SyncSemaphore::__construct Constructs a new SyncSemaphore object &reftitle.description; public SyncSemaphore::__construct stringname intinitialval1 boolautounlock&true; Constructs a named or unnamed semaphore. &reftitle.parameters; name The name of the semaphore if this is a named semaphore object. If the name already exists, it must be able to be opened by the current user that the process is running as or an exception will be thrown with a meaningless error message. initialval The initial value of the semaphore. This is the number of locks that may be obtained. autounlock Specifies whether or not to automatically unlock the semaphore at the conclusion of the PHP script. If an object is: A named semaphore with an autounlock of &false;, the object is locked, and the PHP script concludes before the object is unlocked, then the underlying semaphore will end up in an inconsistent state. &reftitle.returnvalues; The new SyncSemaphore object. &reftitle.errors; An exception is thrown if the semaphore cannot be created or opened. &reftitle.examples; <function>SyncSemaphore::__construct</function> example lock(3000)) { echo "Unable to lock semaphore."; exit(); } /* ... */ $semaphore->unlock(); ?> ]]> &reftitle.seealso; SyncSemaphore::lock SyncSemaphore::unlock