The SolrDocument class SolrDocument
&reftitle.intro; Represents a Solr document retrieved from a query response.
&reftitle.classsynopsis; SolrDocument final SolrDocument ArrayAccess Iterator Serializable &Constants; const int SolrDocument::SORT_DEFAULT 1 const int SolrDocument::SORT_ASC 1 const int SolrDocument::SORT_DESC 2 const int SolrDocument::SORT_FIELD_NAME 1 const int SolrDocument::SORT_FIELD_VALUE_COUNT 2 const int SolrDocument::SORT_FIELD_BOOST_VALUE 4 &Methods;
&reftitle.constants; SolrDocument::SORT_DEFAULT Default mode for sorting fields within the document. SolrDocument::SORT_ASC Sorts the fields in ascending order SolrDocument::SORT_DESC Sorts the fields in descending order SolrDocument::SORT_FIELD_NAME Sorts the fields by field name. SolrDocument::SORT_FIELD_VALUE_COUNT Sorts the fields by number of values in each field. SolrDocument::SORT_FIELD_BOOST_VALUE Sorts the fields by thier boost values.