Máté Kocsis 2a7c919451 Generate string methodsynopses based on stubs
Co-authored-by: Christoph M. Becker <>

Cf. <>.
2021-01-01 19:19:03 +01:00

216 lines
5.9 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- $Revision$ -->
<refentry xml:id="function.levenshtein" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<refpurpose>Calculate Levenshtein distance between two strings</refpurpose>
<refsect1 role="description">
<methodparam choice="opt"><type>int</type><parameter>insertion_cost</parameter><initializer>1</initializer></methodparam>
<methodparam choice="opt"><type>int</type><parameter>replacement_cost</parameter><initializer>1</initializer></methodparam>
<methodparam choice="opt"><type>int</type><parameter>deletion_cost</parameter><initializer>1</initializer></methodparam>
The Levenshtein distance is defined as the minimal number of
characters you have to replace, insert or delete to transform
<parameter>string1</parameter> into <parameter>string2</parameter>.
The complexity of the algorithm is <literal>O(m*n)</literal>,
where <literal>n</literal> and <literal>m</literal> are the
length of <parameter>string1</parameter> and
<parameter>string2</parameter> (rather good when compared to
<function>similar_text</function>, which is <literal>O(max(n,m)**3)</literal>,
but still expensive).
If <parameter>insertion_cost</parameter>, <parameter>replacement_cost</parameter>
and/or <parameter>deletion_cost</parameter> are unequal to <literal>1</literal>,
the algorithm adapts to choose the cheapest transforms.
E.g. if <code>$insertion_cost + $deletion_cost &lt; $replacement_cost</code>,
no replacements will be done, but rather inserts and deletions instead.
<refsect1 role="parameters">
One of the strings being evaluated for Levenshtein distance.
One of the strings being evaluated for Levenshtein distance.
Defines the cost of insertion.
Defines the cost of replacement.
Defines the cost of deletion.
<refsect1 role="returnvalues">
This function returns the Levenshtein-Distance between the
two argument strings or -1, if one of the argument strings
is longer than the limit of 255 characters.
<refsect1 role="changelog">
<tgroup cols="2">
Prior to this version, <function>levenshtein</function> had to be called
with either two or five arguments.
<refsect1 role="examples">
<title><function>levenshtein</function> example</title>
<programlisting role="php">
// input misspelled word
$input = 'carrrot';
// array of words to check against
$words = array('apple','pineapple','banana','orange',
// no shortest distance found, yet
$shortest = -1;
// loop through words to find the closest
foreach ($words as $word) {
// calculate the distance between the input word,
// and the current word
$lev = levenshtein($input, $word);
// check for an exact match
if ($lev == 0) {
// closest word is this one (exact match)
$closest = $word;
$shortest = 0;
// break out of the loop; we've found an exact match
// if this distance is less than the next found shortest
// distance, OR if a next shortest word has not yet been found
if ($lev <= $shortest || $shortest < 0) {
// set the closest match, and shortest distance
$closest = $word;
$shortest = $lev;
echo "Input word: $input\n";
if ($shortest == 0) {
echo "Exact match found: $closest\n";
} else {
echo "Did you mean: $closest?\n";
Input word: carrrot
Did you mean: carrot?
<refsect1 role="seealso">
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