Derick Rethans 2d9c4be21f - Clarify 'fancy'
git-svn-id: c90b9560-bf6c-de11-be94-00142212c4b1
2004-02-24 20:54:45 +00:00
addcslashes.xml z has higher ASCII value than A. 2003-11-22 19:31:43 +00:00
addslashes.xml Drastically increase descriptions and example uses, added an example, and 2003-07-24 08:48:10 +00:00
chr.xml Initialize $str to make the example less confusing 2003-10-19 21:13:22 +00:00
chunk-split.xml Cross-referenced chunk_split() and str_split() [They're essentially synonymous.] 2004-01-20 02:25:57 +00:00
count-chars.xml adding example (user note) 2003-10-20 11:54:57 +00:00
crc32.xml - Note reordering and unrolling 2003-06-16 10:44:57 +00:00
crypt.xml Merry XHTML and CS compliant christmas all \! 2003-12-15 16:55:22 +00:00
echo.xml additional example and punctuation fix 2003-12-21 03:03:56 +00:00
explode.xml Merry XHTML and CS compliant christmas all \! 2003-12-15 16:55:22 +00:00
fprintf.xml Added php tags (<?php ?>) to examples. 2003-05-30 16:47:59 +00:00
get-html-translation-table.xml Added php tags (<?php ?>) to examples. 2003-05-30 16:47:59 +00:00
html-entity-decode.xml CS : Function declarations follow the 'one true brace' convention 2004-01-15 12:43:50 +00:00
htmlentities.xml Added an example. 2003-07-24 09:13:45 +00:00
htmlspecialchars.xml Added cross-references 2003-12-22 15:42:17 +00:00
implode.xml Merry XHTML and CS compliant christmas all \! 2003-12-15 16:55:22 +00:00
join.xml Incorrectly formatted function alias - fixed 2003-03-02 13:04:44 +00:00
localeconv.xml WS : *don't* use tabulations 2004-01-06 12:34:21 +00:00
ltrim.xml Merry XHTML and CS compliant christmas all \! 2003-12-15 16:55:22 +00:00
md5-file.xml Updating all RFC entities to use new &url.rfc;#### syntax 2003-05-07 21:31:31 +00:00
md5.xml Added an example. 2003-07-24 09:13:45 +00:00
metaphone.xml email obfuscation 2003-10-24 12:07:07 +00:00
money-format.xml typos 2004-01-06 14:35:49 +00:00
nl2br.xml adding example 2003-08-20 08:48:10 +00:00
number-format.xml - Note reordering and unrolling 2003-06-16 10:44:57 +00:00
ord.xml 15:20 <rioter> what coding standardS? 2004-02-01 14:24:39 +00:00
parse-str.xml - s/url/URL/ where appropriate and "an URL" -> "a URL". 2004-01-29 00:35:33 +00:00
print.xml {}'s example too. adding para 2003-07-25 22:11:41 +00:00
printf.xml adding see-also-link to vprintf 2003-10-10 10:51:42 +00:00
rtrim.xml Merry XHTML and CS compliant christmas all \! 2003-12-15 16:55:22 +00:00
setlocale.xml LCFirst() 2004-02-18 11:17:37 +00:00
sha1-file.xml Updating all RFC entities to use new &url.rfc;#### syntax 2003-05-07 21:31:31 +00:00
sha1.xml Added an example. 2003-07-24 09:13:45 +00:00
soundex.xml All syntax errors in examples hunted except those clearly stated as invalid 2003-12-11 15:42:10 +00:00
sprintf.xml Merry XHTML and CS compliant christmas all \! 2003-12-15 16:55:22 +00:00
sscanf.xml some more CS 2003-12-18 17:46:56 +00:00
str-ireplace.xml - Fixed a lot of typos 2003-09-30 08:33:48 +00:00
str-pad.xml Merry XHTML and CS compliant christmas all \! 2003-12-15 16:55:22 +00:00
str-repeat.xml Added php tags (<?php ?>) to examples. 2003-05-30 16:47:59 +00:00
str-replace.xml - Clarify 'fancy' 2004-02-24 20:54:45 +00:00
str-rot13.xml remove that funny tip 2004-01-23 20:06:32 +00:00
str-shuffle.xml Merry XHTML and CS compliant christmas all \! 2003-12-15 16:55:22 +00:00
str-split.xml Cross-referenced chunk_split() and str_split() [They're essentially synonymous.] 2004-01-20 02:25:57 +00:00
str-word-count.xml Merry XHTML and CS compliant christmas all \! 2003-12-15 16:55:22 +00:00
strcasecmp.xml Added php tags (<?php ?>) to examples. 2003-05-30 16:47:59 +00:00
strchr.xml Incorrectly formatted function alias - fixed 2003-03-02 13:04:44 +00:00
strip-tags.xml swapped <warn> for <warning> (same for closing tags) 2004-02-24 05:46:40 +00:00
stripos.xml stri_rplace is str_ireplace 2003-11-02 16:34:54 +00:00
stripslashes.xml Drastically increase descriptions and example uses, added an example, and 2003-07-24 08:48:10 +00:00
stristr.xml Merry XHTML and CS compliant christmas all \! 2003-12-15 16:55:22 +00:00
strlen.xml Added an example. 2003-07-24 09:13:45 +00:00
strnatcasecmp.xml - Fixed a lot of typos 2003-09-30 08:33:48 +00:00
strnatcmp.xml Merry XHTML and CS compliant christmas all \! 2003-12-15 16:55:22 +00:00
strncasecmp.xml Fix Bug #26940 (strncmp using the length of the shorter string) 2004-01-17 14:20:11 +00:00
strncmp.xml Fix Bug #26940 (strncmp using the length of the shorter string) 2004-01-17 14:20:11 +00:00
strpos.xml Added example of offsets. 2004-01-01 22:53:19 +00:00
strrchr.xml clarify and correct where needle can be a string and where a char 2003-09-02 21:11:54 +00:00
strrev.xml Added php tags (<?php ?>) to examples. 2003-05-30 16:47:59 +00:00
strripos.xml Merry XHTML and CS compliant christmas all \! 2003-12-15 16:55:22 +00:00
strrpos.xml Fixed example 2004-01-02 17:10:33 +00:00
strspn.xml Added php tags (<?php ?>) to examples. 2003-05-30 16:47:59 +00:00
strstr.xml Merry XHTML and CS compliant christmas all \! 2003-12-15 16:55:22 +00:00
strtok.xml Merry XHTML and CS compliant christmas all \! 2003-12-15 16:55:22 +00:00
strtolower.xml see also mb_xxx 2004-02-07 10:29:16 +00:00
strtoupper.xml see also mb_xxx 2004-02-07 10:29:16 +00:00
strtr.xml Example WS and php tags 2003-05-30 16:36:18 +00:00
substr-compare.xml doc skeleton 2003-11-02 16:48:28 +00:00
substr-count.xml Merry XHTML and CS compliant christmas all \! 2003-12-15 16:55:22 +00:00
substr-replace.xml Merry XHTML and CS compliant christmas all \! 2003-12-15 16:55:22 +00:00
substr.xml see also mb_xxx 2004-02-07 10:29:16 +00:00
trim.xml - This example didn't work, fixing. 2004-02-16 22:22:29 +00:00
ucfirst.xml Added php tags (<?php ?>) to examples. 2003-05-30 16:47:59 +00:00
ucwords.xml - Note reordering and unrolling 2003-06-16 10:44:57 +00:00
vsprintf.xml selfreference vsprinf in see also deleted 2003-01-12 22:50:10 +00:00
wordwrap.xml bugfix #24823 2003-07-27 11:16:33 +00:00