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Constant values are already reported in <fieldsynopsis> blocks. Furthermore, literal values should not appear within <term><constant> tags. git-svn-id: https://svn.php.net/repository/phpdoc/en/trunk@345085 c90b9560-bf6c-de11-be94-00142212c4b1
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- $Revision$ -->
<phpdoc:classref xml:id="class.mongodb" xmlns:phpdoc="http://php.net/ns/phpdoc" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
<title>The MongoDB class</title>
<!-- {{{ Mongodb intro -->
<section xml:id="mongodb.intro">
Instances of this class are used to interact with a database. To get a
<title>Selecting a database</title>
<programlisting role="php">
$m = new MongoClient(); // connect
$db = $m->selectDB("example");
Database names can use almost any character in the ASCII range. However,
they cannot contain " ", "." or be the empty string.
The name "system" is also reserved.
A few unusual, but valid, database names: "null", "[x,y]", "3", "\"", "/".
Unlike collection names, database names may contain "$".
<!-- }}} -->
<section xml:id="mongodb.synopsis">
<!-- {{{ Synopsis -->
<!-- {{{ Class synopsis -->
<!-- }}} -->
<classsynopsisinfo role="comment">&Constants;</classsynopsisinfo>
<varname linkend="mongodb.constants.profilingoff">MongoDB::PROFILING_OFF</varname>
<varname linkend="mongodb.constants.profilingslow">MongoDB::PROFILING_SLOW</varname>
<varname linkend="mongodb.constants.profilingon">MongoDB::PROFILING_ON</varname>
<classsynopsisinfo role="comment">Fields</classsynopsisinfo>
<varname linkend="mongodb.props.w">w</varname>
<varname linkend="mongodb.props.wtimeout">wtimeout</varname>
<classsynopsisinfo role="comment">&Methods;</classsynopsisinfo>
<xi:include xpointer="xmlns(db=http://docbook.org/ns/docbook) xpointer(id('class.mongodb')/db:refentry/db:refsect1[@role='description']/descendant::db:methodsynopsis[1])" />
<!-- }}} -->
<section xml:id="mongodb.constants.types">
<title>MongoDB Log Levels</title>
<varlistentry xml:id="mongodb.constants.profilingoff">
Profiling is off.
<varlistentry xml:id="mongodb.constants.profilingslow">
Profiling is on for slow operations (>100 ms).
<varlistentry xml:id="mongodb.constants.profilingon">
Profiling is on for all operations.
<varlistentry xml:id="mongodb.props.w">
The number of servers to replicate a change to before returning success.
Inherited by instances of <classname>MongoCollection</classname> derived
from this. <literal>w</literal> functionality is only available in
version 1.5.1+ of the MongoDB server and 1.0.8+ of the driver.
<literal>w</literal> is used whenever you need to adjust the
acknowledgement level
<function>MongoCollection::save</function>, and
<function>MongoCollection::ensureIndex</function> all support this
option). With the default value (1), an acknowledged operation will return once
the database server has the operation. If the server goes down before
the operation has been replicated to a secondary, it is possible to lose
the operation forever. Thus, you can specify <literal>w</literal> to be
higher than one and guarantee that at least one secondary has the
operation before it is considered successful.
For example, if <literal>w</literal> is 2, the primary and one secondary
must have a record of the operation or the driver will throw a
<classname>MongoCursorException</classname>. It is tempting to set
<literal>w</literal> to the total number of secondaries + primary, but
then if one secondary is down the operation will fail and an exception
will be thrown, so usually <literal>w=2</literal> is safest (primary and
one secondary).
<varlistentry xml:id="mongodb.props.wtimeout">
The number of milliseconds to wait for <literal>MongoDB::$w</literal>
replications to take place. Inherited by instances of
<classname>MongoCollection</classname> derived from this.
<literal>w</literal> functionality is only available in version 1.5.1+ of
the MongoDB server and 1.0.8+ of the driver.
Unless <literal>wtimeout</literal> is set, the server waits forever for
replicating to <literal>w</literal> servers to finish. The driver
defaults to waiting for 10 seconds, you can change this value to alter
its behavior.
MongoDB core docs on <link xlink:href="&url.mongodb.glossary;#term-database">databases</link>.
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