MessageFormatter::getPattern msgfmt_get_pattern Get the pattern used by the formatter &reftitle.description; &style.oop; public stringfalseMessageFormatter::getPattern &style.procedural; stringfalsemsgfmt_get_pattern MessageFormatterformatter Get the pattern used by the formatter &reftitle.parameters; formatter The message formatter &reftitle.returnvalues; The pattern string for this message formatter, &return.falseforfailure;. &reftitle.examples; <function>msgfmt_get_pattern</function> example ]]> OO example getPattern() . "'\n"; echo "Formatting result: " . $fmt->format(array(123, 456)) . "\n"; $fmt->setPattern("{0, number} trees hosting {1, number} monkeys" ); echo "New pattern: '" . $fmt->getPattern() . "'\n"; echo "Formatted number: " . $fmt->format(array(123, 456)) . "\n"; ?> ]]> &example.outputs; &reftitle.seealso; msgfmt_create msgfmt_set_pattern