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<section xml:id="ini.core" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
<title>Description of core &php.ini; directives</title>
This list includes the core &php.ini; directives you can set to
configure your PHP setup. Directives handled by extensions are listed
and detailed at the extension documentation pages respectively;
Information on the session directives for example can be found at the
<link linkend="session.configuration">sessions page</link>.
The defaults listed here are used when &php.ini; is not loaded; the values for the production and development &php.ini; may vary.
<section xml:id="ini.sect.language-options">
<title>Language Options</title>
<title>Language and Misc Configuration Options</title>
<tgroup cols="4">
<entry><link linkend="ini.short-open-tag">short_open_tag</link></entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.asp-tags">asp_tags</link></entry>
<entry>Removed in PHP 7.0.0.</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.precision">precision</link></entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.serialize-precision">serialize_precision</link></entry>
Before PHP 5.3.6, the default value was 100.
Before PHP 7.1.0, the default value was 17.
<entry><link linkend="ini.y2k-compliance">y2k_compliance</link></entry>
<entry>Removed in PHP 5.4.0.</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.allow-call-time-pass-reference">allow_call_time_pass_reference</link></entry>
<entry>Removed in PHP 5.4.0.</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.disable-functions">disable_functions</link></entry>
<entry>PHP_INI_SYSTEM only</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.disable-classes">disable_classes</link></entry>
<entry>&php.ini; only</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.exit-on-timeout">exit_on_timeout</link></entry>
<entry>Available since PHP 5.3.0.</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.expose-php">expose_php</link></entry>
<entry>&php.ini; only</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.hard-timeout">hard_timeout</link></entry>
<entry>Available since PHP 7.1.0.</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.zend.multibyte">zend.multibyte</link></entry>
<entry>Available since PHP 5.4.0</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.zend.script-encoding">zend.script_encoding</link></entry>
<entry>Available since PHP 5.4.0</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.zend.detect-unicode">zend.detect-unicode</link></entry>
<entry>Available since PHP 5.4.0</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.zend.signal-check">zend.signal_check</link></entry>
<entry>Available since PHP 5.4.0</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.zend.assertions">zend.assertions</link></entry>
<entry>PHP_INI_ALL with restrictions</entry>
<entry>Available since PHP 7.0.0.</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.zend.ze1-compatibility-mode">zend.ze1_compatibility_mode</link></entry>
<entry>Removed in PHP 5.3.0</entry>
<entry>Available since PHP 5.1.0. Renamed to <link linkend="ini.zend.detect-unicode">zend.detect-unicode</link> from PHP 5.4.0.</entry>
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.short-open-tag">
Tells PHP whether the short form (<userinput><? ?></userinput>)
of PHP's open tag should be allowed. If you want to use PHP in
combination with XML, you can disable this option in order to
use <userinput><?xml ?></userinput> inline. Otherwise, you
can print it with PHP, for example: <userinput><?php echo '<?xml
version="1.0"?>'; ?></userinput>. Also, if disabled, you must use the
long form of the PHP open tag (<userinput><?php ?></userinput>).
This directive also affected the shorthand
<userinput><?=</userinput> before PHP 5.4.0,
which is identical to <userinput><? echo</userinput>. Use of this
shortcut required <systemitem role="directive">short_open_tag</systemitem>
to be on.
Since PHP 5.4.0, <userinput><?=</userinput> is always available.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.asp-tags">
Enables the use of ASP-like <% %> tags in addition to
the usual <?php ?> tags. This includes the
variable-value printing shorthand of <%= $value %>. For
more information, see <link
linkend="language.basic-syntax.phpmode">Escaping from HTML</link>.
<title>Changelog for <literal>asp_tags</literal></title>
<tgroup cols="2">
Removed from PHP.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.precision">
The number of significant digits displayed in floating point numbers.
<literal>-1</literal> means that an enhanced algorithm for rounding
such numbers will be used.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.serialize-precision">
The number of significant digits stored while serializing floating point numbers.
<literal>-1</literal> means that an enhanced algorithm for rounding
such numbers will be used.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.y2k-compliance">
Enforce year 2000 compliance (will cause problems with non-compliant browsers)
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.allow-call-time-pass-reference">
Whether to warn when arguments are passed by reference at function call time.
The encouraged method of specifying which arguments should be passed by
reference is in the function declaration. You're encouraged to try and turn
this option Off and make sure your scripts work properly with it in order to
ensure they will work with future versions of the language (you will receive
a warning each time you use this feature).
Passing arguments by reference at function call time was deprecated for
code-cleanliness reasons. A function can modify its arguments in an
undocumented way if it didn't declare that the argument shall be passed by
reference. To prevent side-effects it's better to specify which
arguments are passed by reference in the function declaration only.
See also <link linkend="language.references">References Explained</link>.
<title>Changelog for <literal>allow_call_time_pass_reference</literal></title>
<tgroup cols="2">
Removed from PHP.
Emits an <constant>E_DEPRECATED</constant> level error.
Deprecated, and generates an <constant>E_COMPILE_WARNING</constant> level error.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.expose-php">
Exposes to the world that PHP is installed on the server, which includes the
PHP version within the HTTP header (e.g., X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.7).
Prior to PHP 5.5.0 the PHP logo guids are also exposed, thus appending them
to the URL of your PHP script would display the appropriate logo
(e.g., <link xlink:href="&url.php;?=PHPE9568F34-D428-11d2-A769-00AA001ACF42">&url.php;?=PHPE9568F34-D428-11d2-A769-00AA001ACF42</link>).
This also affected the output of <function>phpinfo</function>, as when disabled, the PHP logo
and credits information would not be displayed.
Since PHP 5.5.0 these guids and the <function>php_logo_guid</function> function
have been removed from PHP and the guids are replaced with data URIs instead.
Thus accessing the PHP logo via appending the guid to the URL no longer works.
Similarly, turning <parameter>expose_php</parameter> off will not affect
seeing the PHP logo in <function>phpinfo</function>.
See also <function>php_logo_guid</function> and <function>phpcredits</function>.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.disable-functions">
This directive allows you to disable certain functions for
<link linkend="security">security</link> reasons. It takes
on a comma-delimited list of function names. disable_functions
is not affected by <link linkend="ini.safe-mode">Safe Mode</link>.
Only <link linkend="functions.internal">internal functions</link> can
be disabled using this directive. <link linkend="functions.user-defined">User-defined functions</link>
are unaffected.
This directive must be set in &php.ini; For example, you
cannot set this in &httpd.conf;.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.disable-classes">
This directive allows you to disable certain classes for
<link linkend="security">security</link> reasons. It takes
on a comma-delimited list of class names. disable_classes
is not affected by <link linkend="ini.safe-mode">Safe Mode</link>.
This directive must be set in &php.ini; For example, you
cannot set this in &httpd.conf;.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.zend.assertions">
When set to <literal>1</literal>, assertion code will be generated and
executed (development mode). When set to <literal>0</literal>,
assertion code will be generated but it will be skipped (not executed)
at runtime. When set to <literal>-1</literal>, assertion code will not
be generated, making the assertions zero-cost (production mode).
If a process is started in production mode, <link linkend="ini.zend.assertions">zend.assertions</link>
cannot be changed at runtime, since the code for assertions was not generated.
If a process is started in development mode, <link linkend="ini.zend.assertions">zend.assertions</link>
cannot be set to <literal>-1</literal> at runtime.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.zend.ze1-compatibility-mode">
Enable compatibility mode with Zend Engine 1 (PHP 4). It affects
the cloning, casting (objects with no properties cast to &false; or 0), and <link
linkend="language.oop5.object-comparison">comparing of objects</link>.
In this mode, objects are passed by value instead of reference by
See also the section titled
<link linkend="migration5">Migrating from PHP 4 to PHP 5</link>.
<simpara>This feature has been <emphasis>DEPRECATED</emphasis> and <emphasis>REMOVED</emphasis>
as of PHP 5.3.0.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.hard-timeout">
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.zend.multibyte">
Enables parsing of source files in multibyte encodings. Enabling zend.multibyte
is required to use character encodings like SJIS, BIG5, etc that contain special
characters in multibyte string data. ISO-8859-1 compatible encodings like UTF-8,
EUC, etc do not require this option.
Enabling zend.multibyte requires the mbstring extension to be available.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.zend.script-encoding">
This value will be used unless a
<link linkend="control-structures.declare.encoding">declare(encoding=...)</link>
directive appears at the top of the script. When ISO-8859-1 incompatible encoding
is used, both zend.multibyte and zend.script_encoding must be used.
Literal strings will be transliterated from zend.script_enconding to
mbstring.internal_encoding, as if
<function>mb_convert_encoding</function> would have been called.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.zend.detect-unicode">
Check for BOM (Byte Order Mark) and see if the file contains valid
multibyte characters.
This detection is performed before processing of
Available only in Zend Multibyte mode.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.zend.signal-check">
To check for replaced signal handlers on shutdown.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.exit-on-timeout">
This is an Apache1 mod_php-only directive that forces an Apache child to exit if a PHP execution timeout occurred.
Such a timeout causes an internal longjmp() call in Apache1 which can leave some extensions in an inconsistent
state. By terminating the process any outstanding locks or memory will be cleaned up.
<section xml:id="ini.sect.resource-limits">
<title>Resource Limits</title>
<title>Resource Limits</title>
<tgroup cols="4">
<entry><link linkend="ini.memory-limit">memory_limit</link></entry>
<entry>"8M" before PHP 5.2.0, "16M" in PHP 5.2.0</entry>
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.memory-limit">
This sets the maximum amount of memory in bytes that a script
is allowed to allocate. This helps prevent poorly written
scripts for eating up all available memory on a server. Note that
to have no memory limit, set this directive to <literal>-1</literal>.
Prior to PHP 5.2.1, in order to use this directive it had to
be enabled at compile time by using
<option role="configure">--enable-memory-limit</option> in the
configure line. This compile-time flag was also required to define
the functions <function>memory_get_usage</function> and
<function>memory_get_peak_usage</function> prior to 5.2.1.
See also: <link linkend="ini.max-execution-time">max_execution_time</link>.
<section xml:id="ini.sect.performance">
<title>Performance Tuning</title>
<title>Performance Tuning</title>
<tgroup cols="4">
<entry><link linkend="ini.realpath-cache-size">realpath_cache_size</link></entry>
<entry>Available since PHP 5.1.0. Prior to PHP 7.0.16 and 7.1.2, the default was <literal>"16K"</literal></entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.realpath-cache-ttl">realpath_cache_ttl</link></entry>
<entry>Available since PHP 5.1.0.</entry>
Using <link linkend="ini.open-basedir">open_basedir</link> will
<emphasis>disable</emphasis> the realpath cache.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.realpath-cache-size">
Determines the size of the realpath cache to be used by PHP. This
value should be increased on systems where PHP opens many files, to
reflect the quantity of the file operations performed.
The size represents the total number of bytes in the path strings
stored, plus the size of the data associated with the cache entry. This
means that in order to store longer paths in the cache, the cache size
must be larger. This value does not directly control the number of
distinct paths that can be cached.
The size required for the cache entry data is system dependent.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.realpath-cache-ttl">
Duration of time (in seconds) for which to cache realpath information
for a given file or directory. For systems with rarely changing files,
consider increasing the value.
<section xml:id="ini.sect.data-handling">
<title>Data Handling</title>
<title>Data Handling Configuration Options</title>
<tgroup cols="4">
<entry><link linkend="ini.arg-separator.output">arg_separator.output</link></entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.arg-separator.input">arg_separator.input</link></entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.variables-order">variables_order</link></entry>
<entry>PHP_INI_ALL in PHP <= 5.0.5.</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.request-order">request_order</link></entry>
<entry>Available since PHP 5.3.0</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.auto-globals-jit">auto_globals_jit</link></entry>
<entry>Available since PHP 5.0.0.</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.register-globals">register_globals</link></entry>
<entry>Removed in PHP 5.4.0.</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.register-argc-argv">register_argc_argv</link></entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.register-long-arrays">register_long_arrays</link></entry>
<entry>Deprecated in PHP 5.3.0. Removed in PHP 5.4.0.</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.enable-post-data-reading">enable_post_data_reading</link></entry>
<entry>Available since PHP 5.4.0</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.post-max-size">post_max_size</link></entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.auto-prepend-file">auto_prepend_file</link></entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.auto-append-file">auto_append_file</link></entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.default-mimetype">default_mimetype</link></entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.default-charset">default_charset</link></entry>
<entry>Defaults to "UTF-8" since PHP >= 5.6.0; empty for PHP < 5.6.0.</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.always-populate-raw-post-data">always_populate_raw_post_data</link></entry>
<entry>Removed in PHP 7.0.0.</entry>
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.arg-separator.output">
The separator used in PHP generated URLs to separate arguments.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.arg-separator.input">
List of separator(s) used by PHP to parse input URLs into variables.
Every character in this directive is considered as separator!
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.variables-order">
Sets the order of the EGPCS (<literal>E</literal>nvironment,
<literal>G</literal>et, <literal>P</literal>ost,
<literal>C</literal>ookie, and <literal>S</literal>erver) variable
parsing. For example, if variables_order
is set to <literal>"SP"</literal> then PHP will create the
&link.superglobals; <varname>$_SERVER</varname> and
<varname>$_POST</varname>, but not create
<varname>$_ENV</varname>, <varname>$_GET</varname>, and
<varname>$_COOKIE</varname>. Setting to "" means no
&link.superglobals; will be set.
If the deprecated
<link linkend="ini.register-globals">register_globals</link>
directive is on, then variables_order also
configures the order the <literal>ENV</literal>,
<literal>GET</literal>, <literal>POST</literal>,
<literal>COOKIE</literal> and <literal>SERVER</literal> variables
are populated in global scope. So for example if variables_order
is set to <literal>"EGPCS"</literal>, register_globals is enabled,
and both <varname>$_GET['action']</varname> and
<varname>$_POST['action']</varname> are set, then
<varname>$action</varname> will contain the value of
<varname>$_POST['action']</varname> as <literal>P</literal> comes
after <literal>G</literal> in our example directive value.
In both the CGI and FastCGI SAPIs,
<varname>$_SERVER</varname> is
also populated by values from the environment; <literal>S</literal>
is always equivalent to <literal>ES</literal> regardless of the
placement of <literal>E</literal> elsewhere in this directive.
The content and order of
<varname>$_REQUEST</varname> is also
affected by this directive.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.request-order">
This directive describes the order in which PHP registers GET, POST
and Cookie variables into the _REQUEST array. Registration is done
from left to right, newer values override older values.
If this directive is not set, <link
linkend="ini.variables-order">variables_order</link> is used for
<varname>$_REQUEST</varname> contents.
Note that the default distribution <filename>php.ini</filename> files does not contain
the <literal>'C'</literal> for cookies, due to security concerns.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.auto-globals-jit">
When enabled, the SERVER, REQUEST, and ENV variables are created when they're
first used (Just In Time) instead of when the script starts. If these
variables are not used within a script, having this directive on will
result in a performance gain.
The PHP directives
<link linkend="ini.register-globals">register_globals</link>,
<link linkend="ini.register-long-arrays">register_long_arrays</link>,
and <link linkend="ini.register-argc-argv">register_argc_argv</link>
must be disabled for this directive to have any affect. Since PHP
5.1.3 it is not necessary to have <link
linkend="ini.register-argc-argv">register_argc_argv</link> disabled.
Usage of SERVER, REQUEST, and ENV variables is checked during the compile time
so using them through e.g. <link
linkend="language.variables.variable">variable variables</link> will
not cause their initialization.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.register-globals">
Whether or not to register the EGPCS (Environment, GET,
POST, Cookie, Server) variables as global variables.
As of <link xlink:href="&url.php.release4.2.0;">PHP 4.2.0</link>,
this directive defaults to <emphasis>off</emphasis>.
Please read the security chapter on
<link linkend="security.globals">Using register_globals</link>
for related information.
Please note that <systemitem role="directive">register_globals</systemitem>
cannot be set at runtime (<function>ini_set</function>). Although, you can
use &htaccess; if your host allows it as described
above. An example &htaccess; entry:
<userinput>php_flag register_globals off</userinput>.
<systemitem role="directive">register_globals</systemitem> is affected
by the <link linkend="ini.variables-order">variables_order</link>
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.register-argc-argv">
Tells PHP whether to declare the argv & argc variables
(that would contain the GET information).
See also <link linkend="features.commandline">command line</link>.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.register-long-arrays">
Tells PHP whether or not to register the deprecated long
<varname>$HTTP_*_VARS</varname> type
<link linkend="language.variables.predefined">predefined
variables</link>. When On (default), long predefined PHP
variables like <varname>$HTTP_GET_VARS</varname> will be defined.
If you're not using them, it's recommended to turn them off,
for performance reasons. Instead, use the superglobal arrays,
like <varname>$_GET</varname>.
This directive became available in PHP 5.0.0.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.enable-post-data-reading">
Disabling this option causes <varname>$_POST</varname> and
<varname>$_FILES</varname> <emphasis>not</emphasis> to be populated.
The only way to read postdata will then be through the
<link linkend="wrappers.php">php://input</link> stream wrapper.
This can be useful to proxy requests or to process
the POST data in a memory efficient fashion.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.post-max-size">
Sets max size of post data allowed. This setting also affects
file upload. To upload large files, this value must be larger
than <link linkend="ini.upload-max-filesize">upload_max_filesize</link>.
Generally speaking,
<link linkend="ini.memory-limit">memory_limit</link> should be
larger than <parameter>post_max_size</parameter>.
If the size of post data is greater than post_max_size, the
<varname>$_POST</varname> and <varname>$_FILES</varname>
<link linkend="language.variables.superglobals">superglobals</link>
are empty. This can be tracked in various ways, e.g. by passing the
<varname>$_GET</varname> variable to the script processing the data,
i.e. <literal><form action="edit.php?processed=1"></literal>,
and then checking if <varname>$_GET['processed']</varname> is set.
PHP allows shortcuts for byte values, including K (kilo), M (mega)
and G (giga). PHP will do the conversions automatically if you
use any of these. Be careful not to exceed the 32 bit signed integer
limit (if you're using 32bit versions) as it will cause your script
to fail.
<title>Changelog for <literal>post_max_size</literal></title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<parameter>post_max_size</parameter> = 0 will not disable the limit when the content
type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded or is not registered with PHP.
<entry>5.3.2 , 5.2.12</entry>
Allow unlimited post size by setting <parameter>post_max_size</parameter> to 0.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.auto-prepend-file">
Specifies the name of a file that is automatically parsed
before the main file. The file is included as if it was
called with the <function>require</function> function, so
<link linkend="ini.include-path">include_path</link> is used.</para>
The special value <literal>none</literal>
disables auto-prepending.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.auto-append-file">
Specifies the name of a file that is automatically parsed
after the main file. The file is included as if it was
called with the <function>require</function> function, so
<link linkend="ini.include-path">include_path</link> is used.</para>
The special value <literal>none</literal>
disables auto-appending.
If the script is terminated with <function>exit</function>,
auto-append will <emphasis>not</emphasis> occur.</simpara>
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.default-mimetype">
By default, PHP will output a media type using the Content-Type header.
To disable this, simply set it to be empty.
PHP's built-in default media type is set to text/html.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.default-charset">
In PHP 5.6 onwards, "UTF-8" is the default value and its value is used
as the default character encoding for
<function>html_entity_decode</function> and
<function>htmlspecialchars</function> if the
<parameter>encoding</parameter> parameter is omitted. The value of
<parameter>default_charset</parameter> will also be used to set the
default character set for <link linkend="book.iconv">iconv</link>
functions if the
<link linkend="ini.iconv.input-encoding"><parameter>iconv.input_encoding</parameter></link>,
<link linkend="ini.iconv.output-encoding"><parameter>iconv.output_encoding</parameter></link> and
<link linkend="ini.iconv.internal-encoding"><parameter>iconv.internal_encoding</parameter></link>
configuration options are unset, and for
<link linkend="book.mbstring">mbstring</link> functions if the
<link linkend="ini.mbstring.http-input"><parameter>mbstring.http_input</parameter></link>
<link linkend="ini.mbstring.http-output"><parameter>mbstring.http_output</parameter></link>
<link linkend="ini.mbstring.internal-encoding"><parameter>mbstring.internal_encoding</parameter></link>
configuration option is unset.
All versions of PHP will use this value as the charset within the
default Content-Type header sent by PHP if the header isn't overridden
by a call to <function>header</function>.
Setting <parameter>default_charset</parameter> to an empty value is
not recommended.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.input-encoding">
Available from PHP 5.6.0. This setting is used for multibyte modules
such as mbstring and iconv. Default is empty.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.output-encoding">
Available from PHP 5.6.0. This setting is used for multibyte modules
such as mbstring and iconv. Default is empty.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.internal-encoding">
Available from PHP 5.6.0. This setting is used for multibyte modules
such as mbstring and iconv. Default is empty. If empty,
<link linkend="ini.default-charset">default_charset</link> is used.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.always-populate-raw-post-data">
If set to &true;, PHP will always populate the
<varname>$HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA</varname> containing the raw POST data.
Otherwise, the variable is populated only when the MIME type of the
data is unrecognised.
The preferred method for accessing raw POST data is
<link linkend="wrappers.php">php://input</link>, and
<varname>$HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA</varname> is deprecated in PHP 5.6.0
onwards. Setting <parameter>always_populate_raw_post_data</parameter>
to <literal>-1</literal> will opt into the new behaviour that will be
implemented in a future version of PHP, in which
<varname>$HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA</varname> is never defined.
Regardless of the setting, <varname>$HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA</varname> is
not available with <literal>enctype="multipart/form-data"</literal>.
See also: <link linkend="ini.magic-quotes-gpc">magic_quotes_gpc</link>,
<link linkend="ini.magic-quotes-runtime">magic_quotes_runtime</link>,
<link linkend="ini.magic-quotes-sybase">magic_quotes_sybase</link>.
<section xml:id="ini.sect.path-directory">
<title>Paths and Directories</title>
<title>Paths and Directories Configuration Options</title>
<tgroup cols="4">
<entry><link linkend="ini.include-path">include_path</link></entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.open-basedir">open_basedir</link></entry>
<entry>PHP_INI_SYSTEM in PHP < 5.3.0</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.doc-root">doc_root</link></entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.user-dir">user_dir</link></entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.user-ini.cache-ttl">user_ini.cache_ttl</link></entry>
<entry>Available since PHP 5.3.0.</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.user-ini.filename">user_ini.filename</link></entry>
<entry>Available since PHP 5.3.0.</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.extension-dir">extension_dir</link></entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.extension">extension</link></entry>
<entry>&php.ini; only</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.zend-extension">zend_extension</link></entry>
<entry>&php.ini; only</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.zend-extension-debug">zend_extension_debug</link></entry>
<entry>&php.ini; only</entry>
<entry>Available before PHP 5.3.0.</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.zend-extension-debug-ts">zend_extension_debug_ts</link></entry>
<entry>&php.ini; only</entry>
<entry>Available before PHP 5.3.0.</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.zend-extension-ts">zend_extension_ts</link></entry>
<entry>&php.ini; only</entry>
<entry>Available before PHP 5.3.0.</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.cgi.check-shebang-line">cgi.check_shebang_line</link></entry>
<entry>Available since PHP 5.2.0.</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.cgi.discard-path">cgi.discard_path</link></entry>
<entry>Available since PHP 5.3.0.</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.cgi.fix-pathinfo">cgi.fix_pathinfo</link></entry>
<entry>PHP_INI_ALL prior to PHP 5.2.1.</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.cgi.force-redirect">cgi.force_redirect</link></entry>
<entry>PHP_INI_ALL prior to PHP 5.2.1.</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.cgi.nph">cgi.nph</link></entry>
<entry>Available since PHP 5.3.0.</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.cgi.redirect-status-env">cgi.redirect_status_env</link></entry>
<entry>PHP_INI_ALL prior to PHP 5.2.1.</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.cgi.rfc2616-headers">cgi.rfc2616_headers</link></entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.fastcgi.impersonate">fastcgi.impersonate</link></entry>
<entry>PHP_INI_ALL prior to PHP 5.2.1.</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.fastcgi.logging">fastcgi.logging</link></entry>
<entry>PHP_INI_ALL prior to PHP 5.2.1.</entry>
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.include-path">
Specifies a list of directories where the
<function>require</function>, <function>include</function>,
<function>fopen</function>, <function>file</function>,
<function>readfile</function> and <function>file_get_contents</function>
functions look for files. The format is like the system's
<envar>PATH</envar> environment variable: a list of directories
separated with a colon in Unix or semicolon in Windows.
PHP considers each entry in the include path separately when looking for
files to include. It will check the first path, and if it doesn't find
it, check the next path, until it either locates the included file or
returns with a
<link linkend="errorfunc.constants.errorlevels.e-warning">warning</link>
or an <link linkend="errorfunc.constants.errorlevels.e-error">error</link>.
You may modify or set your include path at runtime using
<title>Unix include_path</title>
<programlisting role="php.ini">
<title>Windows include_path</title>
<programlisting role="php.ini">
Using a <literal>.</literal> in the include path allows for
relative includes as it means the current directory. However,
it is more efficient to explicitly use <literal>include
'./file'</literal> than having PHP always check the current
directory for every include.
<literal>ENV</literal> variables are also accessible in .ini files.
As such it is possible to reference the home directory using
<literal>${LOGIN}</literal> and <literal>${USER}</literal>.
Environment variables may vary between Server APIs as those environments
may be different.
<title>Unix include_path using ${USER} env variable</title>
<programlisting role="php.ini">
include_path = ".:${USER}/pear/php"
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.open-basedir">
Limit the files that can be accessed by PHP to the specified
directory-tree, including the file itself. This directive
is <emphasis>NOT</emphasis> affected by whether Safe Mode is
turned On or Off.
When a script tries to access the filesystem, for example using
<function>include</function>, or <function>fopen</function>, the location of the file
is checked.
When the file is outside the specified directory-tree, PHP will refuse to access it.
All symbolic links are resolved, so it's not possible to avoid this restriction
with a symlink. If the file doesn't exist then the symlink couldn't be
resolved and the filename is compared to (a resolved) <option>open_basedir</option>.
<option>open_basedir</option> can affect more than just filesystem functions; for example
if <literal>MySQL</literal> is configured to use <literal>mysqlnd</literal> drivers,
<literal>LOAD DATA INFILE</literal> will be affected by <option>open_basedir</option>.
Much of the extended functionality of PHP uses <literal>open_basedir</literal> in this way.
The special value <systemitem class="filesystem">.</systemitem>
indicates that the working directory of the script will be used as the
base-directory. This is, however, a little dangerous as the working directory
of the script can easily be changed with <function>chdir</function>.
In <filename>httpd.conf</filename>, <option>open_basedir</option> can be turned off
(e.g. for some virtual hosts)
<link linkend="configuration.changes.apache">the same way</link> as
any other configuration directive with "<literal>php_admin_value open_basedir
Under Windows, separate the directories with a semicolon. On all
other systems, separate the directories with a colon. As an Apache
module, <option>open_basedir</option> paths from parent directories are now
automatically inherited.
The restriction specified with <option>open_basedir</option> is a
directory name since PHP 5.2.16 and 5.3.4. Previous versions used it
as a prefix. This means that "<literal>open_basedir
= /dir/incl</literal>" also allowed access to "<literal>/dir/include</literal>" and
"<literal>/dir/incls</literal>" if they exist. When you want to restrict access
to only the specified directory, end with a slash. For example:
<literal>open_basedir = /dir/incl/</literal>
The default is to allow all files to be opened.
As of PHP 5.3.0 open_basedir can be tightened at run-time. This means
that if open_basedir is set to <literal>/www/</literal> in &php.ini;
a script can tighten the configuration to
<literal>/www/tmp/</literal> at run-time with
<function>ini_set</function>. When listing several directories, you
can use the <constant>PATH_SEPARATOR</constant> constant as a separator
regardless of the operating system.
Using open_basedir will set <link linkend="ini.realpath-cache-size">realpath_cache_size</link>
to <literal>0</literal> and thus <emphasis>disable</emphasis> the realpath cache.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.doc-root">
PHP's "root directory" on the server. Only used if
non-empty. If PHP is configured with &safemode;, no files outside
this directory are served.
If PHP was not compiled with FORCE_REDIRECT, you <emphasis>should
</emphasis> set doc_root if you are running PHP as a CGI under any web
server (other than IIS). The alternative is to use the
<link linkend="ini.cgi.force-redirect">
cgi.force_redirect</link> configuration below.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.user-ini.cache-ttl">
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.user-ini.filename">
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.user-dir">
The base name of the directory used on a user's home directory for PHP
files, for example <filename class="directory">public_html
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.extension-dir">
In what directory PHP should look for dynamically loadable
extensions. See also: <link linkend="ini.enable-dl">enable_dl</link>,
and <function>dl</function>.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.extension">
Which dynamically loadable extensions to load when PHP starts up.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.zend-extension">
Name of dynamically loadable Zend extension (for example
<link linkend="book.apd">APD</link>) to load when PHP starts up.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.zend-extension-debug">
Variant of <link linkend="ini.zend-extension">zend_extension</link>
for extensions compiled with debug info prior to PHP 5.3.0.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.zend-extension-debug-ts">
Variant of <link linkend="ini.zend-extension">zend_extension</link>
for extensions compiled with debug info and thread safety prior to PHP
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.zend-extension-ts">
Variant of <link linkend="ini.zend-extension">zend_extension</link>
for extensions compiled with thread safety prior to PHP 5.3.0.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.cgi.check-shebang-line">
Controls whether <acronym>CGI</acronym> PHP checks for line starting
with <literal>#!</literal> (shebang) at the top of the running script.
This line might be needed if the script support running both as
stand-alone script and via PHP <acronym>CGI</acronym>. PHP in
<acronym>CGI</acronym> mode skips this line and ignores its content if
this directive is turned on.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.cgi.discard-path">
If this is enabled, the PHP CGI binary can safely be placed outside of
the web tree and people will not be able to circumvent .htaccess security.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.cgi.fix-pathinfo">
Provides <emphasis>real</emphasis> <literal>PATH_INFO</literal>/
<literal>PATH_TRANSLATED</literal> support for <acronym>CGI</acronym>.
PHP's previous behaviour was to set <literal>PATH_TRANSLATED</literal>
to <literal>SCRIPT_FILENAME</literal>, and to not grok what <literal>
PATH_INFO</literal> is. For more information on
<literal>PATH_INFO</literal>, see the <acronym>CGI</acronym> specs.
Setting this to <literal>1</literal> will cause PHP
<acronym>CGI</acronym> to fix its paths to conform to the spec. A
setting of zero causes PHP to behave as before. It is turned on by
default. You should fix your scripts to use
<literal>SCRIPT_FILENAME</literal> rather than
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.cgi.force-redirect">
cgi.force_redirect is necessary to provide security running PHP as a
<acronym>CGI</acronym> under most web servers. Left undefined, PHP
turns this on by default. You can turn it off <emphasis>at your own
Windows Users: When using IIS this option <emphasis>must</emphasis>
be turned off. For OmniHTTPD or Xitami the same applies.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.cgi.nph">
If cgi.nph is enabled it will force cgi to always sent Status: 200 with
every request.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.cgi.redirect-status-env">
If cgi.force_redirect is turned on, and you are not running under
Apache or Netscape (iPlanet) web servers, you <emphasis>may</emphasis>
need to set an environment variable name that PHP will look for to
know it is OK to continue execution.
Setting this variable <emphasis>may</emphasis> cause security issues,
<emphasis>know what you are doing first</emphasis>.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.cgi.rfc2616-headers">
Tells PHP what type of headers to use when sending HTTP response
code. If it's set to 0, PHP sends a <link xlink:href="&url.rfc;3875">RFC 3875</link>
"Status:" header that is supported by Apache and other web servers. When this option
is set to 1, PHP will send <link xlink:href="&url.rfc;2616">RFC 2616</link> compliant
If this option is enabled, and you are running PHP in a CGI environment (e.g. PHP-FPM)
you should not use standard RFC 2616 style HTTP status response headers, you should
instead use their RFC 3875 equivalent e.g. instead of header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not found");
you should use header("Status: 404 Not Found");
Leave it set to 0 unless you know what you're doing.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.fastcgi.impersonate">
FastCGI under IIS (on WINNT based OS) supports the ability to impersonate
security tokens of the calling client. This allows IIS to define the
security context that the request runs under. mod_fastcgi under Apache
does not currently support this feature (03/17/2002)
Set to 1 if running under IIS. Default is zero.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.fastcgi.logging">
Turns on SAPI logging when using FastCGI. Default is
to enable logging.
<section xml:id="ini.sect.file-uploads">
<title>File Uploads</title>
<title>File Uploads Configuration Options</title>
<tgroup cols="4">
<entry><link linkend="ini.file-uploads">file_uploads</link></entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.upload-tmp-dir">upload_tmp_dir</link></entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.max-input-nesting-level">max_input_nesting_level</link></entry>
<entry>Available since PHP 5.3.9.</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.max-input-vars">max_input_vars</link></entry>
<entry>Available since PHP 5.3.9.</entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.upload-max-filesize">upload_max_filesize</link></entry>
<entry><link linkend="ini.max-file-uploads">max_file_uploads</link></entry>
<entry>Available since PHP 5.2.12.</entry>
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.file-uploads">
Whether or not to allow HTTP
<link linkend="features.file-upload">file uploads</link>. See also the
<link linkend="ini.upload-max-filesize">upload_max_filesize</link>,
<link linkend="ini.upload-tmp-dir">upload_tmp_dir</link>, and
<link linkend="ini.post-max-size">post_max_size</link> directives.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.upload-tmp-dir">
The temporary directory used for storing files when doing
file upload. Must be writable by whatever user PHP
is running as. If not specified PHP will use the system's default.
If the directory specified here is not writable, PHP falls back to
the system default temporary directory. If
<link linkend="ini.open-basedir">open_basedir</link> is on, then
the system default directory must be allowed for an upload to
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.upload-max-filesize">
The maximum size of an uploaded file.
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.max-file-uploads">
The maximum number of files allowed to be uploaded simultaneously.
Starting with PHP 5.3.4, upload fields left blank on submission do not
count towards this limit.
<section xml:id="ini.sect.sql-general">
<title>General SQL</title>
<title>General SQL Configuration Options</title>
<tgroup cols="4">
<entry><link linkend="ini.sql.safe-mode">sql.safe_mode</link></entry>
<entry>Removed in PHP 7.2.0</entry>
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.sql.safe-mode">
If turned on, database connection functions that specify default values
will use those values in place of any user-supplied arguments. For details
on the default values, see the documentation for the relevant connection
This feature has been <emphasis>REMOVED</emphasis> as of PHP 7.2.0.
<section xml:id="ini.sect.windows">
<title>Windows Specific</title>
<title>Windows Specific Configuration Options</title>
<tgroup cols="4">
<entry><link linkend="ini.windows-show-crt-warning">windows.show_crt_warning</link></entry>
<entry>Available since PHP 5.4.0.</entry>
<varlistentry xml:id="ini.windows-show-crt-warning">
This directive shows the Windows CRT warnings when enabled. These
warnings were displayed by default until PHP 5.4.0.
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