SDO_Sequence::insert Insert into a sequence &reftitle.description; voidSDO_Sequence::insert mixedvalue intsequenceIndex mixedpropertyIdentifier &warn.experimental.func; Insert a new element at a specified position in the sequence. All subsequent sequence items are moved up. &reftitle.parameters; value The new value to be inserted. This can be either a primitive or an SDO_DataObject. sequenceIndex The position at which to insert the new element. Default is NULL, which results in the new value being appended to the sequence. propertyIdentifier Either a property index or property name, used to identify a property in the sequence's corresponding SDO_DataObject. A value of NULL signifies unstructured text. &reftitle.returnvalues; None. &reftitle.exceptions; SDO_IndexOutOfBoundsException Thrown if the sequence index is less than zero or greater than the size of the sequence. SDO_InvalidConversionException Thrown if the type of the new value cannot be juggled to match the type for the specified data object property.