DOMDocumentFragment->appendXML() Append raw XML data &reftitle.description; DOMDocumentFragment boolappendXML stringdata Appends raw XML data to a DOMDocumentFragment. This method is not part of the DOM standard. It was created as a simplier approach for appending an XML DocumentFragment in a DOMDocument. If you want to stick to the standards, you will have to create a temporary DOMDocument with a dummy root and then loop through the child nodes of the root of your XML data to append them. &reftitle.parameters; data XML to append. &reftitle.returnvalues; &return.success; &reftitle.examples; Appending XML data to your document loadXML(""); $f = $doc->createDocumentFragment(); $f->appendXML("texttext2"); $doc->documentElement->appendChild($f); echo $doc->saveXML(); ?> ]]> &example.outputs; texttext2 ]]>