runkit Functions
The runkit extension provides means to modify constants,
user-defined functions, and user-defined classes.
It also provides for custom superglobal variables
and embeddable sub-interpreters via sandboxing.
This package is meant as a feature added replacement for the
classkit package.
When compiled with the --enable-runkit=classkit
option to ./configure, it will export classkit compatible function definitions
and constants.
Modifying Constants, Functions, Classes, and Methods
works with all releases of PHP4 and PHP5. No special requirements are necessary.
Custom Superglobals are only available in PHP 4.2.0 or later.
Sandboxing requires PHP 5.1.0 or later, or
PHP 5.0.0 with a special TSRM patch applied.
Regardless of which version of PHP is in use it must be compiled with the
--enable-maintainer-zts option.
See the README file in the runkit package for additional information.
Custom Superglobals
The runkit.superglobal ini option may be set to a
comma-separated list of variable names to be treated as superglobals.
This value should be set in the systemwide php.ini file, but may work
in perdir configuration contexts depending on your SAPI.
Custom Superglobals with runkit.superglobal=_FOO,_BAR in php.ini