ReflectionParameter::__construct Construct &reftitle.description; public ReflectionParameter::__construct stringarrayobjectfunction intstringparam Constructs a ReflectionParameter instance. &reftitle.parameters; function The function to reflect parameters from. param Either an &integer; specifying the position of the parameter (starting with zero), or the parameter name as &string;. &reftitle.returnvalues; &return.void; &reftitle.examples; Using the <classname>ReflectionParameter</classname> class getParameters() as $i => $param) { printf( "-- Parameter #%d: %s {\n". " Class: %s\n". " Allows NULL: %s\n". " Passed to by reference: %s\n". " Is optional?: %s\n". "}\n", $i, // $param->getPosition() can be used $param->getName(), var_export($param->getClass(), 1), var_export($param->allowsNull(), 1), var_export($param->isPassedByReference(), 1), $param->isOptional() ? 'yes' : 'no' ); } ?> ]]> &example.outputs.similar; function foo ] { @@ /Users/philip/cvs/phpdoc/a 2 - 2 - Parameters [3] { Parameter #0 [ $a ] Parameter #1 [ $b ] Parameter #2 [ $c ] } } -- Parameter #0: a { Class: NULL Allows NULL: true Passed to by reference: false Is optional?: no } -- Parameter #1: b { Class: NULL Allows NULL: true Passed to by reference: false Is optional?: no } -- Parameter #2: c { Class: NULL Allows NULL: true Passed to by reference: false Is optional?: no } ]]> &reftitle.seealso; ReflectionFunctionAbstract::getParameters ReflectionFunction::__construct ReflectionMethod::__construct Constructors