ps_add_pdflink Adds link to a page in a second pdf document &reftitle.description; boolps_add_pdflink resourcepsdoc floatllx floatlly floaturx floatury stringfilename intpage stringdest Places a hyperlink at the given position pointing to a second pdf document. Clicking on the link will branch to the document at the given page. The first page in a document has number 1. The hyperlink's source position is a rectangle with its lower left corner at (llx, lly) and its upper right corner at (urx, ury). The rectangle has by default a thin blue border. &ps.note.visible; &reftitle.parameters; psdoc Resource identifier of the postscript file as returned by ps_new. llx The x-coordinate of the lower left corner. lly The y-coordinate of the lower left corner. urx The x-coordinate of the upper right corner. ury The y-coordinate of the upper right corner. filename The name of the pdf document to be opened when clicking on this link. page The page number of the destination pdf document dest The parameter dest determines how the document is being viewed. It can be fitpage, fitwidth, fitheight, or fitbbox. &reftitle.returnvalues; &return.success; &reftitle.seealso; ps_add_launchlink ps_add_locallink ps_add_weblink