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<refentry id="function.db2-execute">
   Executes a prepared SQL statement
 <refsect1 role="description">
   <methodparam choice="opt"><type>array</type><parameter>parameters</parameter></methodparam>


   <function>db2_execute</function> executes an SQL statement that was
   prepared by <function>db2_prepare</function>.
   If the SQL statement returns a result set, for example, a SELECT statement
   or a CALL to a stored procedure that returns one or more result sets, you
   can retrieve a row as an array from the <literal>stmt</literal> resource
   using <function>db2_fetch_assoc</function>,
   <function>db2_fetch_both</function>, or
   <function>db2_fetch_array</function>. Alternatively, you can use
   <function>db2_fetch_row</function> to move the result set pointer to the
   next row and fetch a column at a time from that row with
   Refer to <function>db2_prepare</function> for a brief discussion of the
   advantages of using <function>db2_prepare</function> and
   <function>db2_execute</function> rather than <function>db2_exec</function>.

 <refsect1 role="parameters">
       A prepared statement returned from <function>db2_prepare</function>.
       An array of input parameters matching any parameter markers contained
       in the prepared statement.
 <refsect1 role="returnvalues">

 <refsect1 role="examples">
    <title>Preparing and executing an SQL statement with parameter markers</title>
     The following example prepares an INSERT statement that accepts four
     parameter markers, then iterates over an array of arrays containing the
     input values to be passed to <function>db2_execute</function>.
    <programlisting role="php">
$pet = array(0, 'cat', 'Pook', 3.2);

$insert = 'INSERT INTO animals (id, breed, name, weight)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)';

$stmt = db2_prepare($conn, $insert);
if ($stmt) {
    $result = db2_execute($stmt, $pet);
    if ($result) {
        print "Successfully added new pet.";
Successfully added new pet.
    <title>Calling a stored procedure with an OUT parameter</title>
     The following example prepares a CALL statement that accepts one 
     parameter marker representing an OUT parameter, binds the PHP variable
     <literal>$my_pets</literal> to the parameter using
     <function>db2_bind_param</function>, then issues
     <function>db2_execute</function> to execute the CALL statement. After the
     CALL to the stored procedure has been made, the value of
     <literal>$num_pets</literal> changes to reflect the value returned by the
     stored procedure for that OUT parameter.
    <programlisting role="php">
$num_pets = 0;
$res = db2_prepare($conn, "CALL count_my_pets(?)");
$rc = db2_bind_param($res, 1, "num_pets", DB2_PARAM_OUT);
$rc = db2_execute($res);
print "I have $num_pets pets!";
I have 7 pets!


 <refsect1 role="seealso">


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