Mcrypt can be used to encrypt and decrypt using the above
mentioned ciphers. If you linked against libmcrypt-2.2.x, the
four important mcrypt commands (mcrypt_cfb,
mcrypt_cbc, mcrypt_ecb,
and mcrypt_ofb) can operate in both modes
which are named MCRYPT_ENCRYPT and
MCRYPT_DECRYPT, respectively.
Encrypt an input value with TripleDES
under 2.2.x in ECB mode
This example will give you the encrypted data as a string in
If you linked against libmcrypt 2.4.x or 2.5.x, these functions are still
available, but it is recommended that you use the advanced functions.
Encrypt an input value with TripleDES under 2.4.x and higher in ECB mode
This example will give you the encrypted data as a string in
$encrypted_data. For a full example see