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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- $Revision$ -->
<phpdoc:classref xml:id="class.commonmark-cql" xmlns:phpdoc="http://php.net/ns/phpdoc" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
<title>The CommonMark\CQL class</title>
<!-- {{{ CommonMark\Parser intro -->
<section xml:id="commonmark-cql.intro">
CommonMark Query Language is a DSL for describing how to travel through a CommonMark Node tree implemented as a parser and compiler for a small set of instructions, and a virtual machine for executing those instructions.
In it's most simplistic form, a CQL query combines the following paths and <literal>/</literal> to describe how to travel through a tree:
For example, <literal>/firstChild/lastChild</literal> would travel to the last child node of the first child node.
CQL can be instructed to loop, for example through the children of, or siblings to a particular node, by using the path <literal>children</literal>, or <literal>siblings</literal>. For example, <literal>/firstChild/children</literal> will travel to all the children of the first child node.
CQL can be instructed how to travel by using a subquery like <literal>[/firstChild]</literal>. For example, <literal>/firstChild/children[/firstChild]</literal> will travel to the first child node of all the children of the first child node.
<title>Loop Constraints</title>
While looping, CQL can be instructed to constrict the travelled path to nodes of particular type. For example <literal>/children(BlockQuote)</literal> will travel to the children of a node where the type is <literal>BlockQuote</literal>. The following types are recognized (case insensitively):
Types may be used as a union, for example <literal>/children(BlockQuote|List)</literal> will travel to the children of a node where the type is <literal>BlockQuote</literal> or <literal>List</literal>. Types, or unions of types, may be also negated. For example <literal>/children(~BlockQuote)</literal> will travel to the children of a node where the type is not <literal>BlockQuote</literal>, and <literal>/children(~BlockQuote|Paragraph)</literal> will travel to the children of a node where the type is not <literal>BlockQuote</literal> or <literal>Paragraph</literal>
<title>Path Constraints</title>
CQL can be instructed to create a loop to travel to a node of a particular type, at a particular path. For example, <literal>/firstChild(BlockQuote)</literal> will travel to the first child node where the type is <literal>BlockQuote</literal>. Note that like other loops for <literal>children</literal> and <literal>siblings</literal>, this kind of path can only be followed by a subquery.
<title>Implementation Notes</title>
While CQL has been implemented as part of the PHP CommonMark extension, it stands separately from PHP and does not use PHP's virtual machine or internal representation of values.
<!-- }}} -->
<section xml:id="commonmark-cql.synopsis">
<!-- {{{ Synopsis -->
<!-- {{{ Class synopsis -->
<!-- }}} -->
<classsynopsisinfo role="comment">Constructor</classsynopsisinfo>
<xi:include xpointer="xmlns(db=http://docbook.org/ns/docbook) xpointer(id('commonmark-cql.construct')/db:refsect1[@role='description']/descendant::db:constructorsynopsis[not(@role='procedural')])" />
<classsynopsisinfo role="comment">&Methods;</classsynopsisinfo>
<xi:include xpointer="xmlns(db=http://docbook.org/ns/docbook) xpointer(id('class.commonmark-cql')/db:refentry/db:refsect1[@role='description']/descendant::db:methodsynopsis[not(@role='procedural')])" />
<!-- }}} -->
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