The Vector class Vector
&reftitle.intro; A Vector is a sequence of values in a contiguous buffer that grows and shrinks automatically. It’s the most efficient sequential structure because a value’s index is a direct mapping to its index in the buffer, and the growth factor isn't bound to a specific multiple or exponent.
Strengths Supports array syntax (square brackets). Uses less overall memory than an &array; for the same number of values. Automatically frees allocated memory when its size drops low enough. Capacity does not have to be a power of 2. get, set, push, pop are all O(1).
Weaknesses shift, unshift, insert and remove are all O(n).
&reftitle.classsynopsis; Ds\Vector Ds\Vector Ds\Sequence ArrayAccess Constants const int Ds\Vector::MIN_CAPACITY 10 &Methods;
&reftitle.constants; Ds\Vector::MIN_CAPACITY
&reftitle.changelog; &Version; &Description; PECL ds 1.3.0 The class now implements ArrayAccess.