Laurent VOULLEMIER 64b3b8a362
Fix unpacking with string key example
The example seems not relevant since it already works and produces the same output in the previous PHP versions.

Closes GH-1501.
2022-04-04 12:29:44 +02:00

491 lines
14 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<sect1 xml:id="" xmlns:xlink="">
<title>New Features</title>
<sect2 xml:id="">
<title>PHP Core</title>
<sect3 xml:id="">
<title>Integer Octal Literal Prefix</title>
Octal integers can now use an explicit
prefix in integer literals,
similarly to binary and hexadecimal integer literals.
<programlisting role="php">
014; // Non-prefix octal literal
0o14; // Prefixed octal literal
<!-- RFC: -->
<sect3 xml:id="">
<title>Array Unpacking with String Keys</title>
Added support for <link linkend="language.types.array.unpacking">array unpacking with strings keys</link>.
<programlisting role="php">
$arr1 = [1, 'a' => 'b'];
$arr2 = [...$arr1, 'c' => 'd']; //[1, 'a' => 'b', 'c' => 'd']
<!-- RFC: -->
<sect3 xml:id="">
<title>Named Argument After Argument Unpacking</title>
It is now possible to specify named arguments after an argument unpack.
<!-- TODO Add an example -->
foo(...$args, named: $arg).
<sect3 xml:id="">
<title>full-path Key for File Uploads</title>
File uploads now provide an additional <literal>full_path</literal> key,
which contains the full path (rather than just the basename) of the uploaded file.
This is intended for use in conjunction with "upload webkitdirectory".
<!-- RFC: -->
<sect3 xml:id="">
Support for <link linkend="language.enumerations">Enumerations</link> has been added.
<!-- RFC: -->
<sect3 xml:id="">
Support for <link linkend="language.fibers">Fibers</link> has been added.
<!-- RFC: -->
<sect3 xml:id="">
<title>First Class Callable Syntax</title>
Closures for callables can now be created using <link linkend="functions.first_class_callable_syntax">the syntax <code>myFunc(...)</code></link>,
which is identical to <code>Closure::fromCallable('myFunc')</code>.
<!-- RFC: -->
The <code>...</code> is part of the syntax, and not an omission.
<sect3 xml:id="">
<title>Intersection Types</title>
Support for <link linkend="language.types.declarations.composite.intersection">intersection types</link> has been added.
<!-- RFC: -->
<link linkend="language.types.declarations.composite.intersection">
Intersection types</link> cannot be used together with
<link linkend="language.types.declarations.composite.union">
union types</link>
<sect3 xml:id="">
<title>Never type</title>
A new return only type &never; has been added.
This indicates that a function either <function>exit</function>,
throws an exception, or doesn't terminate.
<!-- RFC: -->
<sect3 xml:id="">
<title>&new; in Initializers</title>
It is now possible to use <code>new ClassName()</code> expressions as the
default value of a parameter, static variable, global constant initializers,
and as attribute arguments.
Objects can also be passed to <function>define</function> now.
<!-- TODO Add an example -->
<!-- RFC: -->
<sect3 xml:id="">
<title>Readonly properties</title>
Support for <link linkend="">readonly</link> has been added.
<!-- RFC: -->
<sect3 xml:id="">
<title>Final class constants</title>
Added support for <link linkend="">the <modifier>final</modifier> modifier for class constants</link>.
Also, interface constants become overridable by default.
<!-- RFC: -->
<sect2 xml:id="">
Added the <constant>CURLOPT_DOH_URL</constant> option.
Added options for blob certificate when libcurl &gt;= 7.71.0:
Added <classname>CURLStringFile</classname>, which can be used to post
a file from a &string; rather than a file:
<programlisting role="php">
$file = new CURLStringFile($data, 'filename.txt', 'text/plain');
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, ['file' => $file]);
<sect2 xml:id="">
Added openmetrics status format. It can be used by Prometheus to fetch FPM
Added new pool option for the dynamic process manager called
<literal>pm.max_spawn_rate</literal>. It allows to start a number of children
at a faster rate when dynamic pm is selected.
The default value is <literal>32</literal> which was the previous
hard coded value.
<sect2 xml:id="">
Avif support is now available through
<function>imagecreatefromavif</function> and
if libgd has been built with Avif support.
<sect2 xml:id="">
The following functions <function>hash</function>,
<function>hash_file</function>, and <function>hash_init</function>
now support an additional optional <parameter>options</parameter>
argument, which can be used to pass algorithm specific data.
<sect3 xml:id="">
Added support for <literal>MurmurHash3</literal> with streaming
support. The following variants are implemented:
<simpara>murmur3a, 32-bit hash</simpara>
<simpara>murmur3c, 128-bit hash for x86</simpara>
<simpara>murmur3f, 128-bit hash for x64</simpara>
The initial hash state can be passed through the <literal>seed</literal>
key in the <parameter>options</parameter> array, for example:
<programlisting role="php">
$h = hash("murmur3f", $data, options: ["seed" => 42]);
echo $h, "\n";
A valid seed value is within the range from <literal>0</literal>
to the platform defined <constant>UINT_MAX</constant>, usually
<sect3 xml:id="">
Added support for <literal>xxHash</literal>.
The following variants are implemented:
<simpara>xxh32, 32-bit hash</simpara>
<simpara>xxh64, 64-bit hash</simpara>
<simpara>xxh3, 64-bit hash</simpara>
<simpara>xxh128, 128-bit hash</simpara>
The initial hash state can be passed through the <literal>seed</literal>
key in the <parameter>options</parameter> array, for example:
<programlisting role="php">
$h = hash("xxh3", $data, options: ["seed" => 42]);
echo $h, "\n";
Secret usage is supported through passing the <literal>secret</literal>
key in the <parameter>options</parameter> array, too:
<programlisting role="php">
$h = hash("xxh3", $data, options: ["secret" => "at least 136 bytes long secret here"]);
echo $h, "\n";
The quality of the custom secret is crucial for the quality of the resulting hash.
It is highly recommended for the secret to use the best possible entropy.
<sect2 xml:id="">
<sect3 xml:id="">
<title>New INI directive <literal>mysqli.local_infile_directory</literal></title>
The <link linkend="ini.mysqli.local-infile-directory">mysqli.local_infile_directory</link>
INI directive has been added, which can be used to specify a directory from
which files are allowed to be loaded. It is only meaningful if
<link linkend="ini.mysqli.allow-local-infile">mysqli.allow_local_infile</link>
is not enabled, as all directories are allowed in that case.
<sect3 xml:id="">
<title>Binding parameters in execute</title>
It is now possible to bind parameters by passing them as an array to
<methodname>mysqli_stmt::execute</methodname>. All values will be bound as
strings. Only list arrays are allowed. This new feature is not available
when MySQLi is compiled with libmysqlclient.
<!-- RFC: -->
<programlisting role="php">
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare('INSERT INTO users(id, name) VALUES(?,?)');
$stmt->execute([1, $username]);
<sect3 xml:id="">
<title>New method <methodname>mysqli_result::fetch_column</methodname></title>
has been added to allow fetching a single scalar value from the result set.
The new method accepts an optional 0-based <parameter>column</parameter>
parameter of type &integer; specifying which column to fetch from.
<!-- RFC: -->
<programlisting role="php">
$result = $mysqli->query('SELECT username FROM users WHERE id = 123');
echo $result->fetch_column();
<sect2 xml:id="">
The <constant>PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_LOCAL_INFILE_DIRECTORY</constant> attribute
has been added, which can be used to specify a directory from which files
are allowed to be loaded.
It is only meaningful if <constant>PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_LOCAL_INFILE</constant>
is not enabled, as all directories are allowed in that case.
<sect2 xml:id="">
SQLite's <literal>"file:"</literal> DSN syntax is now supported,
which allows specifying additional flags.
This feature is not available if open_basedir is set.
<programlisting role="php">
new PDO('sqlite:file:path/to/sqlite.db?mode=ro')
<sect2 xml:id="">
Added <constant>POSIX_RLIMIT_KQUEUES</constant> and <constant>POSIX_RLIMIT_NPTS</constant>.
These rlimits are only available on FreeBSD.
<sect2 xml:id="">
<function>fputcsv</function> now accepts a new
<parameter>eol</parameter> argument which allows to define a custom
End of Line sequence, the default remains the same and is <literal>"\n"</literal>.
<sect2 xml:id="">
<methodname>SplFileObject::fputcsv</methodname> now accepts a new
<parameter>eol</parameter> argument which allows to define a custom
End of Line sequence, the default remains the same and is <literal>"\n"</literal>.
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