dba_fetch Fetch data specified by key Description stringdba_fetch stringkey resourcehandle stringdba_fetch stringkey intskip resourcehandle dba_fetch fetches the data specified by key from the database specified with handle. Key is the key the data is specified by. Skip is the number of key-value pairs to ignore when using cdb databases. This value is ignored for all other databases which do not support multiple keys with the same name. Handle is a database handle returned by dba_open. dba_fetch returns the associated string or &false;, if the key/data pair is found or not found, respectively. The skip parameter is available since PHP 4.3 to support cdb's capability of multiple keys having the same name. When working with inifiles this function accepts arrays as keys where index 0 is the group and index 1 is the value name. See: dba_key_split. See also dba_exists, dba_delete, dba_insert, dba_replace and dba_key_split.