&reftitle.constants; These constants are used to specify different formats in the constructor for DateType and TimeType. IntlDateFormatter::NONE (string) Do not include this element IntlDateFormatter::FULL (string) Completely specified style (Tuesday, April 12, 1952 AD or 3:30:42pm PST) IntlDateFormatter::LONG (string) Long style (January 12, 1952 or 3:30:32pm) IntlDateFormatter::MEDIUM (string) Medium style (Jan 12, 1952) IntlDateFormatter::SHORT (string) Most abbreviated style, only essential data (12/13/52 or 3:30pm)
The following int constants are used to specify the calendar. These calendars are all based directly on the Gregorian calendar. Non-Gregorian calendars need to be specified in locale. Examples might include locale="hi@calendar=BUDDHIST". IntlDateFormatter::TRADITIONAL (string) Non-Gregorian Calendar IntlDateFormatter::GREGORIAN (string) Gregorian Calendar