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<!-- $Revision$ -->
<sect1 xml:id="migration80.new-features" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
<title>New Features</title>
<sect2 xml:id="migration80.new-features.core">
<title>PHP Core</title>
<sect3 xml:id="migration80.new-features.core.named-arguments">
<title>Named Arguments</title>
<!-- RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/named_params -->
Support for <link linkend="functions.named-arguments">Named Arguments</link> has been added.
<sect3 xml:id="migration80.new-features.core.attributes">
Support for <link linkend="language.attributes">Attributes</link> has been added.
<!-- RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/attributes_v2 -->
<!-- RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/attribute_amendments -->
<!-- RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/shorter_attribute_syntax -->
<!-- RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/shorter_attribute_syntax_change -->
<sect3 xml:id="migration80.new-features.core.property-promotion">
<title>Constructor Property Promotion</title>
Support for <link linkend="language.oop5.decon.constructor.promotion">constructor property promotion</link> (declaring properties in the constructor signature)
has been added.
<!-- RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/constructor_promotion -->
<sect3 xml:id="migration80.new-features.core.union-types">
<title>Union Types</title>
Support for <link linkend="language.types.declarations.composite.union">union types</link> has been added.
<!-- RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/union_types_v2 -->
<sect3 xml:id="migration80.new-features.core.match">
<title>Match Expression</title>
Support for <link linkend="control-structures.match"><literal>match</literal> expressions</link> has been added.
<!-- RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/match_expression_v2 -->
<sect3 xml:id="migration80.new-features.core.nullsafe-operator">
<title>Nullsafe Operator</title>
Support for the <link linkend="language.oop5.basic.nullsafe">nullsafe operator</link> (<literal>?-></literal>) has been added.
<!-- RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/nullsafe_operator -->
<sect3 xml:id="migration80.new-features.core.others">
<title>Other new Features</title>
The <link linkend="class.weakmap">WeakMap</link> class has been added.
<!-- RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/weak_maps -->
The <classname>ValueError</classname> class has been added.
Any number of function parameters may now be replaced by a variadic argument, as long as the
types are compatible. For example, the following code is now allowed:
<programlisting role="php">
class A {
public function method(int $many, string $parameters, $here) {}
class B extends A {
public function method(...$everything) {}
<type>static</type> (as in "late static binding") can now be used as a return type:
<programlisting role="php">
class Test {
public function create(): static {
return new static();
<!-- RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/static_return_type -->
It is now possible to fetch the class name of an object using
<code>$object::class</code>. The result is the same as <code>get_class($object)</code>.
<!-- RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/class_name_literal_on_object -->
&new; and &instanceof; can now be used with arbitrary expressions,
using <code>new (expression)(...$args)</code> and <code>$obj instanceof (expression)</code>.
<!-- RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/variable_syntax_tweaks -->
Some consistency fixes to variable syntax have been applied, for example writing
<code>Foo::BAR::$baz</code> is now allowed.
<!-- RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/variable_syntax_tweaks -->
Added <interfacename>Stringable</interfacename> interface, which is automatically implemented if
a class defines a <link linkend="object.tostring">__toString()</link> method.
<!-- RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/stringable -->
Traits can now define abstract private methods.
Such methods must be implemented by the class using the trait.
<!-- RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/abstract_trait_method_validation -->
<literal>throw</literal> can now be used as an expression.
That allows usages like:
<programlisting role="php">
$fn = fn() => throw new Exception('Exception in arrow function');
$user = $session->user ?? throw new Exception('Must have user');
<!-- RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/throw_expression -->
An optional trailing comma is now allowed in parameter lists.
<programlisting role="php">
function functionWithLongSignature(
Type1 $parameter1,
Type2 $parameter2, // <-- This comma is now allowed.
) {
<!-- RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/trailing_comma_in_parameter_list -->
It is now possible to write <code>catch (Exception)</code> to catch an exception without storing
it in a variable.
<!-- RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/non-capturing_catches -->
Support for <type>mixed</type> type has been added.
<!-- RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/mixed_type_v2 -->
Private methods declared on a parent class no longer enforce any inheritance rules on the methods
of a child class (with the exception of final private constructors).
The following example illustrates which restrictions have been removed:
<programlisting role="php">
class ParentClass {
private function method1() {}
private function method2() {}
private static function method3() {}
// Throws a warning, as "final" no longer has an effect:
private final function method4() {}
class ChildClass extends ParentClass {
// All of the following are now allowed, even though the modifiers aren't
// the same as for the private methods in the parent class.
public abstract function method1() {}
public static function method2() {}
public function method3() {}
public function method4() {}
<!-- RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/inheritance_private_methods -->
<function>get_resource_id</function> has been added, which returns the same value as
<code>(int) $resource</code>. It provides the same functionality under a clearer API.
<sect2 xml:id="migration80.new-features.date">
<title>Date and Time</title>
<methodname>DateTime::createFromInterface</methodname> and
<methodname>DateTimeImmutable::createFromInterface</methodname> have been added.
The DateTime format specifier <literal>p</literal> has been added, which is the same as
<literal>P</literal> but returns <literal>Z</literal> rather than <literal>+00:00</literal>
for UTC.
<sect2 xml:id="migration80.new-features.dom">
<interfacename>DOMParentNode</interfacename> and <interfacename>DOMChildNode</interfacename> with
new traversal and manipulation APIs have been added.
<!-- RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/dom_living_standard_api-->
<sect2 xml:id="migration80.new-features.filter">
<constant>FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOL</constant> has been added as an alias for
<constant>FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN</constant>. The new name is preferred, as it uses the canonical
type name.
<sect2 xml:id="migration80.new-features.enchant">
<function>enchant_dict_add</function>, <function>enchant_dict_is_added</function>, and
<constant>LIBENCHANT_VERSION</constant> have been added.
<sect2 xml:id="migration80.new-features.fpm">
Added a new option <literal>pm.status_listen</literal> that allows getting the status from
different endpoint (e.g. port or UDS file) which is useful for getting the status when all
children are busy with serving long running requests.
<sect2 xml:id="migration80.new-features.hash">
<classname>HashContext</classname> objects can now be serialized.
<sect2 xml:id="migration80.new-features.intl">
<title>Internationalization Functions</title>
The <constant>IntlDateFormatter::RELATIVE_FULL</constant>,
<constant>IntlDateFormatter::RELATIVE_MEDIUM</constant>, and
constants have been added.
<sect2 xml:id="migration80.new-features.ldap">
<function>ldap_count_references</function> has been added, which returns the number
of reference messages in a search result.
<sect2 xml:id="migration80.new-features.opcache">
If the <!--<link linkend="ini.opcache.record-warnings">-->opcache.record_warnings<!--</link>--> ini setting is
enabled, OPcache will record compile-time warnings and replay them on the next include, even if
it is served from cache.
<sect2 xml:id="migration80.new-features.openssl">
Added Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) (<link xlink:href="&url.rfc;5652">RFC 5652</link>)
support composed of functions for encryption, decryption, signing, verifying and reading. The API
is similar to the API for PKCS #7 functions with an addition of new encoding constants:
<constant>OPENSSL_ENCODING_DER</constant>, <constant>OPENSSL_ENCODING_SMIME</constant>
and <constant>OPENSSL_ENCODING_PEM</constant>:
<function>openssl_cms_encrypt</function> encrypts the message in the file with the certificates
and outputs the result to the supplied file.
<function>openssl_cms_decrypt</function> that decrypts the S/MIME message in the file and outputs
the results to the supplied file.
<function>openssl_cms_read</function> that exports the CMS file to an array of PEM certificates.
<function>openssl_cms_sign</function> that signs the MIME message in the file with a cert and key
and output the result to the supplied file.
<function>openssl_cms_verify</function> that verifies that the data block is intact, the signer
is who they say they are, and returns the certs of the signers.
<sect2 xml:id="migration80.new-features.pcre">
<title>Regular Expressions (Perl-Compatible)</title>
<function>preg_last_error_msg</function> has been added, which returns a human-readable message for the last
PCRE error. It complements <function>preg_last_error</function>, which returns an integer enum value
<sect2 xml:id="migration80.new-features.reflection">
The following methods can now return information about default values of
parameters of internal functions:
<sect2 xml:id="migration80.new-features.sqlite3">
<methodname>SQLite3::setAuthorizer</methodname> and respective class constants have been added
to set a userland callback that will be used to authorize or not an action on the database.
<!-- PR: https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/4797 -->
<sect2 xml:id="migration80.new-features.standard">
<title>Standard Library</title>
<function>str_contains</function>, <function>str_starts_with</function> and
<function>str_ends_with</function> have been added, which check whether <parameter>haystack</parameter> contains,
starts with or ends with <parameter>needle</parameter>, respectively.
<!-- RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/str_contains -->
<!-- RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/add_str_starts_with_and_ends_with_functions -->
<function>fdiv</function> has been added, which performs a floating-point division under IEEE 754 semantics.
Division by zero is considered well-defined and will return one of <literal>Inf</literal>,
<literal>-Inf</literal> or <literal>NaN</literal>.
<function>get_debug_type</function> has been added, which returns a type useful for error messages. Unlike
<function>gettype</function>, it uses canonical type names, returns class names for objects, and
indicates the resource type for resources.
<!-- RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/get_debug_type -->
<function>printf</function> and friends now support the <literal>%h</literal> and
<literal>%H</literal> format specifiers. These are the same as <literal>%g</literal> and
<literal>%G</literal>, but always use <literal>"."</literal> as the decimal separator, rather
than determining it through the <constant>LC_NUMERIC</constant> locale.
<function>printf</function> and friends now support using <literal>"*"</literal> as width or
precision, in which case the width/precision is passed as an argument to printf. This also allows
using precision <literal>-1</literal> with <literal>%g</literal>, <literal>%G</literal>,
<literal>%h</literal> and <literal>%H</literal>. For example, the following code can be used to
reproduce PHP's default floating point formatting:
<programlisting role="php">
printf("%.*H", (int) ini_get("precision"), $float);
printf("%.*H", (int) ini_get("serialize_precision"), $float);
<function>proc_open</function> now supports pseudo-terminal (PTY) descriptors. The following
attaches <literal>stdin</literal>, <literal>stdout</literal> and <literal>stderr</literal> to the
same PTY:
<programlisting role="php">
$proc = proc_open($command, [['pty'], ['pty'], ['pty']], $pipes);
<function>proc_open</function> now supports socket pair descriptors. The following attaches a
distinct socket pair to <literal>stdin</literal>, <literal>stdout</literal> and
<programlisting role="php">
$proc = proc_open($command, [['socket'], ['socket'], ['socket']], $pipes);
Unlike pipes, sockets do not suffer from blocking I/O issues on Windows. However, not all
programs may work correctly with stdio sockets.
Sorting functions are now stable, which means that equal-comparing elements will retain their
original order.
<!-- RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/stable_sorting -->
<function>array_diff</function>, <function>array_intersect</function> and their variations can
now be used with a single array as argument. This means that usages like the following are now
<programlisting role="php">
// OK even if $excludes is empty:
array_diff($array, ...$excludes);
// OK even if $arrays only contains a single array:
The <parameter>flag</parameter> parameter of <function>ob_implicit_flush</function> was changed
to accept a <type>bool</type> rather than an <type>int</type>.
<sect2 xml:id="migration80.new-features.tokenizer">
<classname>PhpToken</classname> adds an object-based interface to the tokenizer. It provides a
more uniform and ergonomic representation, while being more memory efficient and faster.
<!-- RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/token_as_object -->
<sect2 xml:id="migration80.new-features.zip">
The Zip extension has been updated to version 1.19.1.
New <methodname>ZipArchive::setMtimeName</methodname> and
<methodname>ZipArchive::setMtimeIndex</methodname> to set the modification time of an entry.
New <methodname>ZipArchive::registerProgressCallback</methodname> to provide updates during archive close.
New <methodname>ZipArchive::registerCancelCallback</methodname> to allow cancellation during archive
New <methodname>ZipArchive::replaceFile</methodname> to replace an entry content.
New <methodname>ZipArchive::isCompressionMethodSupported</methodname> to check optional compression
New <methodname>ZipArchive::isEncryptionMethodSupported</methodname> to check optional encryption
The <varname>ZipArchive::lastId</varname> property to get the index value of
the last added entry has been added.
Errors can now be checked after an archive has been closed using the
<varname>ZipArchive::status</varname> and
<varname>ZipArchive::statusSys</varname> properties, or the
<methodname>ZipArchive::getStatusString</methodname> method.
The <literal>'remove_path'</literal> option of <methodname>ZipArchive::addGlob</methodname> and
<methodname>ZipArchive::addPattern</methodname> is now treated as an arbitrary string prefix (for
consistency with the <literal>'add_path'</literal> option), whereas formerly it was treated as a
directory name.
Optional compression / encryption features are now listed in phpinfo.
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