2015-08-01 12:23:14 +00:00

143 lines
3.9 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- $Revision$ -->
<sect1 xml:id="migration56.incompatible">
<title>Backward incompatible changes</title>
Although most existing PHP 5 code should work without changes, please take
note of some backward incompatible changes:
<sect2 xml:id="migration56.incompatible.array-keys">
<title>Array keys won't be overwritten when defining an array as a property of a class via an array literal</title>
Previously, arrays declared as class properties which mixed explicit and
implicit keys could have array elements silently overwritten if an explicit
key was the same as a sequential implicit key. For example:
<programlisting role="php">
class C {
const ONE = 1;
public $array = [
self::ONE => 'foo',
var_dump((new C)->array);
array(2) {
string(3) "bar"
string(4) "quux"
array(3) {
string(3) "foo"
string(3) "bar"
string(4) "quux"
<sect2 xml:id="migration56.incompatible.json-decode">
<title><function>json_decode</function> strictness</title>
<function>json_decode</function> now rejects non-lowercase variants of the
JSON literals <literal>true</literal>, <literal>false</literal> and
<literal>null</literal> at all times, as per the JSON specification, and
sets <function>json_last_error</function> accordingly. Previously, inputs
to <function>json_decode</function> that consisted solely of one of these
values in upper or mixed case were accepted.
This change will only affect cases where invalid JSON was being passed to
<function>json_decode</function>: valid JSON input is unaffected and will
continue to be parsed normally.
<sect2 xml:id="migration56.incompatible.peer-verification">
<title>Stream wrappers now verify peer certificates and host names by default when using SSL/TLS</title>
<sect2 xml:id="migration56.incompatible.gmp">
<title><link linkend="book.gmp">GMP</link> resources are now objects</title>
<link linkend="book.gmp">GMP</link> resources are now objects. The
functional API implemented in the GMP extension has not changed, and code
should run unmodified unless it checks explicitly for a resource using
<function>is_resource</function> or similar.
<sect2 xml:id="migration56.incompatible.mcrypt">
<title><link linkend="book.mcrypt">Mcrypt</link> functions now require valid keys and IVs</title>
<function>mcrypt_encrypt</function>, <function>mcrypt_decrypt</function>,
<function>mcrypt_cbc</function>, <function>mcrypt_cfb</function>,
<function>mcrypt_ecb</function>, <function>mcrypt_generic</function> and
<function>mcrypt_ofb</function> will no longer accept keys or IVs with
incorrect sizes, and block cipher modes that require IVs will now fail if
an IV isn't provided.
<sect2 xml:id="migration56.incompatible.curl">
<title><link linkend="book.curl">cURL</link> file uploads</title>
Uploads using the @file syntax now require CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD to be set to
&false;. <classname>CURLFile</classname> should be used instead.
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