win32ps Functions win32ps
&reftitle.intro; The win32ps extension is a Windows specific extension that allows PHP retrieve statistics about process and memory utilization.
&reftitle.required; Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows Server 2003. Any version of Windows derived from Windows NT should be compatible.
&reftitle.install; Installing from PECL You can download php_win32ps.dll from Copy the php_win32ps.dll into your extension_dir. Load the extension from your &php.ini;
&reftitle.examples; Statistics about the current PHP process 936 [exe] => D:\Daten\Source\php-5.1\Debug_TS\php.exe [mem] => Array ( [page_fault_count] => 2062 [peak_working_set_size] => 8396800 [working_set_size] => 8396800 [quota_peak_paged_pool_usage] => 32080 [quota_paged_pool_usage] => 31876 [quota_peak_non_paged_pool_usage] => 4240 [quota_non_paged_pool_usage] => 3888 [pagefile_usage] => 5865472 [peak_pagefile_usage] => 5865472 ) [tms] => Array ( [created] => 0.093 [kernel] => 0.015 [user] => 0.062 ) ) */ ?> ]]> Statistics about global memory utilization 37 [unit] => 1024 [total_phys] => 1048096 [avail_phys] => 649960 [total_pagefile] => 2521368 [avail_pagefile] => 2237940 [total_virtual] => 2097024 [avail_virtual] => 2057848 ) */ ?> ]]>