openssl_x509_checkpurposeVerifies if a certificate can be used for a particular
Returns &true; if the certificate can be used for the intended purpose,
&false; if it cannot, or -1 on error.
openssl_x509_checkpurpose examines the certificate
specified by x509cert to see if it can be used for
the purpose specified by purpose.
cainfo should be an array of trusted CA files/dirs
as described in Certificate
untrustedfile, if specified,
is the name of a PEM encoded file holding certificates that can be used to
help verify the certificate, although no trust in placed in the
certificates that come from that file.
openssl_x509_checkpurpose purposesConstantDescriptionX509_PURPOSE_SSL_CLIENTCan the certificate be used for the client side of an SSL
connection?X509_PURPOSE_SSL_SERVERCan the certificate be used for the server side of an SSL
connection?X509_PURPOSE_NS_SSL_SERVERCan the cert be used for Netscape SSL server?X509_PURPOSE_SMIME_SIGNCan the cert be used to sign S/MIME email?X509_PURPOSE_SMIME_ENCRYPTCan the cert be used to encrypt S/MIME email?X509_PURPOSE_CRL_SIGNCan the cert be used to sign a certificate revocation list
(CRL)?X509_PURPOSE_ANYCan the cert be used for Any/All purposes?
These options are not bitfields - you may specify one only!
This function was added in 4.0.6.