SoapHeader::__construct SoapHeader constructor &reftitle.description; SoapHeader::__construct stringnamespace stringname mixeddata boolmustunderstand stringactor Constructs a new SoapHeader object. &reftitle.parameters; namespace The namespace of the SOAP header element. name The name of the SoapHeader object. data A SOAP header's content. It can be a PHP value or a SoapVar object. mustUnderstand Value of the mustUnderstand attribute of the SOAP header element. actor Value of the actor attribute of the SOAP header element. &reftitle.examples; <function>SoapHeader::__construct</function> example "http://localhost/soap.php", 'uri' => "http://test-uri/")); $client->__soapCall("echoVoid", null, null, new SoapHeader('', 'echoMeStringRequest', 'hello world')); ?> ]]> &reftitle.seealso; SoapClient::__soapCall SoapVar::__construct SoapParam::__construct SoapServer::addSoapHeader