Returns the next row from the result data as an associative or
numeric array, or both
Returns an array, which corresponds to the next result row or &false; in
case of error or there are no more rows in the result.
oci_fetch_array returns an array with both
associative and numeric indices.
An optional second parameter can be any combination of the following
OCI_BOTH - return an array with both associative
and numeric indices (the same as OCI_ASSOC
+ OCI_NUM). This is the default behavior.
OCI_ASSOC - return an associative array
(as oci_fetch_assoc works).
OCI_NUM - return a numeric array,
(as oci_fetch_row works).
OCI_RETURN_NULLS - create empty elements
for the &null; fields.
OCI_RETURN_LOBS - return the value of a LOB
of the descriptor.
Default mode is OCI_BOTH.
It should be mentioned here, that oci_fetch_array
is insignificantly slower, than
oci_fetch_row, but much more handy.
Oracle returns all field names in uppercase and associative indices in the result array will be uppercased too.
oci_fetch_array with OCI_BOTH example
echo $row[1]." and ".$row['NAME']." is the same
oci_fetch_array with
OCI_NUM example
echo $row[1]."
echo $row[2]->read(100)."
"; //this will output first 100 bytes from LOB
oci_fetch_array with
OCI_ASSOC example
echo $row['NAME']."
echo $row['LOB_FIELD']."
"; //this will output "Object id #1"
oci_fetch_array with
echo $row[1]."
echo $row['LOB_FIELD']."
"; //this will output LOB's content
See also oci_fetch_assoc,
oci_fetch_row and