2015-09-09 14:12:19 +00:00
boolval.xml Added concrete examples for string -> boolean casts with 1/0 - the behaviour of "0" may be non-obvious to those coming from other languages. 2013-08-25 18:55:46 +00:00
doubleval.xml Remove changelogs for PHP 4 - 2nd round 2014-08-26 14:28:17 +00:00
empty.xml Remove changelogs for PHP 4 - 3rd round 2014-08-27 17:46:13 +00:00
floatval.xml Add floatval() example for non-numeric strings 2013-12-12 16:32:23 +00:00
get-defined-vars.xml Remove changelogs for PHP 4 - 3rd round 2014-08-27 17:46:13 +00:00
get-resource-type.xml #64787 incorrect example output 2013-10-13 17:34:57 +00:00
gettype.xml Add is_callable() to gettype()'s see also section 2014-06-13 08:11:14 +00:00
intval.xml Added the note about passing 0 as base to intval() to autodetect the base for conversion. 2013-08-20 16:21:02 +00:00
is-callable.xml Documentation updated for consistency with the other is_*() type-checking functions: the first parameter is not strictly a callable, it's any value (mixed), since this function (consistent with other is_*() functions) is used not only to check if a callable can actually be called (as per the second argument) but also for basic type-checking to see if the given value represents something that might possibly be callable at all. 2015-08-15 16:55:15 +00:00
is-int.xml Revert last commit, as it makes more sense to keep it to is_int() over is_integer(), see php-src commit: 6b8ed592b92027ceb4f76e6a06754a9c75ca4f36 2014-12-14 21:30:48 +00:00
is-integer.xml Revert last commit, as it makes more sense to keep it to is_int() over is_integer(), see php-src commit: 6b8ed592b92027ceb4f76e6a06754a9c75ca4f36 2014-12-14 21:30:48 +00:00
is-long.xml Revert last commit, as it makes more sense to keep it to is_int() over is_integer(), see php-src commit: 6b8ed592b92027ceb4f76e6a06754a9c75ca4f36 2014-12-14 21:30:48 +00:00
is-numeric.xml fixed documentation wrt. strings in non-decimal notation (fixes #64877) 2015-07-26 17:34:00 +00:00
is-resource.xml is_resource() is not a strict type checking function (patch by Michael Slusarz) 2015-04-24 09:44:52 +00:00
is-scalar.xml Typo fix (doc bug #68403) 2014-11-12 20:17:46 +00:00
isset.xml Minor typo, grammar and example Fixes (By Christoph Becker 2015-05-04 19:48:31 +00:00
print-r.xml Remove changelogs for PHP 4 - 1st round 2014-08-23 17:55:23 +00:00
serialize.xml Minor typo and other fixes. (By Christoph Becker) 2015-04-20 10:48:37 +00:00
unserialize.xml Add unserialize() options documentation. 2015-08-09 01:17:31 +00:00
unset.xml Remove changelogs for PHP 4 - 1st round 2014-08-23 17:55:23 +00:00
var-dump.xml Document __debugInfo(). 2014-08-28 05:28:06 +00:00
var-export.xml documented necessity that __set_state() must be implemented to re-eval var_export()ed code (fixes #67918) 2015-09-09 14:12:19 +00:00