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<!-- $Revision: 1.18 $ -->
<reference id="ref.mbstring">
<title>Multi-Byte String Functions</title>
Multi-Byte String
<sect1 id="mb-intro">
This module is EXPERIMENTAL. Function name/API is subject to
change. Current conversion filter supports Japanese only.
There are many languages in which all characters can be expressed
by single byte. Multi-byte character codes are used to express
many characters for many languages. <literal>mbstring</literal>
is developed to handle Japanese characters. However, many
<literal>mbstring</literal> functions are able to handle
character encoding other than Japanese.
A multi-byte character encoding represents single character with
consecutive bytes. Some character encoding has shift(escape)
sequences to start/end multi-byte character strings. Therefore, a
multi-byte character string may be destroyed when it is divided
and/or counted unless multi-byte character encoding safe method
is used. This module provides multi-byte character safe string
functions and other utility functions such as conversion
Since PHP is basically designed for ISO-8859-1, some multi-byte
character encoding does not work well with PHP. Therefore, it is
important to set <literal>mbstring.internal_encoding</literal> to
a character encoding that works with PHP.
PHP4 Character Encoding Requirements
Per byte encoding
Single byte characters in range of <literal>00h-7fh</literal>
which is compatible with <literal>ASCII</literal>
Multi-byte characters without <literal>00h-7fh</literal>
These are examples of internal character encoding that works with
PHP and does NOT work with PHP.
Character encodings work with PHP:
ISO-8859-*, EUC-JP, UTF-8
Character encodings do NOT work with PHP:
Character encoding, that does not work with PHP, may be converted
with <literal>mbstring</literal>'s HTTP input/output conversion
SJIS should not be used for internal encoding unless the reader
is familiar with parser/compiler, character encoding and
character encoding issues.
If you use database with PHP, it is recommended that you use the
same character encoding for both database and <literal>internal
encoding</literal> for ease of use and better performance.
If you are using PostgreSQL, it supports character
encoding that is different from backend character encoding. See
the PostgreSQL manual for details.
<sect2 id="mb-enable">
<title>How to Enable mbstring</title>
<literal>mbstring</literal> is an extended module. You must
enable module with <literal>configure</literal> script. Refer
to the <link linkend="installation">Install</link> section for
The following configure options are related to
<literal>mbstring</literal> module.
<option role="configure">--enable-mbstring</option> : Enable
<literal>mbstring</literal> functions. This option is
required to use <literal>mbstring</literal> functions.
<option role="configure">--enable-mbstr-enc-trans</option> :
Enable HTTP input character encoding conversion using
<literal>mbstring</literal> conversion engine. If this
feature is enabled, HTTP input character encoding may be
converted to <literal>mbstring.internal_encoding</literal>
<sect2 id="mb-conv">
<title>HTTP Input and Output</title>
HTTP input/output character encoding conversion may convert
binary data also. Users are supposed to control character
encoding conversion if binary data is used for HTTP
If <literal>enctype</literal> for HTML form is set to
<literal>mbstring</literal> does not convert character encoding
in POST data. If it is the case, strings are needed to be
converted to internal character encoding.
HTTP Input
<para> There is no way to control HTTP input character
conversion from PHP script. To disable HTTP input character
conversion, it has to be done in <literal>php.ini</literal>.
Disable HTTP input conversion in php.ini
<programlisting role="php">
;; Disable HTTP Input conversion
mbstring.http_input = pass
When using PHP as an Apache module, it is possible to
override PHP ini setting per Virtual Host in
<literal>httpd.conf</literal> or per directory with
<literal>.htaccess</literal>. Refer to the <link
linkend="configuration">Configuration</link> section and
Apache Manual for details.
HTTP Output
There are several ways to enable output character encoding
conversion. One is using <literal>php.ini</literal>, another
is using <function>ob_start</function> with
<function>mb_output_handler</function> as
<literal>ob_start</literal> callback function.
For PHP3-i18n users, <literal>mbstring</literal>'s output
conversion differs from PHP3-i18n. Character encoding is
converted using output buffer.
<title><literal>php.ini</literal> setting example</title>
<programlisting role="php">
;; Enable output character encoding conversion for all PHP pages
;; Enable Output Buffering
output_buffering = On
;; Set mb_output_handler to enable output conversion
output_handler = mb_output_handler
<title>Script example</title>
<programlisting role="php">
// Enable output character encoding conversion only for this page
// Set HTTP output character encoding to SJIS
// Start buffering and specify "mb_output_handler" as
// callback function
<sect2 id="mb-code">
<title>Supported Character Encoding</title>
Currently, the following character encoding is supported by
<literal>mbstring</literal> module. Caracter encoding may
be specified for <literal>mbstring</literal> functions'
<literal>encoding</literal> parameter. </simpara>
The following character encoding is supported in this PHP
extension :
<literal>UCS-4</literal>, <literal>UCS-4BE</literal>,
<literal>UCS-4LE</literal>, <literal>UCS-2</literal>,
<literal>UCS-2BE</literal>, <literal>UCS-2LE</literal>,
<literal>UTF-32</literal>, <literal>UTF-32BE</literal>,
<literal>UTF-32LE</literal>, <literal>UCS-2LE</literal>,
<literal>UTF-16</literal>, <literal>UTF-16BE</literal>,
<literal>UTF-16LE</literal>, <literal>UTF-8</literal>,
<literal>UTF-7</literal>, <literal>ASCII</literal>,
<literal>EUC-JP</literal>, <literal>SJIS</literal>,
<literal>eucJP-win</literal>, <literal>SJIS-win</literal>,
<literal>ISO-2022-JP</literal>, <literal>JIS</literal>,
<literal>ISO-8859-1</literal>, <literal>ISO-8859-2</literal>,
<literal>ISO-8859-3</literal>, <literal>ISO-8859-4</literal>,
<literal>ISO-8859-5</literal>, <literal>ISO-8859-6</literal>,
<literal>ISO-8859-7</literal>, <literal>ISO-8859-8</literal>,
<literal>ISO-8859-9</literal>, <literal>ISO-8859-10</literal>,
<literal>ISO-8859-13</literal>, <literal>ISO-8859-14</literal>,
<literal>ISO-8859-15</literal>, <literal>byte2be</literal>,
<literal>byte2le</literal>, <literal>byte4be</literal>,
<literal>byte4le</literal>, <literal>BASE64</literal>,
<literal>7bit</literal>, <literal>8bit</literal> and
<literal>php.ini</literal> entry, which accepts encoding name,
accepts "<literal>auto</literal>" and
"<literal>pass</literal>" also.
<literal>mbstring</literal> functions, which accepts encoding
name, and accepts "<literal>auto</literal>".
If "<literal>pass</literal>" is set, no character
encoding conversion is performed.
If "<literal>auto</literal>" is set, it is expanded to
See also <function>mb_detect_order</function>
"Supported character encoding" does not mean that it
works as internal character code.
<sect2 id="mb-ini">
<title>php.ini settings</title>
<literal>mbstring.internal_encoding</literal> defines default
internal character encoding.
<literal>mbstring.http_input</literal> defines default HTTP
input character encoding.
<literal>mbstring.http_output</literal> defines default HTTP
output character encoding.
<literal>mbstring.detect_order</literal> defines default
character code detection order. See also
<literal>mbstring.substitute_character</literal> defines
character to substitute for invalid character encoding.
Web Browsers are supposed to use the same character encoding
when submitting form. However, browsers may not use the same
character encoding. See <function>mb_http_input</function> to
detect character encoding used by browsers.
If <literal>enctype</literal> is set to
<literal>multipart/form-data</literal> in HTML forms,
<literal>mbstring</literal> does not convert character encoding
in POST data. The user must convert them in the script, if
conversion is needed.
Although, browsers are smart enough to detect character encoding
in HTML. <literal>charset</literal> is better to be set in HTTP
header. Change <literal>default_charset</literal> according to
character encoding.
<title><literal>php.ini</literal> setting example</title>
<programlisting role="php">
;; Set default internal encoding
;; Note: Make sure to use character encoding works with PHP
mbstring.internal_encoding = UTF-8 ; Set internal encoding to UTF-8
;; Set default HTTP input character encoding
;; Note: Script cannot change http_input setting.
mbstring.http_input = pass ; No conversion.
mbstring.http_input = auto ; Set HTTP input to auto
; "auto" is expanded to "ASCII,JIS,UTF-8,EUC-JP,SJIS"
mbstring.http_input = SJIS ; Set HTTP2 input to SJIS
mbstring.http_input = UTF-8,SJIS,EUC-JP ; Specify order
;; Set default HTTP output character encoding
mbstring.http_output = pass ; No conversion
mbstring.http_output = UTF-8 ; Set HTTP output encoding to UTF-8
;; Set default character encoding detection order
mbstring.detect_order = auto ; Set detect order to auto
mbstring.detect_order = ASCII,JIS,UTF-8,SJIS,EUC-JP ; Specify order
;; Set default substitute character
mbstring.substitute_character = 12307 ; Specify Unicode value
mbstring.substitute_character = none ; Do not print character
mbstring.substitute_character = long ; Long Example: U+3000,JIS+7E7E
<title><literal>php.ini</literal> setting for <literal>EUC-JP</literal> users</title>
<programlisting role="php">
;; Disable Output Buffering
output_buffering = Off
;; Set HTTP header charset
default_charset = EUC-JP
;; Set HTTP input encoding conversion to auto
mbstring.http_input = auto
;; Convert HTTP output to EUC-JP
mbstring.http_output = EUC-JP
;; Set internal encoding to EUC-JP
mbstring.internal_encoding = EUC-JP
;; Do not print invalid characters
mbstring.substitute_character = none
<title><literal>php.ini</literal> setting for <literal>SJIS</literal> users</title>
<programlisting role="php">
;; Enable Output Buffering
output_buffering = On
;; Set mb_output_handler to enable output conversion
output_handler = mb_output_handler
;; Set HTTP header charset
default_charset = Shift_JIS
;; Set http input encoding conversion to auto
mbstring.http_input = auto
;; Convert to SJIS
mbstring.http_output = SJIS
;; Set internal encoding to EUC-JP
mbstring.internal_encoding = EUC-JP
;; Do not print invalid characters
mbstring.substitute_character = none
<sect2 id="mb-ja-basic">
<title>Basics for Japanese multi-byte character</title>
Most Japanese characters need more than 1 byte per character. In
addition, several character encoding schemas are used under a
Japanese environment. There are EUC-JP, Shift_JIS(SJIS) and
ISO-2022-JP(JIS) character encoding. As Unicode becomes popular,
UTF-8 is used also. To develop Web applications for a Japanese
environment, it is important to use the character set for the
task in hand, whether HTTP input/output, RDBMS and E-mail.
<simpara>Storage for a character can be up to six
A multi-byte character is usually twice of the width compared
to single-byte characters. Wider characters are called
"zen-kaku" - meaning full width, narrower characters are
called "han-kaku" - meaning half width. "zen-kaku" characters
are usually fixed width.
Some character encoding defines shift(escape) sequence for
entering/exiting multi-byte character strings.
ISO-2022-JP must be used for SMTP/NNTP.
"i-mode" web site is supposed to use SJIS.
<sect2 id="mb-ref">
Multi-byte character encoding and its related issues are very
complex. It is impossible to cover in sufficient detail
here. Please refer to the following URLs and other resources for
further readings.
Japanese/Korean/Chinese character
<refentry id="function.mb-language">
Set/Get current language
<function>mb_language</function> sets language. If
<parameter>language</parameter> is omitted, it returns current
language as string.
<parameter>language</parameter> setting is used for encoding
e-mail messages. Valid languages are "Japanese",
"ja","English","en" and "uni"
(UTF-8). <function>mb_send_mail</function> uses this setting to
encode e-mail.
<para> Language and its setting is ISO-2022-JP/Base64 for
Japanese, UTF-8/Base64 for uni, ISO-8859-1/quoted printable for
Return Value: If <parameter>language</parameter> is set and
<parameter>language</parameter> is valid, it returns
&true;. Otherwise, it returns &false;. When
<parameter>language</parameter> is omitted, it returns language
name as string. If no language is set previously, it returns
See also <function>mb_send_mail</function>.
<refentry id="function.mb-parse-str">
Parse GET/POST/COOKIE data and set global variable
<function>mb_parse_str</function> parses GET/POST/COOKIE data and
sets global variables. Since PHP does not provide raw POST/COOKIE
data, it can only used for GET data for now. It preses URL
encoded data, detects encoding, converts coding to internal
encoding and set values to <parameter>result</parameter> array or
global variables.
<parameter>encoded_string</parameter>: URL encoded data.
<parameter>result</parameter>: Array contains decoded and
character encoding converted values.
Return Value: It returns &true; for success or &false; for failure.
See also <function>mb_detect_order</function>,
<refentry id="function.mb-internal-encoding">
Set/Get internal character encoding
<function>mb_internal_encoding</function> sets internal character
encoding to <parameter>encoding</parameter> If parameter is
omitted, it returns current internal encoding.
<parameter>encoding</parameter> is used for HTTP input character
encoding conversion, HTTP output character encoding conversion
and default character encoding for string functions defined by
mbstring module.
<parameter>encoding</parameter>: Character encoding name
Return Value: If <parameter>encoding</parameter> is
set,<function>mb_internal_encoding</function> returns
&true; for success, otherwise returns
&false;. If <parameter>encoding</parameter> is
omitted, it returns current character encoding name.
<title><function>mb_internal_encoding</function> example</title>
<programlisting role="php">
/* Set internal character encoding to UTF-8 */
/* Display current internal character encoding */
echo mb_internal_encoding();
See also <function>mb_http_input</function>,
<refentry id="function.mb-http-input">
<refpurpose>Detect HTTP input character encoding</refpurpose>
<funcdef>string <function>mb_http_input</function></funcdef>
<function>mb_http_input</function> returns result of HTTP input
character encoding detection.
<parameter>type</parameter>: Input string specifies input
type. "G" for GET, "P" for POST,
"C" for COOKIE. If type is omitted, it returns last
input type processed.
Return Value: Character encoding name.
If <function>mb_http_input</function> does not process specified
HTTP input, it returns &false;.
See also <function>mb_internal_encoding</function>,
<refentry id="function.mb-http-output">
<refpurpose>Set/Get HTTP output character encoding</refpurpose>
<funcdef>string <function>mb_http_output</function></funcdef>
If <parameter>encoding</parameter> is set,
<function>mb_http_output</function> sets HTTP output character
encoding to <parameter>encoding</parameter>. Output after this
function is converted to <parameter>encoding</parameter>.
<function>mb_http_output</function> returns
&true; for success and &false;
for failure.
If <parameter>encoding</parameter> is omitted,
<function>mb_http_output</function> returns current HTTP output
character encoding.
See also <function>mb_internal_encoding</function>,
<refentry id="function.mb-detect-order">
Set/Get character encoding detection order
<funcdef>array <function>mb_detect_order</function></funcdef>
<function>mb_detect_order</function> sets automatic character
encoding detection order to <parameter>encoding-list</parameter>.
It returns &true; for success,
&false; for failure.
<parameter>encoding-list</parameter> is array or comma separated
list of character encoding. ("auto" is expanded to
If <parameter>encoding-list</parameter> is omitted, it returns
current character encoding detection order as array.
This setting affects <function>mb_detect_encoding</function> and
<literal>mbstring</literal> currently implements following
encoding detection filters. If there is a invalid byte sequence
for following encoding, encoding detection will fail.
<literal>UTF-8</literal>, <literal>UTF-7</literal>,
<literal>eucJP-win</literal>, <literal>SJIS-win</literal>,
<literal>JIS</literal>, <literal>ISO-2022-JP</literal>
For <literal>ISO-8859-*</literal>, <literal>mbstring</literal>
always detects as <literal>ISO-8859-*</literal>.
For <literal>UTF-16</literal>, <literal>UTF-32</literal>,
<literal>UCS2</literal> and <literal>UCS4</literal>, encoding
detection will fail always.
<title>Useless detect order example</title>
; Always detect as ISO-8859-1
detect_order = ISO-8859-1, UTF-8
; Always detect as UTF-8, since ASCII/UTF-7 values are
; valid for UTF-8
detect_order = UTF-8, ASCII, UTF-7
<title><function>mb_detect_order</function> examples</title>
<programlisting role="php">
/* Set detection order by enumerated list */
/* Set detection order by array */
$ary[] = "ASCII";
$ary[] = "JIS";
$ary[] = "EUC-JP";
/* Display current detection order */
echo implode(", ", mb_detect_order());
See also <function>mb_internal_encoding</function>,
<refentry id="function.mb-substitute-character">
<refpurpose>Set/Get substitution character</refpurpose>
<funcdef>mixed <function>mb_substitute_character</function></funcdef>
<function>mb_substitute_character</function> specifies
substitution character when input character encoding is invalid
or character code is not exist in output character
encoding. Invalid characters may be substituted &null;(no output),
string or integer value (Unicode character code value).
This setting affects <function>mb_detect_encoding</function>
and <function>mb_send_mail</function>.
<parameter>substchar</parameter> : Specify Unicode value as
integer or specify as string as follows
"none" : no output
"long" : Output character code value (Example:
Return Value: If <parameter>substchar</parameter> is set, it
returns &true; for success, otherwise returns
&false;. If <parameter>substchar</parameter> is
not set, it returns Unicode value or
<title><function>mb_substitute_character</function> example</title>
<programlisting role="php">
/* Set with Unicode U+3013 (GETA MARK) */
/* Set hex format */
/* Display current setting */
echo mb_substitute_character();
<refentry id="function.mb-output-handler">
Callback function converts character encoding in output buffer
<funcdef>string <function>mb_output_handler</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter>contents</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>status</parameter></paramdef>
<function>mb_output_handler</function> is
<function>ob_start</function> callback
function. <function>mb_output_handler</function> converts
characters in output buffer from internal character encoding to
HTTP output character encoding.
4.1.0 or later version, this hanlder adds charset HTTP header
when following conditions are met:
<simpara>Does not set <literal>Content-Type</literal> by
<simpara>Default MIME type begins with
<simpara><literal>http_output</literal> setting is other than
<parameter>contents</parameter> : Output buffer contents
<parameter>status</parameter> : Output buffer status
Return Value: String converted
<title><function>mb_output_handler</function> example</title>
<programlisting role="php">
If you want to output some binary data such as image from PHP
script, you must set output encoding to "pass" using
See also <function>ob_start</function>.
<refentry id="function.mb-preferred-mime-name">
<refpurpose>Get MIME charset string</refpurpose>
<funcdef>string <function>mb_preferred_mime_name</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter>encoding</parameter></paramdef>
<function>mb_preferred_mime_name</function> returns MIME
<literal>charset</literal> string for character encoding
<parameter>encoding</parameter>. It returns
<literal>charset</literal> string.
<title><function>mb_preferred_mime_string</function> example</title>
<programlisting role="php">
$outputenc = "sjis-win";
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=" . mb_preferred_mime_name($outputenc));
<refentry id="function.mb-strlen">
<refpurpose>Get string length</refpurpose>
<funcdef>string <function>mb_strlen</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter>str</parameter></paramdef>
<function>mb_strlen</function> returns number of characters in
string <parameter>str</parameter> having character encoding
<parameter>encoding</parameter>. A multi-byte character is
counted as 1.
<parameter>encoding</parameter> is character encoding for
<parameter>str</parameter>. If <parameter>encoding</parameter> is
omitted, internal character encoding is used.
See also <function>mb_internal_encoding</function>,
<refentry id="function.mb-strpos">
Find position of first occurrence of string in a string
<funcdef>int <function>mb_strpos</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter>haystack</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter>needle</parameter></paramdef>
<function>mb_strpos</function> returns the numeric position of
the first occurrence of <parameter>needle</parameter> in the
<parameter>haystack</parameter> string. If
<parameter>needle</parameter> is not found, it returns &false;.
<function>mb_strpos</function> performs multi-byte safe
<function>strpos</function> operation based on number of
characters. <parameter>needle</parameter> position is counted
from the beginning of the <parameter>haystack</parameter>. First
character's position is 0. Second character position is 1, and so
If <parameter>encoding</parameter> is omitted, internal
character encoding is used. <function>mb_strrpos</function>
accepts <literal>string</literal> for
<parameter>needle</parameter> where <function>strrpos</function>
accepts only character.
<parameter>offset</parameter> is search offset. If it is not
specified, 0 is used.
<parameter>encoding</parameter> is character encoding name. If it
is omitted, internal character encoding is used.
See also <function>mb_strpos</function>,
<refentry id="function.mb-strrpos">
Find position of last occurrence of a string in a string
<funcdef>int <function>mb_strrpos</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter>haystack</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter>needle</parameter></paramdef>
<function>mb_strrpos</function> returns the numeric position of
the last occurrence of <parameter>needle</parameter> in the
<parameter>haystack</parameter> string. If
<parameter>needle</parameter> is not found, it returns &false;.
<function>mb_strrpos</function> performs multi-byte safe
<function>strrpos</function> operation based on
number of characters. <parameter>needle</parameter> position is
counted from the beginning of
<parameter>haystack</parameter>. First character's position is
0. Second character position is 1.
If <parameter>encoding</parameter> is omitted, internal encoding
is assumed. <function>mb_strrpos</function> accepts
<literal>string</literal> for <parameter>needle</parameter> where
<function>strrpos</function> accepts only character.
<parameter>encoding</parameter> is character encoding. If it is
not specified, internal character encoding is used.
See also <function>mb_strpos</function>,
<refentry id="function.mb-substr">
<refpurpose>Get part of string</refpurpose>
<funcdef>string <function>mb_substr</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter>str</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>start</parameter></paramdef>
<function>mb_substr</function> returns the portion of
<parameter>str</parameter> specified by the
<parameter>start</parameter> and
<parameter>length</parameter> parameters.
<function>mb_substr</function> performs multi-byte safe
<function>substr</function> operation based on
number of characters. Position is
counted from the beginning of
<parameter>str</parameter>. First character's position is
0. Second character position is 1, and so on.
If <parameter>encoding</parameter> is omitted, internal encoding
is assumed.
<parameter>encoding</parameter> is character encoding. If it is
omitted, internal character encoding is used.
See also <function>mb_strcut</function>,
<refentry id="function.mb-strcut">
<refpurpose>Get part of string</refpurpose>
<funcdef>string <function>mb_strcut</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter>str</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>start</parameter></paramdef>
<function>mb_strcut</function> returns the portion of
<parameter>str</parameter> specified by the
<parameter>start</parameter> and
<parameter>length</parameter> parameters.
<function>mb_strcut</function> performs equivalent operation as
<function>mb_substr</function> with different method. If
<parameter>start</parameter> position is multi-byte character's
second byte or larger, it starts from first byte of multi-byte
It subtracts string from <parameter>str</parameter> that is
shorter than <parameter>length</parameter> AND character that is
not part of multi-byte string or not being middle of shift
<parameter>encoding</parameter> is character encoding. If it is
not set, internal character encoding is used.
See also <function>mb_substr</function>,
<refentry id="function.mb-strwidth">
<refpurpose>Return width of string</refpurpose>
<funcdef>int <function>mb_strwidth</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter>str</parameter></paramdef>
<function>mb_strwidth</function> returns width of string
Multi-byte character usually twice of width compare to single
byte character.
Character width
U+0000 - U+0019 0
U+0020 - U+1FFF 1
U+2000 - U+FF60 2
U+FF61 - U+FF9F 1
U+FFA0 - 2
<parameter>encoding</parameter> is character encoding. If it is
omitted, internal encoding is used.
See also: <function>mb_strimwidth</function>,
<refentry id="function.mb-strimwidth">
<refpurpose>Get truncated string with specified width</refpurpose>
<funcdef>string <function>mb_strimwidth</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter>str</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>start</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>width</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter>trimmarker</parameter></paramdef>
<function>mb_strimwidth</function> truncates string
<parameter>str</parameter> to specified
<parameter>width</parameter>. It returns truncated string.
If <parameter>trimmarker</parameter> is set,
<parameter>trimmarker</parameter> is appended to return value.
<parameter>start</parameter> is start position offset. Number of
characters from the beginning of string. (First character is 0)
<parameter>trimmarker</parameter> is string that is added to the
end of string when string is truncated.
<parameter>encoding</parameter> is character encoding. If it is
omitted, internal encoding is used.
<title><function>mb_strimwidth</function> example</title>
<programlisting role="php">
$str = mb_strimwidth($str, 0, 40, "..>");
See also: <function>mb_strwidth</function>,
<refentry id="function.mb-convert-encoding">
<refpurpose>Convert character encoding</refpurpose>
<funcdef>string <function>mb_convert_encoding</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter>str</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter>to-encoding</parameter></paramdef>
<function>mb_convert_encoding</function> converts
character encoding of string <parameter>str</parameter> from
<parameter>from-encoding</parameter> to
<parameter>str</parameter> : String to be converted.
<parameter>from-encoding</parameter> is specified by character
code name before conversion. it can be array or string - comma
separated enumerated list.
<title><function>mb_convert_encoding</function> example</title>
<programlisting role="php">
/* Convert internal character encoding to SJIS */
$str = mb_convert_encoding($str, "SJIS");
/* Convert EUC-JP to UTF-7 */
$str = mb_convert_encoding($str, "UTF-7", "EUC-JP");
/* Auto detect encoding from JIS, eucjp-win, sjis-win, then convert str to UCS-2LE */
$str = mb_convert_encoding($str, "UCS-2LE", "JIS, eucjp-win, sjis-win");
/* "auto" is expanded to "ASCII,JIS,UTF-8,EUC-JP,SJIS" */
$str = mb_convert_encoding($str, "EUC-JP", "auto");
See also: <function>mb_detect_order</function>.
<refentry id="function.mb-detect-encoding">
<refpurpose>Detect character encoding</refpurpose>
<funcdef>string <function>mb_detect_encoding</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter>str</parameter></paramdef>
<function>mb_detect_encoding</function> detects character
encoding in string <parameter>str</parameter>. It returns
detected character encoding.
<parameter>encoding-list</parameter> is list of character
encoding. Encoding order may be specified by array or comma
separated list string.
If <parameter>encoding_list</parameter> is omitted,
detect_order is used.
<title><function>mb_detect_encoding</function> example</title>
<programlisting role="php">
/* Detect character encoding with current detect_order */
echo mb_detect_encoding($str);
/* "auto" is expanded to "ASCII,JIS,UTF-8,EUC-JP,SJIS" */
echo mb_detect_encoding($str, "auto");
/* Specify encoding_list character encoding by comma separated list */
echo mb_detect_encoding($str, "JIS, eucjp-win, sjis-win");
/* Use array to specify encoding_list */
$ary[] = "ASCII";
$ary[] = "JIS";
$ary[] = "EUC-JP";
echo mb_detect_encoding($str, $ary);
See also: <function>mb_detect_order</function>.
<refentry id="function.mb-convert-kana">
Convert "kana" one from another ("zen-kaku" ,"han-kaku" and more)
<funcdef>string <function>mb_convert_kana</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter>str</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter>option</parameter></paramdef>
<function>mb_convert_kana</function> performs "han-kaku" -
"zen-kaku" conversion for string <parameter>str</parameter>. It
returns converted string. This function is only useful for
<parameter>option</parameter> is conversion option. Default value
is <literal>"KV"</literal>.
<parameter>encoding</parameter> is character encoding. If it is
omitted, internal character encoding is used.
Applicable Conversion Options
option : Specify with conversion of following options. Default "KV"
"r" : Convert "zen-kaku" alphabets to "han-kaku"
"R" : Convert "han-kaku" alphabets to "zen-kaku"
"n" : Convert "zen-kaku" numbers to "han-kaku"
"N" : Convert "han-kaku" numbers to "zen-kaku"
"a" : Convert "zen-kaku" alphabets and numbers to "han-kaku"
"A" : Convert "zen-kaku" alphabets and numbers to "han-kaku"
(Characters included in "a", "A" options are
U+0021 - U+007E excluding U+0022, U+0027, U+005C, U+007E)
"s" : Convert "zen-kaku" space to "han-kaku" (U+3000 -> U+0020)
"S" : Convert "han-kaku" space to "zen-kaku" (U+0020 -> U+3000)
"k" : Convert "zen-kaku kata-kana" to "han-kaku kata-kana"
"K" : Convert "han-kaku kata-kana" to "zen-kaku kata-kana"
"h" : Convert "zen-kaku hira-gana" to "han-kaku kata-kana"
"H" : Convert "han-kaku kata-kana" to "zen-kaku hira-gana"
"c" : Convert "zen-kaku kata-kana" to "zen-kaku hira-gana"
"C" : Convert "zen-kaku hira-gana" to "zen-kaku kata-kana"
"V" : Collapse voiced sound notation and convert them into a character. Use with "K","H"
<title><function>mb_convert_kana</function> example</title>
<programlisting role="php">
/* Convert all "kana" to "zen-kaku" "kata-kana" */
$str = mb_convert_kana($str, "KVC");
/* Convert "han-kaku" "kata-kana" to "zen-kaku" "kata-kana"
and "zen-kaku" alpha-numeric to "han-kaku" */
$str = mb_convert_kana($str, "KVa");
<refentry id="function.mb-encode-mimeheader">
<refpurpose>Encode string for MIME header</refpurpose>
<funcdef>string <function>mb_encode_mimeheader</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter>str</parameter></paramdef>
<function>mb_encode_mimeheader</function> converts string
<parameter>str</parameter> to encoded-word for header field.
It returns converted string in ASCII encoding.
<parameter>charset</parameter> is character encoding
name. Default is <literal>ISO-2022-JP</literal>.
<parameter>transfer-encoding</parameter> is transfer encoding. It
should be one of <literal>"B"</literal> (Base64) or
<literal>"Q"</literal> (Quoted-Printable). Default is
<parameter>linefeed</parameter> is end of line marker. Default is
<literal>"\r\n"</literal> (CRLF).
<title><function>mb_convert_kana</function> example</title>
<programlisting role="php">
$name = ""; // kanji
$mbox = "kru";
$doma = "gtinn.mon";
$addr = mb_encode_mimeheader($name, "UTF-7", "Q") . " <" . $mbox . "@" . $doma . ">";
echo $addr;
See also <function>mb_decode_mimeheader</function>.
<refentry id="function.mb-decode-mimeheader">
<refpurpose>Decode string in MIME header field</refpurpose>
<funcdef>string <function>mb_decode_mimeheader</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter>str</parameter></paramdef>
<function>mb_decode_mimeheader</function> decodes encoded-word
string <parameter>str</parameter> in MIME header.
It returns decoded string in internal character encoding.
See also <function>mb_encode_mimeheader</function>.
<refentry id="function.mb-convert-variables">
<refpurpose>Convert character code in variable(s)</refpurpose>
<funcdef>string <function>mb_convert_variables</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter>to-encoding</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>mixed <parameter>from-encoding</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>mixed <parameter>vars</parameter></paramdef>
<function>mb_convert_variables</function> convert
character encoding of variables <parameter>vars</parameter> in
encoding <parameter>from-encoding</parameter> to encoding
<parameter>to-encoding</parameter>. It returns character encoding
before conversion for success, &false; for failure.
<function>mb_convert_variables</function> join strings in Array
or Object to detect encoding, since encoding detection tends to
fail for short strings. Therefore, it is impossible to mix
encoding in single array or object.
It <parameter>from-encoding</parameter> is specified by
array or comma separated string, it tries to detect encoding from
<parameter>from-coding</parameter>. When
<parameter>encoding</parameter> is omitted,
<literal>detect_order</literal> is used.
<parameter>vars (3rd and larger)</parameter> is reference to
variable to be converted. String, Array and Object are accepted.
<function>mb_convert_variables</function> assumes all parameters
have the same encoding.
<title><function>mb_convert_variables</function> example</title>
<programlisting role="php">
/* Convert variables $post1, $post2 to internal encoding */
$interenc = mb_internal_encoding();
$inputenc = mb_convert_variables($interenc, "ASCII,UTF-8,SJIS-win", $post1, $post2);
<refentry id="function.mb-encode-numericentity">
Encode character to HTML numeric string reference
<funcdef>string <function>mb_encode_numericentity</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter>str</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>array <parameter>convmap</parameter></paramdef>
<function>mb_encode_numericentity</function> converts
specified character codes in string <parameter>str</parameter>
from HTML numeric character reference to character code. It
returns converted string.
<parameter>array</parameter> is array specifies code area to
<parameter>encoding</parameter> is character encoding.
<title><parameter>convmap</parameter> example</title>
<programlisting role="php">
$convmap = array (
int start_code1, int end_code1, int offset1, int mask1,
int start_code2, int end_code2, int offset2, int mask2,
int start_codeN, int end_codeN, int offsetN, int maskN );
// Specify Unicode value for start_codeN and end_codeN
// Add offsetN to value and take bit-wise 'AND' with maskN, then
// it converts value to numeric string reference.
<function>mb_encode_numericentity</function> example
<programlisting role="php">
/* Convert Left side of ISO-8859-1 to HTML numeric character reference */
$convmap = array(0x80, 0xff, 0, 0xff);
$str = mb_encode_numericentity($str, $convmap, "ISO-8859-1");
/* Convert user defined SJIS-win code in block 95-104 to numeric
string reference */
$convmap = array(
0xe000, 0xe03e, 0x1040, 0xffff,
0xe03f, 0xe0bb, 0x1041, 0xffff,
0xe0bc, 0xe0fa, 0x1084, 0xffff,
0xe0fb, 0xe177, 0x1085, 0xffff,
0xe178, 0xe1b6, 0x10c8, 0xffff,
0xe1b7, 0xe233, 0x10c9, 0xffff,
0xe234, 0xe272, 0x110c, 0xffff,
0xe273, 0xe2ef, 0x110d, 0xffff,
0xe2f0, 0xe32e, 0x1150, 0xffff,
0xe32f, 0xe3ab, 0x1151, 0xffff );
$str = mb_encode_numericentity($str, $convmap, "sjis-win");
See also: <function>mb_decode_numericentity</function>.
<refentry id="function.mb-decode-numericentity">
Decode HTML numeric string reference to character
<funcdef>string <function>mb_decode_numericentity</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter>str</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>array <parameter>convmap</parameter></paramdef>
Convert numeric string reference of string
<parameter>str</parameter> in specified block to character. It
returns converted string.
<parameter>array</parameter> is array to specifies code area to
<parameter>encoding</parameter> is character encoding. If it is
omitted, internal character encoding is used.
<title><parameter>convmap</parameter> example</title>
$convmap = array (
int start_code1, int end_code1, int offset1, int mask1,
int start_code2, int end_code2, int offset2, int mask2,
int start_codeN, int end_codeN, int offsetN, int maskN );
// Specify Unicode value for start_codeN and end_codeN
// Add offsetN to value and take bit-wise 'AND' with maskN,
// then convert value to numeric string reference.
See also: <function>mb_encode_numericentity</function>.
<refentry id="function.mb-send-mail">
Send encoded mail.
<funcdef>boolean <function>mb_send_mail</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter>to</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter>subject</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>string <parameter>message</parameter></paramdef>
<function>mb_send_mail</function> sends email. Headers and
message are converted and encoded according to
<function>mb_language</function> setting.
<function>mb_send_mail</function> is wrapper
function of <function>mail</function>. See
<function>mail</function> for details.
<parameter>to</parameter> is mail addresses send to. Multiple
recipients can be specified by putting a comma between each
address in to. This parameter is not automatically encoded.
<parameter>subject</parameter> is subject of mail.
<parameter>message</parameter> is mail message.
<parameter>additional_headers</parameter> is inserted at
the end of the header. This is typically used to add extra
headers. Multiple extra headers are separated with a
newline ("\n").
<parameter>additional_parameter</parameter> is a MTA command line
parameter. It is useful when setting the correct Return-Path
header when using sendmail.
See also <function>mail</function>,
<function>mb_encode_mimeheader</function>, and
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