xdiff_file_patch_binary Alias of xdiff_file_bpatch &reftitle.description; boolxdiff_file_patch_binary stringfile stringpatch stringdest Patches a file with a binary patch and stores the result in a file dest. This function accepts patches created both via xdiff_file_bdiff or xdiff_file_rabdiff functions or their string counterparts. Starting with version 1.5.0 this function is an alias of xdiff_file_bpatch. &reftitle.parameters; file The original file. patch The binary patch file. dest Path of the resulting file. &reftitle.returnvalues; &return.success; &reftitle.examples; <function>xdiff_file_patch_binary</function> example The following code applies binary diff to a file. ]]> &reftitle.notes; Both files (file and patch) will be loaded into memory so ensure that your memory_limit is set high enough. &reftitle.seealso; xdiff_string_patch_binary