction">
<title>Local transaction handling</title>
Transaction handling is fundamentally changed.
An SQL transaction is a unit of work that is run on one database server. The
unit of work consists of one or more SQL statements.
By default the plugin is not aware of SQL transactions. The plugin may
switch connections for load balancing at any point in time. Connection
switches may happen in the middle of a transaction. This is against the
nature of an SQL transaction. By default, the plugin is not transaction safe.
Any kind of MySQL load balancer must be hinted about the begin and end of a
transaction. Hinting can either be done implicitly by monitoring API calls
or using SQL hints. Both options are supported by the plugin, depending on
your PHP version. API monitoring requires PHP 5.4.0 or newer. The plugin,
like any other MySQL load balancer, cannot detect transaction boundaries based
on the MySQL Client Server Protocol. Thus, entirely transparent transaction
aware load balancing is not possible. The least intrusive option is API
monitoring, which requires little to no application changes, depending
on your application.
Please, find examples of using SQL hints or the API monitoring in the
<link linkend="mysqlnd-ms.quickstart">examples section</link>. The
details behind the API monitoring, which makes the plugin transaction
aware, are described below.
Beginning with PHP 5.4.0, the <link linkend="book.mysqlnd">mysqlnd</link>
library allows this plugin to subclass the library C API call
<literal>set_autocommit()</literal>, to detect the status of
<literal>autocommit</literal> mode.
The PHP MySQL extensions either issue a query (such as <literal>SET AUTOCOMMIT=0|1</literal>),
or use the mysqlnd library call <literal>set_autocommit()</literal> to control
the <literal>autocommit</literal> setting. If an extension makes use of
<literal>set_autocommit()</literal>, the plugin can be made transaction aware.
Transaction awareness cannot be achieved if using SQL to set the autocommit
The library function <literal>set_autocommit()</literal> is called by the
<function>mysqli_autocommit</function> and
<literal>PDO::setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT)</literal> user API calls.
The plugin configuration option
<link linkend="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.trx-stickiness">trx_stickiness=master</link>
can be used to make the plugin transactional aware. In this mode, the plugin stops load
balancing if autocommit becomes disabled, and directs all statements to the master until
autocommit gets enabled.
An application that does not want to set SQL hints for transactions but wants
to use the transparent API monitoring to avoid application changes must make
sure that the autocommit settings is changed exclusively through the listed
API calls.
API based transaction boundary detection has been improved with PHP 5.5.0 and
PECL/mysqlnd_ms 1.5.0 to cover not only calls to <function>mysqli_autocommit</function>
but also <function>mysqli_begin</function>,
<function>mysqli_commit</function> and <function>mysqli_rollback</function>.
<section xml:id="mysqlnd-ms.errorhandling">
<title>Error handling</title>
Applications using PECL/mysqlnd_ms should implement proper error handling
for all user API calls. And because the plugin changes the semantics
of a connection handle, API calls may return unexpected errors. If using
the plugin on a connection handle that no longer represents an individual network
connection, but a connection pool, an error code and error message will
be set on the connection handle whenever an error occurs on any of the network
connections behind.
If using lazy connections, which is the default, connections are not
opened until they are needed for query execution. Therefore,
an API call for a statement execution may return a connection error.
In the example below, an error is provoked when trying to run a statement on a slave.
Opening a slave connection fails because the plugin configuration file
lists an invalid host name for the slave.
<title>Provoking a connection error</title>
<programlisting role="ini">
"myapp": {
"master": {
"master_0": {
"host": "localhost",
"socket": "\/tmp\/mysql.sock"
"slave": {
"slave_0": {
"host": "invalid_host_name",
"lazy_connections": 1
The explicit activation of lazy connections is for demonstration purpose only.
<title>Connection error on query execution</title>
<programlisting role="php">
$mysqli = new mysqli("myapp", "username", "password", "database");
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
/* Of course, your error handling is nicer... */
die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", mysqli_connect_errno(), mysqli_connect_error()));
/* Connection 1, connection bound SQL user variable, no SELECT thus run on master */
if (!$mysqli->query("SET @myrole='master'")) {
printf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error);
/* Connection 2, run on slave because SELECT, provoke connection error */
if (!($res = $mysqli->query("SELECT @myrole AS _role"))) {
printf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error);
} else {
$row = $res->fetch_assoc();
printf("@myrole = '%s'\n", $row['_role']);
PHP Warning: mysqli::query(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known in %s on line %d
PHP Warning: mysqli::query(): [2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known (trying to connect via tcp://invalid_host_name:3306) in %s on line %d
[2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known
Applications are expected to handle possible connection errors by
implementing proper error handling.
Depending on the use case, applications may want to handle connection errors
differently from other errors. Typical connection errors are
<literal>2002 (CR_CONNECTION_ERROR) - Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '%s' (%d)</literal>,
<literal>2003 (CR_CONN_HOST_ERROR) - Can't connect to MySQL server on '%s' (%d)</literal> and
<literal>2005 (CR_UNKNOWN_HOST) - Unknown MySQL server host '%s' (%d)</literal>.
For example, the application may test for the error codes and manually
perform a fail over. The plugins philosophy is not to offer automatic fail over,
beyond master fail over, because fail over is not a transparent operation.
<title>Provoking a connection error</title>
<programlisting role="ini">
"myapp": {
"master": {
"master_0": {
"host": "localhost"
"slave": {
"slave_0": {
"host": "invalid_host_name"
"slave_1": {
"host": ""
"lazy_connections": 1,
"filters": {
"roundrobin": [
Explicitly activating lazy connections is done for demonstration purposes,
as is round robin load balancing as opposed to the default <literal>random once</literal>
<title>Most basic failover</title>
<programlisting role="php">
$mysqli = new mysqli("myapp", "username", "password", "database");
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
/* Of course, your error handling is nicer... */
die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", mysqli_connect_errno(), mysqli_connect_error()));
/* Connection 1, connection bound SQL user variable, no SELECT thus run on master */
if (!$mysqli->query("SET @myrole='master'")) {
printf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error);
/* Connection 2, first slave */
$res = $mysqli->query("SELECT VERSION() AS _version");
/* Hackish manual fail over */
if (2002 == $mysqli->errno || 2003 == $mysqli->errno || 2004 == $mysqli->errno) {
/* Connection 3, first slave connection failed, trying next slave */
$res = $mysqli->query("SELECT VERSION() AS _version");
if (!$res) {
printf("ERROR, [%d] '%s'\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error);
} else {
/* Error messages are taken from connection 3, thus no error */
printf("SUCCESS, [%d] '%s'\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error);
$row = $res->fetch_assoc();
printf("version = %s\n", $row['_version']);
[1045] Access denied for user 'username'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
PHP Warning: mysqli::query(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known in %s on line %d
PHP Warning: mysqli::query(): [2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known (trying to connect via tcp://invalid_host_name:3306) in %s on line %d
SUCCESS, [0] ''
version = 5.6.2-m5-log
In some cases, it may not be easily possible to retrieve all errors that
occur on all network connections through a connection handle. For example, let's assume a
connection handle represents a pool of three open connections. One connection
to a master and two connections to the slaves. The application changes the
current database using the user API call <function>mysqli_select_db</function>,
which then calls the mysqlnd library function to change the schemata.
mysqlnd_ms monitors the function, and tries to change the current
database on all connections to harmonize their state. Now, assume the master succeeds
in changing the database, and both slaves fail. Upon the initial error
from the first slave, the plugin will set an appropriate error on the
connection handle. The same is done when the second slave fails to change the
database. The error message from the first slave is lost.
Such cases can be debugged by either checking for errors of the type
<literal>E_WARNING</literal> (see above) or, if no other option, investigation
of the <link linkend="mysqlnd-ms.debugging">mysqlnd_ms debug and trace log</link>.
<section xml:id="mysqlnd-ms.transient_errors">
<title>Transient errors</title>
Some distributed database clusters make use of transient errors. A transient
error is a temporary error that is likely to disappear soon. By definition
it is safe for a client to ignore a transient error and retry the failed
operation on the same database server. The retry is free of side effects.
Clients are not forced to abort their work or to fail over to another database
server immediately. They may enter a retry loop before to wait for the
error to disappear before giving up on the database server.
Transient errors can be seen, for example, when using MySQL Cluster. But they
are not bound to any specific clustering solution per se.
<literal>PECL/mysqlnd_ms</literal> can perform an automatic retry loop in
case of a transient error. This increases distribution transparency and thus
makes it easier to migrate an application running on a single database
server to run on a cluster of database servers without having to change
the source of the application.
The automatic retry loop will repeat the requested operation up to a user
configurable number of times and pause between the attempts for a configurable
amount of time. If the error disappears during the loop, the application will
never see it. If not, the error is forwarded to the application for handling.
In the example below a duplicate key error is provoked to make the plugin
retry the failing query two times before the error is passed to the application.
Between the two attempts the plugin sleeps for 100 milliseconds.
<title>Provoking a transient error</title>
<programlisting role="ini">
<programlisting role="ini">
"myapp": {
"master": {
"master_0": {
"host": "localhost"
"slave": {
"slave_0": {
"host": "",
"port": "3306"
"transient_error": {
"mysql_error_codes": [
"max_retries": 2,
"usleep_retry": 100
<title>Transient error retry loop</title>
<programlisting role="php">
$mysqli = new mysqli("myapp", "username", "password", "database");
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
/* Of course, your error handling is nicer... */
die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", mysqli_connect_errno(), mysqli_connect_error()));
if (!$mysqli->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test") ||
!$mysqli->query("CREATE TABLE test(id INT PRIMARY KEY)") ||
!$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO test(id) VALUES (1))")) {
printf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error);
/* Retry loop is completely transparent. Checking statistics is
the only way to know about implicit retries */
$stats = mysqlnd_ms_get_stats();
printf("Transient error retries before error: %d\n", $stats['transient_error_retries']);
/* Provoking duplicate key error to see statistics change */
if (!$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO test(id) VALUES (1))")) {
printf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error);
$stats = mysqlnd_ms_get_stats();
printf("Transient error retries after error: %d\n", $stats['transient_error_retries']);
Transient error retries before error: 0
[1062] Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'
Transient error retries before error: 2
Because the execution of the retry loop is transparent from a users point of
view, the example checks the
<link linkend="function.mysqlnd-ms-get-stats">statistics</link>
provided by the plugin to learn about it.
As the example shows, the plugin can be instructed to consider any error
transient regardless of the database servers error semantics. The only error
that a stock MySQL server considers temporary has the error code
<constant>1297</constant>. When configuring other error codes but
<constant>1297</constant> make sure your configuration reflects
the semantics of your clusters error codes.
The following mysqlnd C API calls are monitored by the plugin to check
for transient errors: <literal>query()</literal>,
<literal>change_user()</literal>, <literal>select_db()</literal>,
<literal>set_charset()</literal>, <literal>set_server_option()</literal>
<literal>prepare()</literal>, <literal>execute()</literal>,
<literal>tx_begin()</literal>, <literal>tx_commit()</literal>,
<literal>tx_rollback()</literal>, <literal>tx_commit_or_rollback()</literal>.
The corresponding user API calls have similar names.
The maximum time the plugin may sleep during the retry loop depends on the
function in question. The a retry loop for <literal>query()</literal>,
<literal>prepare()</literal> or <literal>execute()</literal> will sleep for
up to <literal>max_retries * usleep_retry</literal> milliseconds.
However, functions that
<link linkend="mysqlnd-ms.pooling">control connection state</link>
are dispatched to all connections. The retry loop settings are applied
to every connection on which the command is to be run. Thus, such a function
may interrupt program execution for longer than a function that is run
on one server only. For example, <literal>set_autocommit()</literal> is
dispatched to connections and may sleep up to
<literal>(max_retries * usleep_retry) * number_of_open_connections)</literal>
milliseconds. Please, keep this in mind when setting long sleep times
and large retry numbers. Using the default settings of
<literal>max_retries=1</literal>, <literal>usleep_retry=100</literal> and
<literal>lazy_connections=1</literal> it is unlikely that you will
ever see a delay of more than 1 second.
<section xml:id="mysqlnd-ms.failover">
By default, connection failover handling is left to the user.
The application is responsible
for checking return values of the database functions it calls and reacting
to possible errors. If, for example, the plugin recognizes a query as a read-only
query to be sent to the slave servers, and the slave server selected by the
plugin is not available, the plugin will raise an error after not executing
the statement.
<emphasis role="bold">Default: manual failover</emphasis>
It is up to
the application to handle the error and, if required, re-issue the query to
trigger the selection of another slave server for statement execution.
The plugin will make no attempts to failover automatically, because the plugin
cannot ensure that an automatic failover will not change the state of
the connection. For example, the application may have issued a query
which depends on SQL user variables which are bound to a specific connection.
Such a query might return incorrect results if the plugin would switch the
connection implicitly as part of automatic failover. To ensure correct
results, the application must take care of the failover, and rebuild
the required connection state. Therefore, by default, no automatic failover
is performed by the plugin.
A user that does not change the connection state after opening a connection
may activate automatic failover. Please note, that automatic failover logic
is limited to connection attempts. Automatic failover is not used for already
established connections. There is no way to instruct the plugin to attempt
failover on a connection that has been connected to MySQL already in the past.
<emphasis role="bold">Automatic failover</emphasis>
The failover policy is configured in the plugins configuration file, by
using the <link linkend="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.failover">failover</link>
configuration directive.
Automatic and silent failover can be enabled through the
<link linkend="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.failover">failover</link>
configuration directive. Automatic failover can either be configured to
try exactly one master after a slave failure or, alternatively, loop
over slaves and masters before returning an error to the user. The number
of connection attempts can be limited and failed hosts can be excluded
from future load balancing attempts. Limiting the number of retries and
remembering failed hosts are considered experimental features, albeit being
reasonable stable. Syntax and semantics may change in future versions.
Please note, since version 1.5.0 automatic failover is disabled for the
duration of a transaction if transaction stickiness is enabled and
transaction boundaries have been detected. The plugin will not switch
connections for the duration of a transaction. It will also not perform
automatic and silent failover. Instead an error will be thrown. It is then left
to the user to handle the failure of the transaction. Please check, the
<link linkend="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.trx-stickiness"><literal>trx_stickiness</literal></link>
documentation how to do this.
A basic manual failover example is provided within the
<link linkend="mysqlnd-ms.errorhandling">error handling</link> section.
<emphasis role="bold">Standby servers</emphasis>
Using <link linkend="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.filter-random">weighted load balancing</link>,
introduced in PECL/mysqlnd 1.4.0, it is possible
to configure standby servers that are sparsely used during normal operations.
A standby server that is primarily used as a worst-case standby failover target
can be assigned a very low weight/priority in relation to all other
servers. As long as all servers are up and running the majority of the workload
is assigned to the servers which have hight weight values. Few requests
will be directed to the standby system which has a very low weight value.
Upon failure of the servers with a high priority, you can still failover to
the standby, which has been given a low load balancing priority by assigning a low
weight to it. Failover can be some manually or automatically. If done
automatically, you may want to combine it with the
<link linkend="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.failover"><literal>remember_failed</literal></link>
At this point, it is not possible to instruct the load balancer to direct no
requests at all to a standby. This may not be much of a limitation given that
the highest weight you can assign to a server is 65535. Given two slaves,
of which one shall act as a standby and has been assigned a weight of 1,
the standby will have to handle far less than one percent of the overall workload.
<emphasis role="bold">Failover and primary copy</emphasis>
Please note, if using a primary copy cluster, such as MySQL Replication, it is
difficult to do connection failover in case of a master failure.
At any time there is only one master in the cluster for a given dataset.
The master is a single point of failure. If the master fails, clients have no
target to fail over write requests. In case of a master outage the database
administrator must take care of the situation and update the client
configurations, if need be.
<section xml:id="mysqlnd-ms.loadbalancing">
<title>Load balancing</title>
Four load balancing strategies are supported to distribute
statements over the configured MySQL slave servers:
Chooses a random server whenever a statement is executed.
<term>random once (default)</term>
Chooses a random server after the first statement is executed,
and uses the decision for the rest of the PHP request.
It is the default, and the lowest impact on the connection state.
<term>round robin</term>
Iterates over the list of configured servers.
<term>user-defined via callback</term>
Is used to implement any other strategy.
The load balancing policy is configured in the plugins configuration
file using the
<link linkend="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.filter-random">random</link>,
<link linkend="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.filter-roundrobin">roundrobin</link>,
and <link linkend="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.filter-user">user</link>
<link linkend="mysqlnd-ms.filter">filters</link>.
Servers can be prioritized assigning a weight. A server that has been given
a weight of two will get twice as many requests as a server that has been
given the default weight of one. Prioritization can be handy in heterogenous
environments. For example, you may want to assign more requests to
a powerful machine than to a less powerful. Or, you may have configured
servers that are close or far from the client, thus expose different latencies.
<section xml:id="mysqlnd-ms.rwsplit">
<title>Read-write splitting</title>
The plugin executes read-only statements on the configured MySQL slaves, and
all other queries on the MySQL master. Statements are
considered read-only if they either start with <literal>SELECT</literal>,
the SQL hint <literal>/*ms=slave*/</literal>, or if a slave had been chosen for
running the previous query and the query starts with the SQL hint
<literal>/*ms=last_used*/</literal>. In all other cases, the query will
be sent to the MySQL replication master server. It is recommended to
use the constants <constant>MYSQLND_MS_SLAVE_SWITCH</constant>,
<constant>MYSQLND_MS_MASTER_SWITCH</constant> and <constant>MYSQLND_MS_LAST_USED_SWITCH</constant>
instead of <literal>/*ms=slave*/</literal>. See also the
<link linkend="mysqlnd-ms.constants">list of mysqlnd_ms constants</link>.
SQL hints are a special kind of standard compliant SQL comments. The plugin
does check every statement for certain SQL hints. The SQL hints are described
within the <link linkend="mysqlnd-ms.constants">mysqlnd_ms constants</link>
documentation, constants that are exported by the extension. Other systems
involved with the statement processing, such as the MySQL server, SQL firewalls,
and SQL proxies, are unaffected by the SQL hints, because those systems are
designed to ignore SQL comments.
The built-in read-write splitter can be replaced by a user-defined filter, see also the
<link linkend="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.filter-user">user filter</link>
A user-defined read-write splitter can request the built-in logic to
send a statement to a specific location, by invoking
The built-in read-write splitter is not aware of multi-statements.
Multi-statements are seen as one statement. The splitter will check the
beginning of the statement to decide where to run the statement. If, for example,
a multi-statement begins with
<literal>SELECT 1 FROM DUAL; INSERT INTO test(id) VALUES (1); ...</literal>
the plugin will run it on a slave although the statement is not read-only.
<section xml:id="mysqlnd-ms.filter">
<title>Version requirement</title>
Filters exist as of mysqlnd_ms version 1.1.0-beta.
<link linkend="mysqlnd-ms.plugin-ini-json">filters</link>.
PHP applications that implement a MySQL replication cluster must first identify
a group of servers in the cluster which could execute a statement before
the statement is executed by one of the candidates. In other words: a defined
list of servers must be filtered until only one server is available.
The process of filtering may include using one or more filters, and filters can be
chained. And they are executed in the order they are defined in the plugins
configuration file.
<title>Explanation: comparing filter chaining to pipes</title>
The concept of chained filters can be compared to using pipes to connect
command line utilities on an operating system command shell. For example,
an input stream is passed to a processor, filtered, and then transferred
to be output. Then, the output is passed as input to the next command,
which is connected to the previous using the pipe operator.
Available filters:
Load balancing filters:
<link linkend="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.filters">random</link> and
<link linkend="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.filters">roundrobin</link>.
Selection filter:
<link linkend="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.filters">user</link>,
<link linkend="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.filters">user_multi</link>,
<link linkend="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.filters">quality_of_service</link>.
The <literal>random</literal> filter implements the 'random' and 'random once'
load balancing policies. The 'round robin' load balancing can be configured
through the <literal>roundrobin</literal> filter. Setting a 'user defined
callback' for server selection is possible with the <literal>user</literal>
filter. The <literal>quality_of_service</literal> filter finds cluster
nodes capable of delivering a certain service, for example, read-your-writes or,
not lagging more seconds behind the master than allowed.
Filters can accept parameters to change their behaviour.
The <literal>random</literal> filter accepts an optional
<literal>sticky</literal> parameter. If set to true, the filter changes
load balancing from random to random once. Random picks a random server
every time a statement is to be executed. Random once picks a random
server when the first statement is to be executed and uses the same
server for the rest of the PHP request.
One of the biggest strength of the filter concept is the possibility to
chain filters. This strength does not become immediately visible because
tje <literal>random</literal>, <literal>roundrobin</literal> and
<literal>user</literal> filters are supposed to output no more than one server.
If a filter reduces the list of candidates for running a statement to
only one server, it makes little sense to use that one server as
input for another filter for further reduction of the list of candidates.
An example filter sequence that will fail:
Statement to be executed: <literal>SELECT 1 FROM DUAL</literal>. Passed to all filters.
All configured nodes are passed as input to the first filter.
Master nodes: <literal>master_0</literal>.
Slave nodes:<literal>slave_0</literal>, <literal>slave_1</literal>
Filter: <literal>random</literal>, argument <literal>sticky=1</literal>.
Picks a random slave once to be used for the rest of the PHP request.
Output: <literal>slave_0</literal>.
Output of <literal>slave_0</literal> and the statement to be executed
is passed as input to the next filter. Here: <literal>roundrobin</literal>,
server list passed to filter is: <literal>slave_0</literal>.
Filter: <literal>roundrobin</literal>. Server list consists of
one server only, round robin will always return the same server.
If trying to use such a filter sequence,
the plugin may emit a warning like <literal>(mysqlnd_ms) Error while creating
filter '%s' . Non-multi filter '%s' already created. Stopping in %s on
line %d</literal>. Furthermore, an appropriate error on the connection handle
may be set.
A second type of filter exists: multi filter. A multi filter emits zero, one or multiple
servers after processing. The <literal>quality_of_service</literal> filter
is an example. If the service quality requested sets an upper limit for the slave
lag and more than one slave is lagging behind less than the allowed number of seconds,
the filter returns more than one cluster node. A multi filter must be followed by other
to further reduce the list of candidates for statement execution until a candidate
is found.
A filter sequence with the <literal>quality_of_service</literal>
multi filter followed by a load balancing filter.
Statement to be executed: <literal>SELECT sum(price) FROM orders WHERE order_id = 1</literal>.
Passed to all filters.
All configured nodes are passed as input to the first filter.
Master nodes: <literal>master_0</literal>.
Slave nodes: <literal>slave_0</literal>, <literal>slave_1</literal>,
<literal>slave_2</literal>, <literal>slave_3</literal>
Filter: <literal>quality_of_service</literal>, rule set: session_consistency (read-your-writes)
Output: <literal>master_0</literal>
Output of <literal>master_0</literal>
and the statement to be executed
is passed as input to the next filter, which is <literal>roundrobin</literal>.
Filter: <literal>roundrobin</literal>. Server list consists of
one server. Round robin selects <literal>master_0</literal>.
A filter sequence must not end with a multi filter. If trying to use
a filter sequence which ends with a multi filter the plugin may emit a
warning like <literal>(mysqlnd_ms) Error in configuration. Last filter is multi
filter. Needs to be non-multi one. Stopping in %s on line %d</literal>.
Furthermore, an appropriate error on the connection handle
may be set.
<title>Speculation towards the future: MySQL replication filtering</title>
In future versions, there may be additional multi filters.
For example, there may be a <literal>table</literal>
filter to support MySQL replication filtering. This would allow
you to define rules for which database or table is to be replicated to which
node of a replication cluster. Assume your replication cluster
consists of four slaves (<literal>slave_0</literal>, <literal>slave_1</literal>,
<literal>slave_2</literal>, <literal>slave_3</literal>) two of which replicate a database named
<literal>sales</literal> (<literal>slave_0</literal>, <literal>slave_1</literal>).
If the application queries the database <literal>slaves</literal>, the
hypothetical <literal>table</literal> filter reduces the list of possible
servers to <literal>slave_0</literal> and <literal>slave_1</literal>. Because
the output and list of candidates consists of more than one server, it is
necessary and possible to add additional filters to the candidate list, for example, using
a load balancing filter to identify a server for statement execution.
<section xml:id="mysqlnd-ms.qos-consistency">
<title>Service level and consistency</title>
<title>Version requirement</title>
Service levels have been introduced in mysqlnd_ms version 1.2.0-alpha.
requires PHP 5.4.0 or newer.
The plugin can be used with different kinds of MySQL database clusters.
Different clusters can deliver different levels of service to applications.
The service levels can be grouped by the data consistency levels that
can be achieved. The plugin knows about:
<simpara>eventual consistency</simpara>
<simpara>session consistency</simpara>
<simpara>strong consistency</simpara>
Depending how a cluster is used it may be possible to achieve higher service
levels than the default one. For example, a read from an asynchronous
MySQL replication slave is eventual consistent. Thus, one may say the default
consistency level of a MySQL replication cluster is eventual consistency.
However, if the master only is used by a client for reading and writing during a
session, session consistency (read your writes) is given. PECL mysqlnd 1.2.0
abstracts the details of choosing an appropriate node for any of the above
service levels from the user.
Service levels can be set through the qualify-of-service filter in the
<link linkend="mysqlnd-ms.plugin-ini-json">plugins configuration file</link>
and at runtime using the function
The plugin defines the different service levels as follows.
Eventual consistency is the default service provided by an asynchronous
cluster, such as classical MySQL replication. A read operation executed
on an arbitrary node may or may not return stale data. The applications
view of the data is eventual consistent.
Session consistency is given if a client can always read its own writes.
An asynchronous MySQL replication cluster can deliver session consistency if clients
always use the master after the first write or never query a slave which has
not yet replicated the clients write operation.
The plugins understanding of strong consistency is that all clients always
see the committed writes of all other clients. This is the default when
using MySQL Cluster or any other cluster offering
synchronous data distribution.
<emphasis role="bold">Service level parameters</emphasis>
Eventual consistency and session consistency service level accept parameters.
Eventual consistency is the service provided by classical MySQL replication.
By default, all nodes qualify for read requests. An optional <literal>age</literal>
parameter can be given to filter out nodes which lag more than a certain number of
seconds behind the master. The plugin is using <literal>SHOW SLAVE STATUS</literal>
to measure the lag. Please, see the MySQL reference manual to learn about accuracy and
reliability of the <literal>SHOW SLAVE STATUS</literal> command.
Session consistency (read your writes) accepts an optional <literal>GTID</literal>
parameter to consider reading not only from the master but also from slaves
which already have replicated a certain write described by its transaction identifier.
This way, when using asynchronous MySQL replication, read requests may be load balanced
over slaves while still ensuring session consistency.
The latter requires the use of
<link linkend="mysqlnd-ms.gtid">client-side global transaction id injection</link>.
<emphasis role="bold">Advantages of the new approach</emphasis>
The new approach supersedes the use of SQL hints and the configuration option
<literal>master_on_write</literal> in some respects. If an application
running on top of an asynchronous MySQL replication cluster cannot accept stale
data for certain reads, it is easier to tell the plugin to choose appropriate
nodes than prefixing all read statements in question with the SQL hint
to enforce the use of the master. Furthermore, the plugin may be able to
use selected slaves for reading.
The <literal>master_on_write</literal> configuration option makes the plugin
use the master after the first write (session consistency, read your writes).
In some cases, session consistency may not be needed for the rest of the session
but only for some, few read operations. Thus, <literal>master_on_write</literal>
may result in more read load on the master than necessary. In those cases it
is better to request a higher than default service level only for those reads
that actually need it. Once the reads are done, the application can return to
default service level. Switching between service levels is only possible
using <function>mysqlnd_ms_set_qos</function>.
<emphasis role="bold">Performance considerations</emphasis>
A MySQL replication cluster cannot tell clients which slaves are capable
of delivering which level of service. Thus, in some cases,
clients need to query the slaves to check their status.
PECL mysqlnd_ms transparently runs the necessary SQL in the
background. However, this is an expensive and slow operation. SQL statements
are run if eventual consistency is combined with an age (slave lag) limit and
if session consistency is combined with a global transaction ID.
If eventual consistency is combined with an maximum age (slave lag), the plugin
selects candidates for statement execution and load balancing for each statement
as follows. If the statement is a write all masters are considered as candidates. Slaves
are not checked and not considered as candidates. If the statement is a read, the
plugin transparently executes <literal>SHOW SLAVE STATUS</literal> on every slaves
connection. It will loop over all connections, send the statement and then start
checking for results. Usually, this is slightly faster than a loop over all connections
in which for every connection a query is send and the plugin waits for its results.
A slave is considered a candidate if <literal>SHOW SLAVE STATUS</literal> reports
<literal>Slave_SQL_Running=Yes</literal> and
<literal>Seconds_Behind_Master</literal> is less or equal than the allowed maximum age.
In case of an SQL error, the plugin emits a warning but does not set an error on
the connection. The error is not set to make it possible to use the plugin as a drop-in.
If session consistency is combined with a global transaction ID, the plugin executes
the SQL statement set with the <literal>fetch_last_gtid</literal> entry of the
<literal>global_transaction_id_injection</literal> section from the plugins configuration file.
Further details are identical to those described above.
In version 1.2.0 no additional optimizations are done for executing background queries.
Future versions may contain optimizations, depending on user demand.
If no parameters and options are set, no SQL is needed. In that case,
the plugin consider all nodes of the type shown below.
<simpara>eventual consistency, no further options set: all masters, all slaves</simpara>
<simpara>session consistency, no further options set: all masters</simpara>
<simpara>strong consistency (no options allowed): all masters</simpara>
<emphasis role="bold">Throttling</emphasis>
The quality of service filter can be combined with
<link linkend="mysqlnd-ms.gtid">Global transaction IDs</link> to
throttle clients. Throttling does reduce the write load on the master
by slowing down clients. If session consistency is requested and
global transactions idenentifier are used to check the status of
a slave, the check can be done in two ways. By default a slave
is checked and skipped immediately if it does not match
the criteria for session consistency. Alternatively, the
plugin can wait for a slave to catch up to the master until
session consistency is possible. To enable the throttling,
you have to set
<link linkend="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.gtid">wait_for_gtid_timeout</link>
configuration option.
<section xml:id="mysqlnd-ms.gtid">
<title>Global transaction IDs</title>
<title>Version requirement</title>
Client side global transaction ID injection exists as of mysqlnd_ms version 1.2.0-alpha.
Transaction boundaries are detected by monitoring API calls. This is possible
as of PHP 5.4.0. Please, see also <link linkend="mysqlnd-ms.transaction">Transaction handling</link>.
As of MySQL 5.6.5-m8 the MySQL server features built-in global transaction identifiers.
The MySQL built-in global transaction ID feature is supported by
<literal>PECL/mysqlnd_ms</literal> 1.3.0-alpha or
later. Neither are client-side transaction boundary monitoring nor any setup
activities required if using the server feature.
Please note, all MySQL 5.6 production versions do not provide
clients with enough information to use GTIDs for enforcing session consistency.
In the worst case, the plugin will choose the master only.
<emphasis role="bold">Idea and client-side emulation</emphasis>
<literal>PECL/mysqlnd_ms</literal> can do client-side transparent global transaction ID injection.
In its most basic form, a global transaction identifier is a counter which is
incremented for every transaction executed on the master. The counter is held
in a table on the master. Slaves replicate the counter table.
In case of a master failure a database administrator can easily identify the
most recent slave for promiting it as a new master. The most recent slave has
the highest transaction identifier.
Application developers can ask the plugin for the global transaction identifier
(GTID) for their last successful write operation. The plugin will return
an identifier that refers to an transaction no older than that of the clients last
write operation. Then, the GTID can be passed as a parameter
to the quality of service (QoS) filter as an option for session consistency.
Session consistency ensures read your writes. The filter ensures that all
reads are either directed to a master or a slave which has replicated the write
referenced by the GTID.
<emphasis role="bold">When injection is done</emphasis>
The plugin transparently maintains the GTID table on the master.
In autocommit mode the plugin injects an <literal>UPDATE</literal> statement
before executing the users statement for every master use. In manual
transaction mode, the injection is done before the application calls
<literal>commit()</literal> to close a transaction. The configuration option
<literal>report_error</literal> of the GTID section in the plugins configuration
file is used to control whether a failed injection shall abort the current
operation or be ignored silently (default).
Please note, the
PHP version requirements for
<link linkend="mysqlnd-ms.transaction">transaction boundary monitoring</link>
and their limits.
<emphasis role="bold">Limitations</emphasis>
Client-side global transaction ID injection has shortcomings. The potential
issues are not specific to <literal>PECL/mysqlnd_ms</literal>
but are rather of general nature.
Global transaction ID tables must be deployed on all masters and replicas.
The GTID can have holes. Only PHP clients using the plugin will
maintain the table. Other clients will not.
Client-side transaction boundary detection is based on API calls only.
Client-side transaction boundary detection does not take implicit
commit into account. Some MySQL SQL statements cause an implicit
commit and cannot be rolled back.
<emphasis role="bold">Using server-side global transaction identifier</emphasis>
Starting with <literal>PECL/mysqlnd_ms</literal> 1.3.0-alpha
the MySQL 5.6.5-m8 or newer built-in global
transaction identifier feature is supported. Use of the server feature lifts
all of the above listed limitations. Please, see the MySQL Reference Manual
for limitations and preconditions for using server built-in global transaction
Whether to use the client-side emulation or the server built-in
functionality is a question not directly related to the plugin, thus it is not
discussed in depth. There are no plans to remove the client-side emulation and
you can continue to use it, if the server-side solution is no option. This may
be the case in heterogenous environments with old MySQL server or, if any of the
server-side solution limitations is not acceptable.
From an applications perspective there is hardly a difference in using one or the
other approach. The following properties differ.
Client-side emulation, as shown in the manual, is using an easy to compare sequence number
for global transactions. Multi-master is not handled to keep the manual examples easy.
Server-side built-in feature is using a combination of a server identifier
and a sequence number as a global transaction identifier. Comparison cannot
use numeric algebra. Instead a SQL function must be used. Please,
see the MySQL Reference Manual for details.
Server-side built-in feature of MySQL 5.6 cannot be used to ensure session consistency
under all circumstances. Do not use it for the quality-of-service feature. Here is a simple
example why it will not give reliable results. There are more edge cases that cannot
be covered with limited functionality exported by the server. Currently, clients can
ask a MySQL replication master for a list of all executed global transaction IDs only.
If a slave is configured not to replicate all transactions, for example, because replication
filters are set, then the slave will never show the same set of executed global transaction
IDs. Albeit the slave may have replicated a clients writes and it may be a candidate
for a consistent read, it will never be considered by the plugin. Upon write the plugin
learns from the master that the servers complete transaction history consists of GTID=1..3.
There is no way for the plugin to ask for the GTID of the write transaction itself, say GTID=3.
Assume that a slave does not replicate the transactions GTID=1..2 but only GTID=3 because of
a replication feature. Then, the slaves transaction history is GTID=3. However, the plugin tries
to find a node which has a transaction history of GITD=1...3. Albeit the slave has replicated
the clients write and session consistency may be achieved when reading from the slave, it
will not be considered by the plugin. This is not a fault of the plugin implementation but
a feature gap on the server side. Please note, this is a trivial case to illustrate the
issue there are other issues. In sum you are asked not to attempt using MySQL 5.6 built-in GTIDs
for enforcing session consistency. Sooner or later the load balancing will stop working properly
and the plugin will direct all session consistency requests to the master.
Plugin global transaction ID statistics are only available with client-side
emulation because they monitor the emulation.
<title>Global transaction identifiers in distributed systems</title>
Global transaction identifiers can serve multiple purposes in the context of distributed
systems, such as a database cluster. Global transaction identifiers can
be used for, for example, system wide identification of transactions,
global ordering of transactions, heartbeat mechanism and
for checking the replication status of replicas. <literal>PECL/mysqlnd_ms</literal>, a clientside
driver based software, does focus on using GTIDs for tasks that can be
handled at the client, such as checking the replication status of replicas
for asynchronous replication setups.
<section xml:id="mysqlnd-ms.concept_cache">
<title>Cache integration</title>
<title>Version requirement</title>
The feature requires use of <literal>PECL/mysqlnd_ms</literal> 1.3.0-beta or later,
and <literal>PECL/mysqlnd_qc</literal> 1.1.0-alpha or newer.
<literal>PECL/mysqlnd_ms</literal> must be
compiled to support the feature. PHP 5.4.0 or newer is required.
<title>Setup: extension load order</title>
<literal>PECL/mysqlnd_ms</literal> must be loaded before
<literal>PECL/mysqlnd_qc</literal>, when using shared
<title>Feature stability</title>
The cache integration is of beta quality.
<title>Suitable MySQL clusters</title>
The feature is targeted for use with MySQL Replication (primary copy).
Currently, no other kinds of MySQL clusters are supported. Users
of such cluster must control PECL/mysqlnd_qc manually if they are
interested in client-side query caching.
Support for MySQL replication clusters (asynchronous primary copy) is the
main focus of <literal>PECL/mysqlnd_ms</literal>.
The slaves of a MySQL replication cluster
may or may not reflect the latest updates from the master.
Slaves are asynchronous and can lag behind the master. A read from a slave
is eventual consistent from a cluster-wide perspective.
The same level of consistency is offered by a local cache using time-to-live (TTL)
invalidation strategy. Current data or stale data may be served. Eventually, data
searched for in the cache is not available and the source of the cache needs to
be accessed.
Given that both a MySQL Replication slave (asynchronous secondary) and a local
TTL-driven cache deliver the same level of service it is possible to transparently
replace a remote database access with a local cache access to gain better possibility.
As of <literal>PECL/mysqlnd_ms</literal> 1.3.0-beta the plugin is
capable of transparently controlling <literal>PECL/mysqlnd_ms</literal> 1.1.0-alpha
or newer to cache a read-only query if explicitly allowed by setting an
appropriate quality of service through <function>mysqlnd_ms_set_qos</function>. P
lease, see the
<link linkend="mysqlnd-ms.quickstart.cache">quickstart</link> for a code example.
Both plugins must be installed, <literal>PECL/mysqlnd_ms</literal>
must be compiled to support the cache feature and PHP 5.4.0 or newer has to be used.
Applications have full control of cache usage and can request fresh data
at any time, if need be. Thec ache usage can be enabled and disabled
time during the execution of a script. The cache will be used
if <function>mysqlnd_ms_set_qos</function> sets the quality of service
to eventual consistency and enables cache usage. Cache usage is disabled by
requesting higher consistency levels, for example,
session consistency (read your writes). Once the quality of service has been
relaxed to eventual consistency the cache can be used again.
If caching is enabled for a read-only statement, <literal>PECL/mysqlnd_ms</literal> may inject
<link linkend="mysqlnd-qc.quickstart.caching">SQL hints to control caching</link>
by PECL/mysqlnd_qc. It may modify the SQL statement it got from the application.
Subsequent SQL processors are supposed to ignore the SQL hints. A SQL hint is a
SQL comment. Comments must not be ignored, for example, by the database server.
The TTL of a cache entry is computed on a per statement basis. Applications
set an maximum age for the data they want to retrieve using
<function>mysqlnd_ms_set_qos</function>. The age sets an approximate upper limit
of how many seconds the data returned may lag behind the master.
The following logic is used to compute the actual TTL if caching is enabled.
The logic takes the estimated slave lag into account for choosing a TTL. If,
for example, there are two slaves lagging 5 and 10 seconds behind and the maximum
age allowed is 60 seconds, the TTL is set to 50 seconds. Please note, the
age setting is no more than an estimated guess.
Check whether the statement is read-only. If not, don't cache.
If caching is enabled, check the slave lag of all configured slaves.
Establish slave connections if none exist so far and lazy connections are
Send <literal>SHOW SLAVE STATUS</literal> to all slaves. Do not wait
for the first slave to reply before sending to the second slave. Clients
often wait long for replies, thus we send out all requests in a burst before
fetching in a second stage.
Loop over all slaves. For every slave wait for its reply. Do not start
checking another slave before the currently waited for slave has replied.
Check for <literal>Slave_IO_Running=Yes</literal> and <literal>Slave_SQL_Running=Yes</literal>.
If both conditions hold true, fetch the value of <literal>Seconds_Behind_Master</literal>.
In case of any errors or if conditions fail, set an error on the slave connection.
Skip any such slave connection for the rest of connection filtering.
Search for the maximum value of <literal>Seconds_Behind_Master</literal> from
all slaves that passed the previous conditions. Subtract the value from
the maximum age provided by the user with <function>mysqlnd_ms_set_qos</function>.
Use the result as a TTL.
The filtering may sort out all slaves. If so, the maximum age is used as
TTL, because the maximum lag found equals zero. It is perfectly valid to
sort out all slaves. In the following it is up to subsequent filter
to decide what to do. The built-in load balancing filter will pick the
Inject the appropriate SQL hints to enable caching by <literal>PECL/mysqlnd_qc</literal>.
Proceed with the connection filtering, e.g. apply load balancing rules to
pick a slave.
<literal>PECL/mysqlnd_qc</literal> is loaded after
<literal>PECL/mysqlnd_ms</literal> by PHP. Thus, it will see
all query modifications of <literal>PECL/mysqlnd_ms</literal> and cache
the query if instructed to do so.
The algorithm may seem expensive. <literal>SHOW SLAVE STATUS</literal> is a very
fast operation. Given a sufficient number of requests and cache hits per second the cost of
checking the slaves lag can easily outweight the costs of the cache decision.
Suggestions on a better algorithm are always welcome.
<section xml:id="mysqlnd-ms.supportedclusters">
<title>Supported clusters</title>
Any application using any kind of MySQL cluster is faced with the same tasks:
Identify nodes capable of executing a given statement with
the required service level
Load balance requests within the list of candidates
Automatic fail over within candidates, if needed
The plugin is optimized for fulfilling these tasks in the context of a classical
asynchronous MySQL replication cluster consisting of a single master and
many slaves (primary copy). When using classical, asynchronous MySQL replication
all of the above listed tasks need to be mastered at the client side.
Other types of MySQL cluster may have lower requirements on the application side.
For example, if all nodes in the cluster can answer read and write requests, no
read-write splitting needs to be done (multi-master, update-all).
If all nodes in the cluster are synchronous, they automatically provide the
highest possible quality of service which makes choosing a node easier.
In this case, the plugin may serve the application after some reconfiguration
to disable certain features, such as built-in read-write splitting.
<title>Documentation focus</title>
The documentation focusses describing the use of the plugin with classical
asynchronous MySQL replication clusters (primary copy). Support for this
kind of cluster has been the original development goal. Use of other
clusters is briefly described below. Please note, that
this is still work in progress.
<emphasis role="bold">Primary copy (MySQL Replication)</emphasis>
This is the primary use case of the plugin. Follow the hints given in the descriptions of each feature.
Configure one master and one or more slaves.
<link linkend="mysqlnd-ms.plugin-ini-json.server-list-syntax">Server configuration details</link>
are given in the setup section.
Use random load balancing policy together with the
<link linkend="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.filter-random">sticky</link> flag.
If you do not plan to use the
<link linkend="mysqlnd-ms.quickstart.qos-consistency">service level</link> API calls,
add the <link linkend="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.master-on-write">master on write</link>
Please, make yourself aware of the properties of automatic failover before
adding a <link linkend="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.failover">failover</link> directive.
Consider the use of <link linkend="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.trx-stickiness">trx_stickiness</link>
to execute transactions on the primary only. Please, read carefully how it works
before you rely on it.
<title>Enabling the plugin (php.ini)</title>
<programlisting role="ini">
<title>Basic plugin configuration (mysqlnd_ms_plugin.ini) for MySQL Replication</title>
<programlisting role="ini">
"myapp": {
"master": {
"master_1": {
"host": "localhost",
"socket": "\/tmp\/mysql57.sock"
"slave": {
"slave_0": {
"host": "",
"port": 3308
"slave_1": {
"host": "",
"port": 3306
"filters": {
"random": {
"sticky": "1"
<emphasis role="bold">Primary copy with multi primaries (MMM - MySQL Multi Master)</emphasis>
MySQL Replication allows you to create cluster topologies with multiple masters (primaries).
Write-write conflicts are not handled by the replication system. This is no update anywhere setup.
Thus, data must be partitioned manually and clients must redirected in accordance
to the partitioning rules. The recommended setup is equal to the sharding setup below.
<emphasis role="bold">Manual sharding, possibly combined with primary copy and multiple primaries</emphasis>
Use SQL hints and the node group filter for clusters that use data partitioning
but leave query redirection to the client. The example configuration shows a multi master
setup with two shards.
<title>Multiple primaries - multi master (php.ini)</title>
<programlisting role="ini">
<title>Primary copy with multiple primaries and paritioning</title>
<programlisting role="ini">
"myapp": {
"master": {
"master_1": {
"host": "localhost",
"socket": "\/tmp\/mysql57.sock"
"master_2": {
"host": "",
"socket": "3306"
"slave": {
"slave_1": {
"host": "",
"port": 3308
"slave_2": {
"host": "",
"port": 3306
"filters": {
"node_groups": {
"Partition_A" : {
"master": ["master_1"],
"slave": ["slave_1"]
"Partition_B" : {
"master": ["master_2"],
"slave": ["slave_2"]
"roundrobin": []
The plugin can also be used with a loose collection of unrelated shards. For
such a cluster, configure masters only and disable read write splitting. The nodes of
such a cluster are called masters in the plugin configuration as they accept
both reads and writes for their partition.
<emphasis role="bold">Using synchronous update everywhere clusters such as MySQL Cluster</emphasis>
MySQL Cluster is a synchronous cluster solution. All cluster nodes accept
read and write requests. In the context of the plugin, all nodes shall
be considered as masters.
Use the load balancing and fail over features only.
Disable the plugins <link linkend="mysqlnd-ms.rwsplit">built-in read-write splitting</link>.
Configure masters only.
Consider random once load balancing strategy, which is the plugins default.
If random once is used, only masters are configured and no SQL hints are used
to force using a certain node, no connection switches will happen for the
duration of a web request. Thus, no special handling is required
for transactions. The plugin will pick one master at the beginning of the
PHP script and use it until the script terminates.
Do not set the quality of service. All nodes have all the data. This
automatically gives you the highest possible service quality (strong consistency).
Do not enable client-side global transaction injection. It is neither
required to help with server-side fail over nor to assist the quality of service
filter choosing an appropriate node.
Disabling built-in read-write splitting.
<link linkend="mysqlnd-ms.configuration"><literal>mysqlnd_ms.disable_rw_split=1</literal></link>
Do not use <link linkend="mysqlnd-ms.rwsplit">SQL hints</link>
to enforce the use of slaves
Configure masters only.
<link linkend="mysqlnd-ms.configuration"><literal>mysqlnd_ms.multi_master=1</literal>.</link>
<simpara>Do not configure any slaves.</simpara>
<literal><link linkend="mysqlnd-ms.plugin-ini-json">failover=loop_before_master</link></literal>
in the plugins configuration file to avoid warnings about the empty slave list
and to make the failover logic loop over all configured masters before emitting an error.
Please, note the warnings about automatic failover given in the previous sections.
<title>Multiple primaries - multi master (php.ini)</title>
<programlisting role="ini">
<title>Synchronous update anywhere cluster</title>
<programlisting role="ini">
"myapp": {
"master": {
"master_1": {
"host": "localhost",
"socket": "\/tmp\/mysql57.sock"
"master_2": {
"host": "",
"port": 3306
"slave": {
"filters": {
"roundrobin": {
"failover": {
"strategy": "loop_before_master",
"remember_failed": true
If running an update everywhere cluster that has no built-in partitioning to
avoid hot spots and high collision rates, consider using the node groups filter
to keep updates on a frequently accessed table on one of the nodes. This may
help to reduce collision rates and thus improve performance.
<section xml:id="mysqlnd-ms.concept_xa_trx">
<title>XA/Distributed transactions</title>
<title>Version requirement</title>
XA related functions have been introduced in <literal>PECL/mysqlnd_ms</literal> version 1.6.0-alpha.
<title>Early adaptors wanted</title>
The feature is currently under development. There may be issues and/or
feature limitations. Do not use in production environments, although
early lab tests indicate reasonable quality.
Please, contact the development team if you are interested in this feature.
We are looking for real life feedback to complement the feature.
Below is a list of some feature restrictions.
<para>The feature is not yet compatible with the MySQL Fabric support . This limitation is soon to be lifted.</para>
<para>XA transaction identifier are currently restricted to numbers. This limitation will be lifted upon request, it is a simplification used during the initial implementation.</para>
<title>MySQL server restrictions</title>
The XA support by the MySQL server has some restrictions. Most noteably,
the servers binary log may lack changes made by XA transactions in case
of certain errors. Please, see the MySQL manual for details.
XA/Distributed transactions can spawn multiple MySQL servers.
Thus, they may seem like a perfect
tool for sharded MySQL clusters, for example, clusters managed with MySQL Fabric.
<literal>PECL/mysqlnd_ms</literal> hides most of the SQL commands
to control XA transactions and performs automatic administrative tasks in cases
of errors, to provide the user with a comprehensive API. Users should
setup the plugin carefully and be well aware of server restrictions prior
to using the feature.
<title>General pattern for XA transactions</title>
<programlisting role="php">
$mysqli = new mysqli("myapp", "username", "password", "database");
/* BEGIN */
mysqlnd_ms_xa_begin($mysqli, 1 /* xa id */);
/* run queries on various servers */
$mysqli->query("UPDATE some_table SET col_a = 1");
/* COMMIT */
mysqlnd_ms_xa_commit($link, 1);
XA transactions use the two-phase commit protocol. The two-phase commit
protocol is a blocking protocol. During the first phase participating servers
begin a transaction and the client carries out its work. This phase is followed
by a second voting phase. During voting, the servers first make a firm promise
that they are ready to commit the work even in case of their possible unexpected
failure. Should a server crash in this phase, it will still recall the aborted
transaction after recover and wait for the client to decide on whether
it shall be committed or rolled back.
Should a client that has initiated a global transaction crash after all the
participating servers gave their promise to be ready to commit, then the servers
must wait for a decision. The servers are not allowed to uniliterally decide on the
A client crash or disconnect from a participant, a server crash or server error
during the fist phase of the protocol is uncritical. In most cases, the server
will forget about the XA transaction and its work is rolled back. Additionally,
the plugin tries to reach out to as many participants as it can to instruct
the server to roll back the work immediately. It is not possible to disable this implicit
rollback carried out by <literal>PECL/mysqlnd_ms</literal> in case of errors
during the first phase of the protocol. This design decision has been made to
keep the implementation simple.
An error during the second phase of the commit protocol can develop into a
more severe situation. The servers will not forget about
prepared but unfinished transactions in all cases. The plugin will not
attempt to solve these cases immediately but waits for optional background
garbage collection to ensure progress of the commit protocol. It is assumed
that a solution will take significant time as it may include waiting
for a participating server to recover from a crash. This time span may
be longer than a developer and end user expects when trying to commit a
global transaction with <function>mysqlnd_ms_xa_commit</function>. Thus,
the function returns with the unfinished global transaction still
requiring attention. Please, be warned that at this point, it is not yet
clear whether the global transaction will be committed or rolled back later on.
Errors during the second phase can be ignored, handled by yourself or solved
by the build-int garbage collection logic. Ignoring them is not recommended
as you may experience unfinished global transactions on your servers that block
resources virtually indefinetly. Handling the errors requires knowing the
participants, checking their state and issueing appropriate SQL commands on them.
There are no user API calls to expose this very information. You will have to
configure a state store and make the plugin record its actions in it to receive
the desired facts.
Please, see the
<link linkend="mysqlnd-ms.quickstart.xa_transactions">quickstart</link> and
related <link linkend="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.xa.state-store">plugin
configuration file settings</link> for an example how to configure a state.
In addition to configuring a state store, you have to setup some SQL tables.
The table definitions are given in the description of the plugin configuration
Setting up and configuring a state store is also a precondition for using the
built-in garbage collection for XA transactions that fail during the
second commit phase. Recording information about ongoing XA transactions is
an unavoidable extra task. The extra task consists of updating the state
store after each and every operation that changes the state of the global transaction
itself (started, committed, rolled back, errors and aborts), the addition of
participants (host, optionally user and password required to connect) and any
changes to a participants state. Please note, depending on configuration and your
security policies, these recordings may be considered sensitive.
It is therefore recommended to restrict access to the state store. Unless the
state store itself becomes overloaded, writing the state information may contribute
noteworthy to the runtime but should overall be only a minor factor.
It is possible that the effort it takes to implement your own routines for handling
XA transactions that failed during the second commit phase exceeds the benefits
of using the XA feature of <literal>PECL/mysqlnd_ms</literal> in the first place.
Thus, the manual focussed on using the built-on garbage collection only.
Garbage collection can be triggered manually or automatically in the background.
You may want to call <function>mysqlnd_ms_xa_gc</function> immediately after
a commit failure to attempt to solve any failed but still open global transactions
as soon as possible. You may also decide to disable the automatic background
garbage collection, implement your own rule set for invoking the built-in
garbage collection and trigger it when desired.
By default the plugin will start the garbage collection with a certain probability
in the extensions internal <literal>RSHUTDOWN</literal> method. The request
shutdown is called after your script finished. Whether the garbage collection
will be triggered is determined by computing a random value between
<literal>1...1000</literal> and comparing it with the configuration setting
<link linkend="ini.mysqlnd-ms-plugin-config-v2.xa.gc"><literal>probability</literal></link>
(default: 5). If the setting is
greater or equal to the random value, the garbage collection will be triggered.
Once started, the garbage collection acts upon up to
<literal>max_transactions_per_run</literal> (default: 100) global transactions
recorded. Records include successfully finished but also unfinished XA
transactions. Records for successful transactions are removed and unfinished
transactions are attempted to be solved. There are no statistics that help
you finding the right balance between keeping garbage collection runs short
by limiting the number of transactions considered per run and preventing the garbage
collection to fall behind, resulting in many records.
For each failed XA transaction the garbage collection makes
<literal>max_retries</literal> (default: 5) attempts to finish it. After that
<literal>PECL/mysqlnd_ms</literal> gives up. There are two possible reasons for this. Either
a participating server crashed and has not become accessible again within
<literal>max_retries</literal> invocations of the garbage collection, or there
is a situation that the built-in garbage collection cannot cope with. Likely, the
latter would be considered a bug. However, you can manually force more
garbage collection runs calling <function>mysqlnd_ms_xa_gc</function> with the
appropriate parameter set. Should even those function runs fail to solve
the situation, then the problem must be solved by an operator.
The function <link linkend="function.mysqlnd-ms-get-stats"><function>mysqlnd_ms_get_stats</function></link>
provides some statistics on how many XA transactions have been started,
committed, failed or rolled back.
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