2003-01-16 20:00:36 +00:00

173 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!-- $Revision: 1.12 $ -->
<!-- splitted from ./en/functions/image.xml, last change in rev 1.36 -->
<refentry id="function.getimagesize">
<refpurpose>Get the size of an image</refpurpose>
<methodparam choice="opt"><type>array</type><parameter>imageinfo</parameter></methodparam>
The <function>getimagesize</function> function will determine the
size of any <acronym>GIF</acronym>, <acronym>JPG</acronym>,
<acronym>PNG</acronym>, <acronym>SWF</acronym>,
<acronym>SWC</acronym>, <acronym>PSD</acronym>,
<acronym>TIFF</acronym>, <acronym>BMP</acronym> or
image file and return the dimensions along with the file type and
a height/width text string to be used inside a normal
<acronym>HTML</acronym> <literal>IMG</literal> tag.
Returns an array with 4 elements. Index 0 contains the width of
the image in pixels. Index 1 contains the height. Index 2 is a
flag indicating the type of the image: 1 = GIF, 2 = JPG, 3 =
PNG, 4 = SWF, 5 = PSD, 6 = BMP, 7 = TIFF(intel byte order),
8 = TIFF(motorola byte order), 9 = JPC, 10 = JP2, 11 = JPX, 12 =
JB2, 13 = SWC, 14 = IFF. These values correspond to the IMAGETYPE
constants that were added in PHP 4.3. Index 3 is a text string with
the correct height="yyy" width="xxx" string that can be used
directly in an IMG tag.
<title>getimagesize (file)</title>
<programlisting role="php">
$size = getimagesize ("img/flag.jpg");
echo "<img src=\"img/flag.jpg\" {$size[3]}>";
<title>getimagesize (URL)</title>
<programlisting role="php">
<?php $size = getimagesize (""); ?>
With <acronym>JPG</acronym> images, two extra indexes are returned:
<literal>channels</literal> and <literal>bits</literal>.
<literal>channels</literal> will be 3 for RGB pictures and 4 for CMYK
pictures. <literal>bits</literal> is the number of bits for each color.
Beginning with PHP 4.3, <literal>bits</literal> and
<literal>channels</literal> are present for other image types, too.
However, the presence of these values can be a bit confusing. As an
example, <acronym>GIF</acronym> always uses 3 channels per pixel, but the
number of bits per pixel cannot be calculated for an animated
<acronym>GIF</acronym> with a global color table.
Some formats may contain no image or may contain multiple images. In these
cases, <function>getimagesize</function> might not be able to properly
determine the image size. <function>getimagesize</function> will return
zero for width and height in these cases.
Beginning with PHP 4.3, <function>getimagesize</function> also returns an
additional parameter, <literal>mime</literal>, that corresponds with the
MIME type of the image. This information can be used to deliver images
with correct HTTP Content-type headers:
<title>getimagesize() and MIME types</title>
<programlisting role="php">
$size = getimagesize ($filename);
$fp=fopen($filename, "rb");
if ($size && $fp) {
header("Content-type: {$size['mime']}");
} else {
// error
If accessing the <parameter>filename</parameter> image is impossible,
or if it isn't a valid picture, <function>getimagesize</function>
will return &false; and generate a warning.
The optional <parameter>imageinfo</parameter> parameter allows
you to extract some extended information from the image
file. Currently, this will return the different
<acronym>JPG</acronym> APP markers as an associative array. Some
programs use these APP markers to embed text information in
images. A very common one is to embed <acronym>IPTC</acronym>
<ulink url="&url.iptc;">&url.iptc;</ulink> information in the
APP13 marker. You can use the <function>iptcparse</function>
function to parse the binary APP13 marker into something
<title>getimagesize() returning IPTC</title>
$size = getimagesize ("testimg.jpg",&$info);
if (isset ($info["APP13"])) {
$iptc = iptcparse ($info["APP13"]);
var_dump ($iptc);
TIFF support was added in PHP 4.2.
This function does not require the GD image library.
See also <function>image_type_to_mime_type</function>,
<function>exif_imagetype</function>, <function>exif_read_data</function>
and <function>exif_thumbnail</function>.
URL support was added in PHP 4.0.5.
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