2002-08-13 20:04:10 +00:00

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<!-- D O N O T E D I T T H I S F I L E ! ! !
it is still here for historical reasons only
(as translators may need to check old revision diffs)
if you want to change things documented in this file
you should now edit the files found under en/reference
instead -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!-- $Revision: 1.44 $ -->
<reference id="ref.domxml">
<title>DOM XML functions</title>
<titleabbrev>DOM XML</titleabbrev>
<sect1 id="domxml-intro">
The domxml extension has been overhauled in PHP Version 4.3.0 in favour
of a better compliance of the DOM standard. The extension still contains
many old functions, but they should not be used anymore. Especially those
non object oriented functions should be avoided.
The extension allows you to operate on an XML document with the DOM API.
It also provides a function <function>domxml_xmltree</function> to turn the
complete XML document into a tree of PHP objects. Currently this
tree should be considered read-only - you can modify it but this
would not make any sense since <function>DomDocument_dump_mem</function>
cannot be
applied to it. Therefore, if you want to read an XML file and write
a modified version use the <function>DomDocument_create_element</function>,
<function>set_attribute</function>, etc. and finally
<function>DomDocument_dump_mem</function> functions.
<sect1 id="domxml-requirements">
This extension is only available if PHP was configured with
<option role="configure">--with-dom=[DIR]</option>, using the
<ulink url="&url.domxml;">GNOME xml library</ulink>.
You will need at least libxml-2.4.14.
<sect1 id="domxml-deprecated">
<title>Deprecated functions</title>
There a quite some functions which do not fit into the DOM standard and
should not be used anymore as listed a in the following table.
The function <function>DomNode_append_child</function> has changed its
behaviour. In now actually adds a child and not a sibling. If this
breaks your application use the non DOM function
<title>Deprecated functions and its replacements</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>Old function</entry>
<entry>New function</entry>
<entry><function>DomDocument_create_element</function> followed by
<entry>No replacement.</entry>
<entry>Create a new node with e.g.
<function>DomDocument_create_element</function> und add it with
<entry>Create a new node with e.g.
<function>DomDocument_create_element</function> und add it with
<entry>Create a new node with e.g.
<function>DomDocument_create_text_node</function> und add it with
<entry>Content is just a text node and can be accessed with
<entry>Content is just a text node and can be added with
<sect1 id="domxml-constants">
This module defines the following constants:
<title>XML constants</title>
<tgroup cols="3">
<entry>Node is an element</entry>
<entry>Node is an attribute</entry>
<entry>Node is a piece of text</entry>
<entry>Node is an entity like &amp;nbsp;</entry>
<entry>Node is a processing instruction</entry>
<entry>Node is a comment</entry>
<entry>Node is a document</entry>
<sect1 id="domxml-classes">
The API of the module follows the DOM Level 2 standard as close
as possible. Consequently the API is fully object oriented.
It is a good idea to have the DOM standard available when
using this module.
Though the API is object oriented there are many functions which can
be called in a non-object oriented way by passing the object to operate
on as the first argument. These function are mainly to retain compatibilty
to older versions of the extension but are not encouraged to use anymore
in new developments.
This API differs from the official DOM API in two points. First, all
class attributes are implemented as functions with the same name and
secondly the function names follow the PHP naming convention. This means
that a DOM function lastChild() will be written as last_child().
This module defines a number of classes, which are listed &mdash;
including their
method &mdash; in the following tables. Classes with an equivalent in the
DOM Standard are named DOMxxx.
<title>List of classes</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>Class name</entry>
<entry>Parent classes</entry>
<entry>DomCData : DomNode</entry>
<entry>DomCData : DomNode</entry>
<entry>Currently still called DomParser</entry>
<title>DomDocument class (DomDocument : DomNode)</title>
<tgroup cols="3">
<entry>Method name</entry>
<entry>Function name</entry>
<entry>not DOM standard</entry>
<entry>not DOM standard</entry>
<entry>not DOM standard</entry>
<entry>not DOM standard</entry>
<entry>not DOM standard</entry>
<entry>not DOM standard</entry>
<title>DomElement class (DomElement : DomNode)</title>
<tgroup cols="3">
<entry>Method name</entry>
<entry>Function name</entry>
<title>DomNode class</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>Method name</entry>
<entry>Not in DOM standard. This function emulates the former
behaviour of <function>DomNode_append_child</function>.</entry>
<entry>Not in DOM standard</entry>
<entry>Not in DOM standard</entry>
<entry>Not in DOM standard, deprecated</entry>
<entry>Not in DOM standard, deprecated</entry>
<entry>Not in DOM standard</entry>
<entry>Not in DOM standard</entry>
<title>DomAttribute class (DomAttribute : DomNode)</title>
<tgroup cols="3">
<entry>Method name</entry>
<title>DomProcessingInstruction class (DomProcessingInstruction : DomNode)</title>
<tgroup cols="3">
<entry>Method name</entry>
<entry>Function name</entry>
<title>Parser class</title>
<tgroup cols="3">
<entry>Method name</entry>
<entry>Function name</entry>
<title>XPathContext class</title>
<tgroup cols="3">
<entry>Method name</entry>
<entry>Function name</entry>
<title>DomDocumentType class (DomDocumentType : DomNode)</title>
<tgroup cols="3">
<entry>Method name</entry>
<entry>Function name</entry>
The classes DomDtd is derived from DomNode. DomComment is derived from
<sect1 id="domxml-examples">
Many examples in this reference require a xml string. Instead of
repeating this string in any example it will be put into a file
and be included by each example. This include file is shown in the
following example section. You could also create an xml document
read it with <function>DomDocument_open_file</function>.
<title>Include file with xml string</title>
<programlisting role="php">
$xmlstr = "<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
<!DOCTYPE chapter SYSTEM '/share/sgml/Norman_Walsh/db3xml10/db3xml10.dtd'
[ <!ENTITY sp \"spanish\">
<!-- lsfj -->
<chapter language='en'><title language='en'>Title</title>
<para language='ge'>
<!-- comment -->
<informaltable ID='findme' language='&amp;sp;'>
<tgroup cols='3'>
<refentry id="function.domxml-open-mem">
<refpurpose>Creates a DOM object of an XML document</refpurpose>
The function parses the XML document in
<parameter>str</parameter> and returns an object of class "Dom
document", having the properties as listed above. This function,
<function>domxml_open_file</function> or <function>domxml_new_doc</function>
must be called before any other function calls.
<title>Opening a xml document in a string</title>
<programlisting role="php">
if(!$dom = domxml_open_mem($xmlstr)) {
echo "Error while parsing the document\n";
$root = $dom->document_element();
See also <function>domxml_open_file</function>,
<refentry id="function.domxml-open-file">
<refpurpose>Creates a DOM object from XML file</refpurpose>
The function parses the XML document in the file named
<parameter>filename</parameter> and returns an object of class
"Dom document", having the properties as listed above.
The file is accessed read-only.
<title>Opening a xml document from a file</title>
<programlisting role="php">
if(!$dom = domxml_open_file("example.xml")) {
echo "Error while parsing the document\n";
$root = $dom->document_element();
See also <function>domxml_open_mem</function>,
<refentry id="function.domxml-new-doc">
Creates new empty XML document
Creates a new dom document from scratch and returns it.
See also <function>DomDocument_add_root</function>
<refentry id="function.domxml-xmltree">
Creates a tree of PHP objects from an XML document
The function parses the XML document in
<parameter>str</parameter> and returns a tree PHP objects as the
parsed document. This function is isolated from the other functions,
which means you cannot access the tree with any of the other functions.
Modifying it, for example by adding nodes, makes no sense since there
is currently no way to dump it as an XML file.
However this function may be valuable if you want to read a file and
investigate the content.
<refentry id='function.domxml-version'>
Get XML library version
This function returns the version of the XML library version currently used.
<!-- Start of class DomDocument -->
<refentry id="function.DomDocument-doctype">
Returns the document type
This function returns an object of class
<classname>DomDocumentType</classname>. In versions of
PHP before 4.3 this has been the class <classname>Dtd</classname>,
but the DOM Standard does not know such a class.
See also the methods of class <classname>DomDocumentType</classname>.
<refentry id="function.DomDocument-document-element">
Returns root element node
This function returns the root element node of a document.
The following example returns just the element with name CHAPTER and
prints it. The other node -- the comment -- is not returned.
<title>Retrieving root element</title>
<programlisting role="php">
if(!$dom = domxml_open_mem($xmlstr)) {
echo "Error while parsing the document\n";
$root = $dom->document_element();
<refentry id="function.DomDocument-create-element">
Create new element node
This function returns a new instance of class
<classname>DomElement</classname>. The tag name of the element is the
value of the passed parameter. This node will not show up in the
document unless it is inserted with e.g.
The return value is false if an error occured.
See also <function>DomNode_append_child</function>,
<refentry id="function.DomDocument-create-text-node">
Create new text node
This function returns a new instance of class
<classname>DomText</classname>. The content of the text is the value of
the passed
parameter. This node will not show up in the
document unless it is inserted with e.g.
The return value is false if an error occured.
See also <function>DomNode_append_child</function>,
<refentry id="function.DomDocument-create-comment">
Create new comment node
This function returns a new instance of class
<classname>DomComment</classname>. The content of the comment is the
value of the passed parameter. This node will not show up in the
document unless it is inserted with e.g.
The return value is false if an error occured.
See also <function>DomNode_append_child</function>,
<refentry id="function.DomDocument-create-cdata-section">
Create new cdata node
This function returns a new instance of class
<classname>DomCData</classname>. The content of the cdata is the
value of the passed parameter. This node will not show up in the
document unless it is inserted with e.g.
The return value is false if an error occured.
See also <function>DomNode_append_child</function>,
<refentry id="function.DomDocument-create-processing-instruction">
Creates new PI node
This function returns a new instance of class
<classname>DomCData</classname>. The content of the pi is the
value of the passed parameter. This node will not show up in the
document unless it is inserted with e.g.
The return value is false if an error occured.
See also <function>DomNode_append_child</function>,
<refentry id="function.DomDocument-create-attribute">
Create new attribute
This function returns a new instance of class
<classname>DomAttribute</classname>. The name of the attribute is the
value of the first parameter. The value of the attribute is the value of
the second parameter. This node will not show up in the
document unless it is inserted with e.g.
The return value is false if an error occured.
See also <function>DomNode_append_child</function>,
<refentry id="function.DomDocument-create-entity-reference">
This function returns a new instance of class
<classname>DomEntityReference</classname>. The content of the entity
reference is the
value of the passed parameter. This node will not show up in the
document unless it is inserted with e.g.
The return value is false if an error occured.
See also <function>DomNode_append_child</function>,
<refentry id="function.DomDocument-get-elements-by-tagname">
See also <function>DomDocument_add_root</function>
<refentry id="function.DomDocument-get-element-by-id">
See also <function>DomDocument_add_root</function>
<!-- End of class DomDocument -->
<refentry id="function.DomDocument-add-root">
<refname>DomDocument->add_root [deprecated]</refname>
Adds a root node
Adds a root element node to a dom document and returns the new node.
The element name is given in the passed parameter.
<title>Creating a simple HTML document header</title>
<programlisting role="php">
$doc = domxml_new_doc("1.0");
$root = $doc->add_root("HTML");
$head = $root->new_child("HEAD", "");
$head->new_child("TITLE", "Hier der Titel");
echo htmlentities($doc->dump_mem());
<refentry id="function.DomDocument-dump-mem">
Dumps the internal XML tree back into a string
<methodparam choice="opt"><type>bool</type><parameter>format</parameter></methodparam>
Creates an XML document from the dom representation. This function
usually is called after building a new dom document from scratch
as in the example below. The
<parameter>format</parameter> specifies whether the output should be
neatly formatted, or not.
<title>Creating a simple HTML document header</title>
<programlisting role="php">
$doc = domxml_new_doc("1.0");
$root = $doc->create_element("HTML");
$root = $doc->append_child($root);
$head = $doc->create_element("HEAD");
$head = $root->append_child($head);
$title = $doc->create_element("TITLE");
$title = $head->append_child($title);
$text = $doc->create_text_node("This is the title");
$text = $title->append_child($text);
echo "<PRE>";
echo htmlentities($doc->dump_mem(true));
echo "</PRE>";
The first parameter was added in PHP 4.3.0.
See also <function>DomDocument_dump_file</function>,
<refentry id="function.DomDocument-dump-file">
Dumps the internal XML tree back into a file
<methodparam choice="opt"><type>bool</type><parameter>compressionmode</parameter></methodparam>
<methodparam choice="opt"><type>bool</type><parameter>format</parameter></methodparam>
Creates an XML document from the dom representation. This function
usually is called after building a new dom document from scratch
as in the example below. The
<parameter>format</parameter> specifies whether the output should be
neatly formatted, or not. The first parameter specifies the name of the
filename and the second parameter, whether it should be compressed or not.
<title>Creating a simple HTML document header</title>
<programlisting role="php">
$doc = domxml_new_doc("1.0");
$root = $doc->create_element("HTML");
$root = $doc->append_child($root);
$head = $doc->create_element("HEAD");
$head = $root->append_child($head);
$title = $doc->create_element("TITLE");
$title = $head->append_child($title);
$text = $doc->create_text_node("This is the title");
$text = $title->append_child($text);
$doc->dump_file("/tmp/test.xml", false, true);
See also <function>DomDocument_dump_mem</function>
<refentry id="function.DomDocument-html-dump-mem">
Dumps the internal XML tree back into a string as HTML
Creates an HTML document from the dom representation. This function
usually is called after building a new dom document from scratch
as in the example below.
<title>Creating a simple HTML document header</title>
<programlisting role="php">
$doc = domxml_new_doc("1.0");
$root = $doc->create_element("HTML");
$root = $doc->append_child($root);
$head = $doc->create_element("HEAD");
$head = $root->append_child($head);
$title = $doc->create_element("TITLE");
$title = $head->append_child($title);
$text = $doc->create_text_node("This is the title");
$text = $title->append_child($text);
echo "<PRE>";
echo htmlentities($doc->html_dump_mem());
echo "</PRE>";
See also <function>DomDocument_dump_file</function>,
<!-- Start of class DomElement -->
<refentry id='function.DomElement-tagname'>
Returns name of element
<refentry id='function.DomElement-get-attribute'>
Returns value of attribute
Returns the attribute with name <parameter>name</parameter> of the
current node.
See also <function>DomElement_set_attribute</function>
<refentry id='function.DomElement-set-attribute'>
Adds new attribute
Sets an attribute with name <parameter>name</parameter> ot the given
value. If the attribute does not exist, it will be created.
<title>Setting an attribute</title>
<programlisting role="php">
$doc = domxml_new_doc("1.0");
$node = $doc->create_element("para");
$newnode = $doc->append_child($node);
$newnode->set_attribute("align", "left");
See also <function>DomElement_get_attribute</function>
<refentry id='function.DomElement-get-attribute-node'>
Returns value of attribute
<refentry id='function.DomElement-set-attribute-node'>
Adds new attribute
<refentry id='function.DomElement-remove-attribute'>
Adds new attribute
<refentry id='function.DomElement-get-elements-by-tagname'>
Adds new attribute
<refentry id='function.DomElement-has-attribute'>
Adds new attribute
<!-- End of class DomElement -->
<!-- Start of class DomNode -->
<refentry id='function.DomNode-attributes'>
Returns list of attributes
This function only returns an array of attributes if the node is of
<refentry id='function.DomNode-node-name'>
Returns name of node
Returns name of the node. The name has different meanings
for the different types of nodes as illustrated in the following table.
<title>Meaning of value</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>value of attribute</entry>
<entry>document type name</entry>
<entry>tag name</entry>
<entry>name of entity</entry>
<entry>name of entity reference</entry>
<entry>notation name</entry>
<refentry id='function.DomNode-node-value'>
Returns value of a node
Returns value of the node. The value has different meanings
for the different types of nodes as illustrated in the following table.
<title>Meaning of value</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>value of attribute</entry>
<entry>content of comment</entry>
<entry>entire content without target</entry>
<entry>content of text</entry>
<refentry id='function.DomNode-node-type'>
Returns type of node
Returns the type of the node. All possible types are listed in
the table in the introduction.
<refentry id='function.DomNode-last-child'>
Returns last child of node
Returns the last child of the node.
See also <function>DomNode_first_child</function>,
<refentry id='function.DomNode-first-child'>
Returns first child of node
Returns the first child of the node.
See also <function>DomNode_last_child</function>,
<refentry id='function.DomNode-child-nodes'>
Returns children of node
Returns all children of the node.
See also <function>DomNode_next_sibling</function>,
<refentry id='function.DomNode-previous-sibling'>
Returns the previous sibling of node
This function returns the previous sibling of the current node.
See also <function>DomNode_next_sibling</function>.
<refentry id='function.DomNode-next-sibling'>
Returns the next sibling of node
This function returns the next sibling of the current node. If there is
no next sibling it returns false. You can use this function to iterate
over all children of a node as shown in the example.
<title>Iterate over children</title>
<programlisting role="php">
if(!$dom = domxml_open_mem($xmlstr)) {
echo "Error while parsing the document\n";
$elements = $dom->get_elements_by_tagname("tbody");
$element = $elements[0];
$child = $element->first_child();
while($child) {
$child = $child->next_sibling();
See also <function>DomNode_previous_sibling</function>.
<refentry id='function.DomNode-parent-node'>
Returns the parent of the node
This function returns the parent node.
The following example will show two identical lists of children.
<title>Finding the document of a node</title>
<programlisting role="php">
$doc = domxml_new_doc("1.0");
$node = $doc->create_element("para");
$node = $doc->append_child($node);
$children = $doc->children();
$doc2 = $node->parent_node();
$children = $doc2->children();
<refentry id='function.DomNode-owner-document'>
Returns the document this node belongs to
This function returns the document the current node belongs to.
The following example will create two identical lists of children.
<title>Finding the document of a node</title>
<programlisting role="php">
$doc = domxml_new_doc("1.0");
$node = $doc->create_element("para");
$node = $doc->append_child($node);
$children = $doc->children();
$doc2 = $node->owner_document();
$children = $doc2->children();
See also <function>DomNode_insert_before</function>.
<refentry id='function.DomNode-insert-before'>
Inserts new node as child
This function inserts the new node <parameter>newnode</parameter> right
before the node <parameter>refnode</parameter>. The return value is the
inserted node. If you plan to do further modifications on the appended
child you must use the returned node.
<function>DomNode_insert_before</function> is very similar to
<function>DomNode_append_child</function> as the following example shows
which does the same as the example at
<title>Adding a child</title>
<programlisting role="php">
if(!$dom = domxml_open_mem($xmlstr)) {
echo "Error while parsing the document\n";
$elements = $dom->get_elements_by_tagname("informaltable");
$element = $elements[0];
$newnode = $element->insert_before($element, $element);
$children = $newnode->children();
$attr = $children[1]->set_attribute("align", "left");
echo "<PRE>";
$xmlfile = $dom->dump_mem();
echo htmlentities($xmlfile);
echo "</PRE>";
See also <function>DomNode_append_child</function>.
<refentry id='function.DomNode-append-child'>
Adds new child at the end of the children
This functions appends a child to an existing list of children or creates
a new list of children. The child can be created with e.g.
<function>DomDocument_create_text</function> etc. or simply by using any
other node.
Before a new child is appended it is first duplicated. Therefore the new
child is a completely new copy which can be modified without changing the
node which was passed to this function. If the node passed has children
itself, they will be duplicated as well, which makes it quite easy to
duplicate large parts of a xml document. The return value is the
appended child. If you plan to do further modifications on the appended
child you must use the returned node.
The following example will add a new element node to a fresh document
and sets the attribute "align" to "left".
<title>Adding a child</title>
<programlisting role="php">
$doc = domxml_new_doc("1.0");
$node = $doc->create_element("para");
$newnode = $doc->append_child($node);
$newnode->set_attribute("align", "left");
The above example could also be written as the following:
<title>Adding a child</title>
<programlisting role="php">
$doc = domxml_new_doc("1.0");
$node = $doc->create_element("para");
$node->set_attribute("align", "left");
$newnode = $doc->append_child($node);
A more comples example is the one below. It first searches for a certain
element, duplicates it including its children and adds it as a sibling.
Finally a new attribute is added to one of the children of the new
sibling and the whole document is dumped.
<title>Adding a child</title>
<programlisting role="php">
if(!$dom = domxml_open_mem($xmlstr)) {
echo "Error while parsing the document\n";
$elements = $dom->get_elements_by_tagname("informaltable");
$element = $elements[0];
$parent = $element->parent_node();
$newnode = $parent->append_child($element);
$children = $newnode->children();
$attr = $children[1]->set_attribute("align", "left");
echo "<PRE>";
$xmlfile = $dom->dump_mem();
echo htmlentities($xmlfile);
echo "</PRE>";
The above example could also be done with
<function>DomNode_insert_before</function> instead of
See also <function>DomNode_insert_before</function>.
<refentry id='function.DomNode-append-sibling'>
Adds new sibling to a node
This functions appends a sibling to an existing node.
The child can be created with e.g.
<function>DomDocument_create_text</function> etc. or simply by using any
other node.
Before a new sibling is added it is first duplicated. Therefore the new
child is a completely new copy which can be modified without changing the
node which was passed to this function. If the node passed has children
itself, they will be duplicated as well, which makes it quite easy to
duplicate large parts of a xml document. The return value is the
added sibling. If you plan to do further modifications on the added
sibling you must use the returned node.
This function has been added to provide the behaviour of
<function>DomNode_append_child</function> as it works till PHP 4.2.
See also <function>DomNode_append_before</function>.
<refentry id='function.DomNode-remove-child'>
Removes child from list of children
This functions removes a child from a list of children. If the child cannot
be removed or is not a child the function will return false.
If the child could be removed the function returns the old child.
<title>Removing a child</title>
<programlisting role="php">
if(!$dom = domxml_open_mem($xmlstr)) {
echo "Error while parsing the document\n";
$elements = $dom->get_elements_by_tagname("tbody");
$element = $elements[0];
$children = $element->child_nodes();
$child = $element->remove_child($children[0]);
echo "<PRE>";
$xmlfile = $dom->dump_mem(true);
echo htmlentities($xmlfile);
echo "</PRE>";
See also <function>DomNode_append_child</function>.
<refentry id='function.DomNode-replace-child'>
Replaces child from list of children
This functions replace a child from a list of children. If the child cannot
be replaced or the old child cannot be found the function will return
If the child could be replaced the function returns the old child.
<title>Removing a child</title>
<programlisting role="php">
if(!$dom = domxml_open_mem($xmlstr)) {
echo "Error while parsing the document\n";
$elements = $dom->get_elements_by_tagname("tbody");
$element = $elements[0];
$children = $element->child_nodes();
$child = $element->remove_child($children[0]);
echo "<PRE>";
$xmlfile = $dom->dump_mem(true);
echo htmlentities($xmlfile);
echo "</PRE>";
See also <function>DomNode_append_child</function>.
<refentry id='function.DomNode-has-child-nodes'>
Checks if node has children
This function checks if the node has children.
See also <function>DomNode_child_nodes</function>.
<refentry id='function.DomNode-has-attributes'>
Checks if node has attributes
This function checks if the node has attributes.
See also <function>DomNode_has_child_nodes</function>.
<refentry id='function.DomNode-prefix'>
Returns name space prefix of node
Returns the name space prefix of the node.
<refentry id='function.DomNode-clone-node'>
Clones a node
<refentry id='function.DomNode-unlink-node'>
Deletes node
<refentry id='function.DomNode-replace-node'>
Replaces node
<refentry id='function.DomNode-set-content'>
Sets content of node
<refentry id='function.DomNode-get-content'>
Gets content of node
<refentry id='function.DomNode-dump-node'>
Dumps a single node
See also <function>DomDocument_dump_mem</function>.
<refentry id='function.DomNode-set-name'>
Sets name of node
Sets name of node.
See also <function>DomNode_node_name</function>.
<refentry id='function.DomNode-is-blank-node'>
Checks if node is blank
<!-- End of class DomNode -->
<!-- Start of class DomAttribute -->
<refentry id='function.DomAttribute-name'>
Returns name of attribute
This function returns the name of the attribute.
See also <function>DomAttribute_value</function>.
<refentry id='function.DomAttribute-value'>
Returns value of attribute
This function returns the value of the attribute.
See also <function>DomAttribute_name</function>.
<refentry id='function.DomAttribute-specified'>
Checks if attribute is specified
Check DOM standard for a detailed explanation.
<!-- End of class DomAttribute -->
<!-- Start of class DomDocumentType -->
<refentry id='function.DomDocumentType-name'>
Returns name of document type
This function returns the name of the document type.
<refentry id='function.DomDocumentType-entities'>
Returns list of entities
<refentry id='function.DomDocumentType-notations'>
Returns list of notations
<refentry id='function.DomDocumentType-public-id'>
Returns public id of document type
This function returns the public id of the document type.
The following example echos nothing.
<title>Retrieving the public id</title>
<programlisting role="php">
if(!$dom = domxml_open_mem($xmlstr)) {
echo "Error while parsing the document\n";
$doctype = $dom->doctype();
echo $doctype->public_id();
<refentry id='function.DomDocumentType-system-id'>
Returns system id of document type
Returns the system id of the document type.
The following example echos
<title>Retrieving the system id</title>
<programlisting role="php">
if(!$dom = domxml_open_mem($xmlstr)) {
echo "Error while parsing the document\n";
$doctype = $dom->doctype();
echo $doctype->system_id();
<refentry id='function.DomDocumentType-internal-subset'>
Returns internal subset
<!-- End of class DomDocumentType -->
<!-- Start of class DomProcessingInstruction -->
<refentry id='function.DomProcessingInstruction-target'>
Returns target of pi node
<refentry id='function.DomProcessingInstruction-data'>
Returns data of pi node
<!-- End of class DomProcessingInstruction -->
<!-- Start of class XPathContext -->
<!-- End of class XPathContext -->
<refentry id="function.xpath-new-context">
Creates new xpath context
<methodparam><type>object</type><parameter>dom document</parameter></methodparam>
See also <function>xpath_eval</function>
<refentry id="function.xpath-eval">
Evaluates the XPath Location Path in the given string
<methodparam><type>object</type><parameter>xpath context</parameter></methodparam>
See also <function>xpath_new_context</function>
<refentry id="function.xpath-eval-expression">
Evaluates the XPath Location Path in the given string
See also <function>xpath_eval</function>
<refentry id='function.xptr-new-context'>
Create new XPath Context
<methodparam choice="opt"><type>object</type><parameter>doc_handle</parameter></methodparam>
<refentry id='function.xptr-eval'>
Evaluate the XPtr Location Path in the given string
<methodparam choice="opt"><type>object</type><parameter>xpath_context</parameter></methodparam>
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