Israel Ekpo c5d9053592 Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery
Updated installation instructions

git-svn-id: c90b9560-bf6c-de11-be94-00142212c4b1
2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
addfacetdatefield.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
addfacetdateother.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
addfacetfield.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
addfacetquery.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
addfield.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
addfilterquery.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
addhighlightfield.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
addmltfield.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
addmltqueryfield.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
addsortfield.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
addstatsfacet.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
addstatsfield.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
construct.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
destruct.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
getfacet.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getfacetdateend.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getfacetdatefields.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getfacetdategap.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getfacetdatehardend.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getfacetdateother.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getfacetdatestart.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getfacetfields.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getfacetlimit.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getfacetmethod.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getfacetmincount.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getfacetmissing.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getfacetoffset.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getfacetprefix.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getfacetqueries.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getfacetsort.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getfields.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getfilterqueries.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
gethighlight.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
gethighlightalternatefield.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
gethighlightfields.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
gethighlightformatter.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
gethighlightfragmenter.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
gethighlightfragsize.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
gethighlighthighlightmultiterm.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
gethighlightmaxalternatefieldlength.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
gethighlightmaxanalyzedchars.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
gethighlightmergecontiguous.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
gethighlightregexmaxanalyzedchars.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
gethighlightregexpattern.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
gethighlightregexslop.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
gethighlightrequirefieldmatch.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
gethighlightsimplepost.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
gethighlightsimplepre.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
gethighlightsnippets.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
gethighlightusephrasehighlighter.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getmlt.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getmltboost.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getmltcount.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getmltfields.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getmltmaxnumqueryterms.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getmltmaxnumtokens.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getmltmaxwordlength.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getmltmindocfrequency.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getmltmintermfrequency.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getmltminwordlength.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getmltqueryfields.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getquery.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getrows.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getsortfields.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getstart.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getstats.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getstatsfacets.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getstatsfields.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
getterms.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
gettermsfield.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
gettermsincludelowerbound.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
gettermsincludeupperbound.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
gettermslimit.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
gettermslowerbound.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
gettermsmaxcount.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
gettermsmincount.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
gettermsprefix.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
gettermsreturnraw.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
gettermssort.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
gettermsupperbound.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
gettimeallowed.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
removefacetdatefield.xml Commiting documentation for new methods in SolrParams and SolrQuery 2009-10-19 19:09:09 +00:00
removefacetdateother.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
removefacetfield.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
removefacetquery.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
removefield.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
removefilterquery.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
removehighlightfield.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
removemltfield.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
removemltqueryfield.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
removesortfield.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
removestatsfacet.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
removestatsfield.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
setechohandler.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
setechoparams.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
setexplainother.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
setfacet.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
setfacetdateend.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
setfacetdategap.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
setfacetdatehardend.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
setfacetdatestart.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
setfacetenumcachemindefaultfrequency.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
setfacetlimit.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
setfacetmethod.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
setfacetmincount.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
setfacetmissing.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
setfacetoffset.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
setfacetprefix.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
setfacetsort.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
sethighlight.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
sethighlightalternatefield.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
sethighlightformatter.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
sethighlightfragmenter.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
sethighlightfragsize.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
sethighlighthighlightmultiterm.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
sethighlightmaxalternatefieldlength.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
sethighlightmaxanalyzedchars.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
sethighlightmergecontiguous.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
sethighlightregexmaxanalyzedchars.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
sethighlightregexpattern.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
sethighlightregexslop.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
sethighlightrequirefieldmatch.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
sethighlightsimplepost.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
sethighlightsimplepre.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
sethighlightsnippets.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
sethighlightusephrasehighlighter.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
setmlt.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
setmltboost.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
setmltcount.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
setmltmaxnumqueryterms.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
setmltmaxnumtokens.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
setmltmaxwordlength.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
setmltmindocfrequency.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
setmltmintermfrequency.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
setmltminwordlength.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
setomitheader.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
setquery.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
setrows.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
setshowdebuginfo.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
setstart.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
setstats.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
setterms.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
settermsfield.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
settermsincludelowerbound.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
settermsincludeupperbound.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
settermslimit.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
settermslowerbound.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
settermsmaxcount.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
settermsmincount.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
settermsprefix.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
settermsreturnraw.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
settermssort.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
settermsupperbound.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00
settimeallowed.xml Adding initial documentation for the Apache Solr extension 2009-10-03 04:50:06 +00:00