fdf_set_file Set PDF document to display FDF data in &reftitle.description; boolfdf_set_file resourcefdf_document stringurl stringtarget_frame Selects a different PDF document to display the form results in then the form it originated from. &reftitle.parameters; fdf_document The FDF document handle, returned by fdf_create, fdf_open or fdf_open_string. url Should be given as an absolute URL. target_frame Use this parameter to specify the frame in which the document will be displayed. You can also set the default value for this parameter using fdf_set_target_frame. &reftitle.returnvalues; &return.success; &reftitle.examples; Passing FDF data to a second form ]]> &reftitle.seealso; fdf_get_file fdf_set_target_frame