domxml_open_mem Creates a DOM object of an XML document &reftitle.description; DomDocumentdomxml_open_mem stringstr intmode arrayerror The function parses the XML document in the given string. &reftitle.parameters; str The contents of the XML file. mode This optional parameter can be used to change the behavior of this function. You can use one of the following constants for it: DOMXML_LOAD_PARSING (default), DOMXML_LOAD_VALIDATING or DOMXML_LOAD_RECOVERING. You can add to it also DOMXML_LOAD_DONT_KEEP_BLANKS, DOMXML_LOAD_SUBSTITUTE_ENTITIES and DOMXML_LOAD_COMPLETE_ATTRS by bitwise or. error If used, it will contain the error messages. error must be passed in by reference. &reftitle.returnvalues; Returns a DomDocument instance of the given XML contents. &reftitle.changelog; &Version; &Description; 4.3.0 The mode and error parameters were added. &reftitle.examples; Opening an XML document in a string document_element(); ?> ]]> &reftitle.seealso; domxml_open_file domxml_new_doc