win32ps Functionswin32ps
The win32ps extension is a Windows specific extension that allows PHP
retrieve statistics about process and memory utilization.
Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows Server 2003.
Any version of Windows derived from Windows NT should be compatible.
Installing from PECL
You can download php_win32ps.dll from
Copy the php_win32ps.dll into your extension_dir.
Load the extension from your &php.ini;
Statistics about the current PHP process
[exe] => D:\Daten\Source\php-5.1\Debug_TS\php.exe
[mem] => Array
[page_fault_count] => 2062
[peak_working_set_size] => 8396800
[working_set_size] => 8396800
[quota_peak_paged_pool_usage] => 32080
[quota_paged_pool_usage] => 31876
[quota_peak_non_paged_pool_usage] => 4240
[quota_non_paged_pool_usage] => 3888
[pagefile_usage] => 5865472
[peak_pagefile_usage] => 5865472
[tms] => Array
[created] => 0.093
[kernel] => 0.015
[user] => 0.062
Statistics about global memory utilization
[unit] => 1024
[total_phys] => 1048096
[avail_phys] => 649960
[total_pagefile] => 2521368
[avail_pagefile] => 2237940
[total_virtual] => 2097024
[avail_virtual] => 2057848