<reference id="ref.pear">
  <title>PEAR Reference Manual</title>
    This chapter contains reference documentation for PEAR components
    that are distributed with PHP.  It is assumed that you are
    already familiar with <link linkend="language.oop">objects and
  <refentry id="class.pear">
    <refpurpose>PEAR base class</refpurpose>
    <synopsis>require_once "PEAR.php";</synopsis>
    <synopsis>class <replaceable>classname</replaceable> extends <classname>PEAR</classname> { ... }</synopsis>
     The PEAR base class provides standard functionality that is used
     by most PEAR classes.  Normally you never make an instance of the
     PEAR class directly, you use it by subclassing it.
     Its key features are:
       <simpara>request-shutdown object "destructors"</simpara>
       <simpara>error handling</simpara>
     <title>PEAR "destructors"</title>
      If you inherit <classname>PEAR</classname> in a class called
      <replaceable>ClassName</replaceable>, you can define a method in
      it called called _<replaceable>ClassName</replaceable> (the
      class name with an underscore prepended) that will be invoked
      when the request is over.  This is not a destructor in the sense
      that you can "delete" an object and have the destructor called,
      but in the sense that PHP gives you a callback in the object
      when it is done executing.  See <link
      linkend="example.pear.destructors">the example</link> below.
     <title>PEAR Error Handling</title>
      PEAR's base class also provides a way of passing around more
      complex errors than a true/false value or a numeric code.  A
      PEAR error is an object that is either an instance of the class
      <classname>PEAR_Error</classname>, or some class inheriting
      One of the design criteria of PEAR's errors is that it should
      not force a particular type of output on the user, it should be
      possible to handle errors without any output at all if that is
      desireable.  This makes it possible to handle errors gracefully,
      also when your output format is different from HTML (for example
      WML or some other XML format).
      The error object can be configured to do a number of things when
      it is created, such as printing an error message, printing the
      message and exiting, raising an error with PHP's
      <function>trigger_error</function> function, invoke a callback,
      or none of the above.  This is typically specified in
      <classname>PEAR_Error</classname>'s constructor, but all of the
      parameters are optional, and you can set up defaults for errors
      generated from each object based on the
      <classname>PEAR</classname> class.  See the <link
      linkend="example.pear.error1">PEAR error examples</link> for how
      to use it and the <classname>PEAR_Error</classname> reference
      for the full details.
     The example below shows how to use the PEAR's "poor man's kinda
     emulated destructors" to implement a simple class that holds the
     contents of a file, lets you append data to the object and
     flushes the data back to the file at the end of the request:
     <example id="example.pear.destructors">
      <title>PEAR: emulated destructors</title>
      <programlisting role="php">
require_once "PEAR.php";

class FileContainer extends PEAR
    var $file = '';
    var $contents = '';
    var $modified = 0;
    function FileContainer($file)
        $this->PEAR(); // this calls the parent class constructor
        $fp = fopen($file, "r");
        if (!is_resource($fp)) {
        while (!empty($data = fread($fp, 2048))) {
            $this->contents .= $data;

    function append($str)
        $this->contents .= $str;

    // The "destructor" is named like the constructor
    // but with an underscore in front.
    function _FileContainer()
        if ($this->modified) {
            $fp = fopen($this->file, "w");
            if (!is_resource($fp)) {
            fwrite($fp, $this->contents);

$fileobj = new FileContainer("testfile");
$fileobj->append("this ends up at the end of the file\n");

// When the request is done and PHP shuts down, $fileobj's
// "destructor" is called and updates the file on disk.

       PEAR "destructors" use PHP's shutdown callbacks
       (<function>register_shutdown_function</function>), and you
       can't output anything from these when PHP is running in a web
       server.  So anything printed in a "destructor" gets lost except
       when PHP is used in command-line mode.  Bummer.
     The next examples illustrate different ways of using PEAR's error
     handling mechanism.
     <example id="example.pear.error1">
      <title>PEAR error example (1)</title>
      <programlisting role="php">
function mysockopen($host = "localhost", $port = 8090)
    $fp = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr);
    if (!is_resource($fp)) {
        return new PEAR_Error($errstr, $errno);
    return $fp;

$sock = mysockopen();
if (PEAR::isError($sock)) {
    print "mysockopen error: ".$sock->getMessage()."&lt;BR>\n"
     This example shows a wrapper to <function>fsockopen</function>
     that delivers the error code and message (if any) returned by
     fsockopen in a PEAR error object.  Notice that
     <function>PEAR::isError</function> is used to detect whether a
     value is a PEAR error.
     PEAR_Error's mode of operation in this example is simply
     returning the error object and leaving the rest to the user
     (programmer).  This is the default error mode.
     In the next example we're showing how to use default error modes:
     <example id="example.pear.error2">
      <title>PEAR error example (2)</title>
      <programlisting role="php">
class TCP_Socket extends PEAR
    var $sock;

    function TCP_Socket()

    function connect($host, $port)
        $sock = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr);
        if (!is_resource($sock)) {
            return $this->raiseError($errstr, $errno);

$sock = new TCP_Socket;
$sock->connect("localhost", 8090);
print "still alive&lt;BR>\n";
     Here, we set the default error mode to
     <constant>PEAR_ERROR_DIE</constant>, and since we don't specify
     any error mode in the raiseError call (that'd be the third
     parameter), raiseError uses the default error mode and exits if
     fsockopen fails.
  <refentry id="class.pear-error">
    <refpurpose>PEAR error mechanism base class</refpurpose>
    <synopsis>$err = new <classname>PEAR_Error</classname>($msg);</synopsis>
    <title>Error Modes</title>
     An error object has a mode of operation that can be set with one
     of the following constants:
     <variablelist id="pear.error-modes">
      <varlistentry id="constant.pear-error-return">
	 Just return the object, don't do anything special in
	 PEAR_Error's constructor.
      <varlistentry id="constant.pear-error-print">
	 Print the error message in the constructor.  The execution is
	 not interrupted.
      <varlistentry id="constant.pear-error-trigger">
	 Use PHP's <function>trigger_error</function> function to
	 raise an internal error in PHP.  The execution is aborted if
	 you have defined your own PHP error handler or if you set the
	 error severity to E_USER_ERROR.
      <varlistentry id="constant.pear-error-die">
	 Print the error message and exit.  Execution is of course
      <varlistentry id="constant.pear-error-callback">
	 Use a callback function or method to handle errors.
	 Execution is aborted.
      PEAR_Error constructor.  Parameters:
	  error message, defaults to "unknown error"
	  error code (optional)
	  Mode of operation.  See the <link
	  linkend="pear.error-modes">error modes</link> section for
	  If the mode of can have any options specified, use this
	  parameter.  Currently the "trigger" and "callback" modes are
	  the only using the options parameter.  For trigger mode,
	  this parameter is one of <constant>E_USER_NOTICE</constant>,
	  <constant>E_USER_WARNING</constant> or
	  <constant>E_USER_ERROR</constant>.  For callback mode, this
	  parameter should contain either the callback function name
	  (string), or a two-element (object, string) array
	  representing an object and a method name.
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