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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- $Revision$ -->
<phpdoc:classref xml:id="class.mongodb" xmlns:phpdoc="http://php.net/ns/phpdoc" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
<title>The MongoDB class</title>
<!-- {{{ Mongodb intro -->
<section xml:id="mongodb.intro">
Instances of this class are used to interact with a database. To get a
<programlisting role="php">
$m = new Mongo(); // connect
$db = $m->selectDB("example");
Database names can use almost any character in the ASCII range. However,
they cannot contain " ", "." or be the empty string.
The name "system" is also reserved.
A few unusual, but valid, database names: "null", "[x,y]", "3", "\"", "/".
Unlike collection names, database names may contain "$".
<!-- }}} -->
<section xml:id="mongodb.synopsis">
<!-- {{{ Synopsis -->
<!-- {{{ Class synopsis -->
<!-- }}} -->
<classsynopsisinfo role="comment">&Constants;</classsynopsisinfo>
<varname linkend="mongodb.constants.profilingoff">MongoDB::PROFILING_OFF</varname>
<varname linkend="mongodb.constants.profilingslow">MongoDB::PROFILING_SLOW</varname>
<varname linkend="mongodb.constants.profilingon">MongoDB::PROFILING_ON</varname>
<classsynopsisinfo role="comment">Fields</classsynopsisinfo>
<varname linkend="mongodb.props.w">w</varname>
<varname linkend="mongodb.props.wtimeout">wtimeout</varname>
<classsynopsisinfo role="comment">&Methods;</classsynopsisinfo>
<xi:include xpointer="xmlns(db=http://docbook.org/ns/docbook) xpointer(id('class.mongodb')/db:refentry/db:refsect1[@role='description']/descendant::db:methodsynopsis[1])" />
<!-- }}} -->
<section xml:id="mongodb.constants.types">
<title>MongoDB Log Levels</title>
<varlistentry xml:id="mongodb.constants.profilingoff">
Profiling is off.
<varlistentry xml:id="mongodb.constants.profilingslow">
Profiling is on for slow operations (>100 ms).
<varlistentry xml:id="mongodb.constants.profilingon">
Profiling is on for all operations.
<varlistentry xml:id="mongodb.props.w">
The number of servers to replicate a change to before returning success.
Inherited by instances of <classname>MongoCollection</classname> derived
from this. <literal>w</literal> functionality is only available in
version 1.5.1+ of the MongoDB server and 1.0.8+ of the driver.
<literal>w</literal> is used whenever you perform a "safe" operation
<function>MongoCollection::save</function>, and
<function>MongoCollection::ensureIndex</function> all support safe
options). With the default value (1), a safe operation will return once
the database server has the operation. If the server goes down before
the operation has been replicated to a slave, it is possible to lose the
operation forever. Thus, you can specify <literal>w</literal> to be
higher than one and guarantee that at least one slave has the operation
before it is considered successful.
For example, if <literal>w</literal> is 2, the main server and one slave
must have a record of the operation or the driver will throw a
<classname>MongoCursorException</classname>. It is tempting to set
<literal>w</literal> to the total number of slaves + master, but then if
one slave is down the op will fail and an exception will be thrown, so
usually <literal>w=2</literal> is safest (master+1 slave).
<varlistentry xml:id="mongodb.props.wtimeout">
The number of milliseconds to wait for <literal>MongoDB::$w</literal>
replications to take place. Inherited by instances of
<classname>MongoCollection</classname> derived from this.
<literal>w</literal> functionality is only available in version 1.5.1+ of
the MongoDB server and 1.0.8+ of the driver.
Unless <literal>wtimeout</literal> is set, the server waits forever for
replicating to <literal>w</literal> servers to finish. The driver
defaults to waiting for 10 seconds, you can change this value to alter
its behavior.
MongoDB core docs on <link xlink:href="&url.mongodb.dochub.databases;">databases</link>.
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